Amox Clav Complications.
UpdatedTook Amox Clav for a mild ear infection. Had a 7 day dose. Tongue started hurting. Started to look white and hairy. I had no energy. My eyes starting burning. No major digestive problems. Could not take it more than 3 days. Concerned I should have never been given the antibiotic for mild ear infection. Concerned I messed myself up. Feel better after stoping the medicine....just hope I didn't buildup a tolerance. Any responses? Thank you!
3 Replies
Also received some sort of steroid shot. :/
Hello, Al! How are you feeling?
No, it can be used for such infections, however, there is always the risk of experiencing side effects. That's just how medications work. The issue with your tongue might have been the start of oral thrush, which is a yeast infection and antibiotics are well known to cause them.
Have you consulted your doctor about the issue?
Thank you for the response. I feel better since stopping the Amox-Clav. This is the 2nd time I have had a bad expierence with antibiotics. I went to my doctor today. He really didn't check me out. He just stated I am going to have to stick w/ decongestants and antihestimimes when I am sick. I said yes sir. He didn't seem overtly worried about the side effects. "Hey doc, I got depressed, no energy, couldn't move for two days...oh, and my tongue really hurt." He told me to take Zyrtec for a couple of days and I would be fine. Went back to work today. Some of the anxiety and letharga was still present. Eyes are still irritated. Still hoping major damage was done. Tomorrow is a new day and maybe I'll feel a little better. Thank you again for you response.
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