Altosec Tablets Uses (Page 2) (Top voted first)


What are altosec tablets used for?

29 Replies (2 Pages)

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I am on a one month course of Altosec - prescribed by my general practitioner - for gastritis (an inflamed stomach). Previously it has been prescribed to me for acid reflux which often causes heartburn as a side effect, so people suffering from frequent heartburn may also use it (as I see some people have posted.)

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My mums ulcer bursted a few years back can it happen again, she is taking cemetedine now

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Hi, I get anxiety from stressful situations and I can feel it in my stomach. Will altosec help? Thanks.

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Best results 30min before food. It works by preventing acid buildup.

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Please advise if I can take 2 Altosec-20 per day? For now I am using 1 capsule a day for stomach acid.

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My mother was prescribed Altosec in Cape Town, South Africa earlier this year because she has a sensitive stomach and often gets gastro-esophagal reflux. it has worked unbelievably well for her. i have some information which i hope will help you.

ALTOSEC – 20MG (take after meals)

Dark & light pink capsule with 20 printed in black on the light pink area and OAM printed in the dark pink area. The A is printed above the O & M in a triangle shape.

Altosec is a foreign (South African) brand name for Omeprazole, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name Prilosec.

This is used to prevent heartburn and gastro-esophagal reflux.

The most common side effects include headache, nausea and other conditions.

Unfortunately, since this isn't something available in the U.S., finding information on it is extremely difficult.

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what are altosec tablets used for

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HI I suffer from Gerd & use Altosec I want to if any that has GERD please let me know if you get a pain in your chest

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can this drug be used for stress related issues??

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