Alprazolam 1mg- Green S902 Vs. Blue 605. Which Is Better? (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Been taking oval green 2x's a day for couple months. Now the pharm sent me blue oval 605, is there a diference in effectiveness? Also, are they ir, er, ect? And how could I tell? I looked everywhere.

141 Replies (8 Pages)

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You will get bad anxiety if you use xanax to come of pills. I speak of experience but then you can ween off the xanax.

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yes the withdrawal cure for getting clean the quickest would be combing cannabinoid thc with benzos and sub prefect to get and stay clean within just few days always been my remedy

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Re: Bryant (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

They ain’t no different than coming off methadone. Ones as bad as other talking from experience

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can you tell me how much you paid for 120 tablets and do you need a prescription

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I have tried the 1mg blue pill and don't remember a lot that has happened at times. I changed pharmacists and they provide the green footballs s902 and i do not get the same effect at all. I kept increasing by .5mg and I'm up to 3mg and I barely feel a tiny bit mellow. In a way, it's better because the blue pill made me do strange things that I did not remember, like start a facebook account for no reason. The green footballs allow me to perform, but I would require another one to get to where I want to be. I used to be mellow within 30 minutes. It's been about an hour and I can probably do my taxes or clean the garage with the green footballs.

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Re: Velone (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

Hi does anyone know of a doctor I can see in Clarksville Tennessee to get a prescription of Klonopin or Xanax?

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It will help but will make to sick from benzo withdrawal witch is more comfy but more dangerous cause of sezuirs so if u do it at low levels ud b fine opiates are way harder to quit

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That's what got me off H after years so I say yea

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For opiate detox they normally give u librium (which works wonders for withdrawaling from opiates. It is a benzo as well. They typically give u this for 3 days only to avoid dependency being that the first 3 days are the worse.) Another helpful drug for opiate withdrawal is trazadone 100mg+ for sleep and clonidine 0.1mg for blood pressure but be careful with the clonidine though, u need to monitor ur blood pressure while using this to avoid super low blood pressure which could cause u to faint.

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As a chemical specialist subs one coming out now is actually more addictive and less effective than methadone just a professional P o v

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If you are a heavy user screw subs get low dose methadone cause it helps with cravings where subs do not

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blues are way better bro. i.r.!

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Yes it will! don't listen to any of these people I've done this before coming off pain pills taking Xanax helps big time. Having said that it does help combining it with suboxone or something

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No, the Xanax will not help with opioid withdrawl symptoms. You may want to try Suboxone, Methadone or Ultram (a.k.a. Tramadol)

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Withdrawal from benzos is just as bad as withdrawing from opiates.... maybe even worse under certain circumstances. Either way ur trading one addiction for another. Good luck with your fight. Its a everyday struggle, but can be done!

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I get so frustrated when people think they are addicts when they aren't. Society has done this to people. An addict (pill addict) is someone who misuses the medication by taking excessive amounts, or the route of administration is different than prescribed. I could go into what further makes and addict but I'm not at the moment. You, me, and everyone else who takes their medications as prescribed for legitimate reasons benzodiazepines or opiates have a physical dependence. You are dependent not addicted and there's a big difference. So if anyone tries to say your addicted stop them and explain your dependent!

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Why switch from another pill to another do some shrooms or dmt might fix you right up

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THE GREEN ONE'S ARE TERRIBLE AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK. The blue generic or brand name (as long as they are blue shaped like a football) have a soothing slow, methodic benzo type feeling. The green one's crash land and make you feel terrible. GREEN = AWFUL.

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I got the Dava (s902) brand alprazolam 1 mg last night and they only made me tired and gave me a headache and didn't help with my anxiety. I'm supposed to take it 3 times a day. If I call the pharmacy and tell them I can't take it can they order a different manufacturer on a Saturday like today?

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All generics have the same ingredients. U guys arr nuts

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