Apidexin (Page 3) (Top voted first)


is apidexin safe, what all are side effects of this medicine and does it really helps in inch loss, which one is better apidexin or c9t11

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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I started taking this 3 days ago. The 1st day that I took it I did have a lot of dizziness and felt kinda weird, but the 2nd day I felt fine and didn't have any side effects. I am on my 3rd day now and was kind of leery because it said that it will make you not feel so hungry and help you eat less calories and I did not feel that way. I know it has only been 3 days but I was feeling really discouraged this morning and had an over easy egg and 2 small sausage patties a half hour after I took the pills, along with the detox pills. I just went and weighted myself and I have lost 2.6 Ibs in 3 days! I am so excited! I will finish up my 1st bottle and hope that I lose more weight. I will put an update on here!

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Oh man guys. My Apidexin didn't come with directions so I assumed I was supposed to take 2 pills twice a day. I've been unknowngly taking twice as much as I was supposed to. I'm not jittery though. I've had a crazy amount of energy, felt slightly nauseous, and had minor stomach pain. Nothing too bad though. I'll take the normal dosage from now on. Haha, oops.

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Apidexin is the best product i've ever taken. no nausea, no headache. I'm not hungry at all, and i do get alot of side affects from over products normally. I'm confident i can lose my 25 kilo. Rizzel.

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I started taking Apidexin today, and it's only been a few hours but I don't feel that hungry, but my stomach aches a little. Nothing too bad though. The bottle directions says to take between 1-3 pills before breakfast and lunch. So I took two before breakfast. Rachel said she took two pills twice a day, is that wrong? I understood it as you had the option to take up to 3 pills for breakfast and lunch. Help!

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This is my fifth day of taking Apidexin and I feel almost as if I have the flu. I am very nauseous, dizzy, and shaky to the point where I had to leave work. When I got home I immediately threw the pills away. I am not the type of person to go out of my way to bash a product, but this product is scary and I strongly advise people NOT to take it.

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I started apidein 4 days ago, after just reading the reviews I thought I would step on the scales, I have lost 4lbs in 4 days not bad:-). I have had no side affects apart from having to wee alot, but I have been putting this down to the amount of water I am taking. I will keep updating.

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Hello, started taking apidixin today, I have done a lot of research and read ALOT of reviews so was pretty nervous taking it as some reveiw claim to give u a light headed and sick feeling. So I decided just to take one a day 30mins before breakfast...well, so far so good! I do feel a tiny bit light headed but nothing unbearable! I actually feel alert like I drank a cup a coffee!! Because of the reveiws, I decided to not have a cup of coffe this morn(I wud recommend not to).. I dnt no how it wud affect me in the morn and because I'm going to be at work, I've decided to be on the safe side and not take it incase il feel a bit differently this eve! But so far so good!! One thing I must say, Im weeing alot!! Xx good luck peeps!!

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I have restless leg syndrome and a dr gave me meds for it and it made me feel like I was having a heart attack,sweaty and chills, numb etc I think I was allergic to it and I think some people are allergic to Alpidexin..

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I started apidexin yesterday along with the 7 day detox. Not sure if I should do these together but I have been sick to my stomach and puking since yesterday.

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Is it safe to take plaquenil with apidexin

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LOL Ativan is terrible for your brain, it's addicting and your brain will rely on it! hahah your doctor screwed you!! xD Less than 2 cups of natural black coffee is in one of those pills. I would hate to be you or your doctor... i don't know which is dumber.

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Any updates from former consumers?

I have just bought this product from Amazon, the only store that can send it to my country. I bought it soon after reading the reviews on amazon (here is the review page in case you want to read them as well. amzn.to/tJ6d8y ...in short link to not clutter this post with ugly url).

Then I found this forum and read various results from different people. Since I already bought the product, my concern won't be the effectiveness anymore, I'll find out later once the product delivered. But, does it save? Is there any risks involved here?

Thank you.


PS: Sorry for my English, I'm from Asia

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Well its me again! I've stopped taking apidexn ages ago! What a load of crap and a waste of money! I only took one a day but it started to give me a little bit of the shakes as if it was cus i haven't eaten or got low sugar in me so therefore i ate more cus it made me feel like i was hungry too! And i can't have the shakes at work being a hairdresser! Do not waste ur money! Save it and pay for a good ole gym and take only salad and healthy snacks into work! I've learnt now tht the old way is the best way! Xx

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To me it dnt work ben on it for 9dys.stil gt hungry and no diffrence in energy..another scam.

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You must be hella fat then apidexin is number one yur the first to say that. Work out or some don't b lazy

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I've been on Apidexin for 2 days now. First day I took it with the DetoxuFREE72 in the morning and lunch, I didn't feel hungry all day. But I couldn't fall asleep at night.

Today is my 2nd day and I took only the Apidexin two pills and I felt fine I ate my breakfast then about 30min after I started to get jittery, my heart started beating/ raising faster, I had a slight headache not bad though, and got really sleepy maybe cause I didn't sleep at night...
I weighted myself and in 2 days I've lost 3.5 lbs. I'll take them for the rest of the week and see if I lose more. Hopefully my body get's used to these pills cause I feel like crap today...

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I like you have not felt anything...My question is, since I have not had any side effects whatsoever...is it working?....I have been keeping a journal of my calorie intake...and exercising every night but I still am hungry and I honestly don't feel any different as far as energy...Any suggestions would be great...

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I took this pill with normal healthy 3 meals a day, a bottle of water, and some exercise in the morning.

Since the first day, I felt EXTREMELY jittery and restless. It was pure hell, it felt like I was on a bad drug and I couldn't sober up. My stomach felt nauseous and awful, and when I forced myself to eat because I felt so weak, I dry-heaved and gagged for hours. It literally felt like I was dying. This is a horrible diet pill, I threw them ALL out.

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This is my second day on Apidexin. Quick stats on me are I'm a teenager, 5'8", 120-125 lbs (it varies a ton, especially now that I'm offseason as an athlete losing muscle mass but gain it back after working out for a few days)... Anyways this is my second day on Apidexin. I am extremely nauseous and dizzy and I do feel very foggy mentally. I am in school so when I feel foggy- I notice it, fast. Anyways I am going to continue taking it for a few days... see if the side effects subside. I suggest you do the same but if still feeling bad after about a week then STOP.

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I been taking apidexin for three days now but i notice it doesn't cure my appetite. how long i have to take these pills to see a difference.

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