Alprazolam 1mg- Green S902 Vs. Blue 605. Which Is Better? (Page 2)
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Been taking oval green 2x's a day for couple months. Now the pharm sent me blue oval 605, is there a diference in effectiveness? Also, are they ir, er, ect? And how could I tell? I looked everywhere.
Have been on subs for 11 years now. Used subs to get off methadone clinic after 10 years. Also take Xanax for about 28 yrs. I thought coming off 100 mg methadone & 2 mg xanax was hell. I hallucinated and was delusional for idk how long. I was in a jail lockdown cell that i asked to be put in when i felt my mind going. This was like the 5th time i had to do time but the last time was the only time i lost my mind. Well i got myself locked up again in 2015 and coming off subs & xanax was another version of hell. No hallucinations but i hurt and i think if i couldve found a way i would have killed myself. Was locked up 7 months. Still felt terrible when i was released but the first 2 months were unbearable. The depression and anxiety are still with me now but not like in jail. If i had it my way i would rather have 20 mg methadone & 1 mg xanax at bedtime than 24 mg sub & 1 mg 4 times daily like im on now. I think maybe i just switched from 1 demon to another.
THE GREEN ONE'S ARE TERRIBLE AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK. The blue generic or brand name (as long as they are blue shaped like a football) have a soothing slow, methodic benzo type feeling. The green one's crash land and make you feel terrible. GREEN = AWFUL.
Yes that r all different depending on manufacturer
Awesome story! Subutex is amazing. I just hate that many believe the only solution for addiction in NA!
They helped me ALOT .... as long as you do not have a hi tolerance to them already!! But you will still withdraw of course .... just makes it easier! That my experience ...... but if I were you try to get on suboxone
They can help the anxiety part of coming off opiates. For me, they do help put my mind at ease while I'm decreasing on my methadone. I've gone from 120mg of methadone after being addicted to roxy contin for 13 years then started the methadone clinic 8 years ago and I've come down to just 25 mg of methadone (I've come down VERY slowly) but my psych prescribed valium and klonopin and clonadine (sp?) And it helps TREMENDOUSLY. also, Buspar helps with opiate withdrawal and also treats anxiety! Hope that helps
The green s 902 r waaay better. I can take 1 of these they r instant & they go all day. Verses I wld take a blue one & I'd HV to take 3 a day. The regular blues suck compared to the mint green ones. I didn't have a tolerance even when I took the blues & thyd feel a small blip like umm did it work thn I'd HV to take #3 throughout the day. These mint green ones take away my anxiety/anxiety attacks very well. You know their working. I get horrible anxiety & HV PTSD. So the kind I get is important. The greens r 3x better.
Takes the edge off... not as irratiable and can sleep a little at a time
I hear ya, I'm 19 years old and have been on pain meds for over 5 years, and I have a life and job and what not. But I really need to stop myself in my tracks cuz it's real unhealthy and when I go through withdrawal I'm not the same person, and no one would believe what I've been putting myself though too. It's a real habit of a cocktail of 30mg ox, and 100mg morps, and then 1mg z's. And more. Real sad and I haven't tried subxone yet. But I might the next time I'm expecting withdrawal to take over.
for sleep problem - in addition to other things - check your glucose level if not able to sleep or / more anxiety or/ excited-ness / too fresh at night - generally if>150 sleep problem become serious - do not feel tired at night - so take small dose of insulin - but closely watch sugar level- twice- thrice a day
I've been addicted to opioids for 8 plus years now, off and on the needle. I'm 28 years old and I've tried everything u can think of u guys and we all know that when ur ready to quite u will go threw wanting to feel high or well, whatever then u go threw wanting to stay clean and f*** the bulls***. U have to want it ur self, u know what I mean. Ok back to subs. I got off opioids for about a week and a half and I had a support group to withdraw with so that helps. Having ppl around to kick with u so after the 1st day I really went threw it but then the next I started taking subs, but 1st I took two subutex which didn't do s*** cuz I had so much opioids in my body but the I took the strips of eight mg subs and I had 12 mg but when I was forced to get off them cuz I ran out and like a day later cuz subs take awhile to wear off u know. Already I went into withdraw again so I really kicked twice and now I'm going threw it again but what will help if I take some pills to reduce this god awful kick. But I totally agree the only way is cold turkey. Thank you guys.
It will help you rest during your withdraws. Pain pill withdraws are one of the worst. The first time I did it I didn't have anything to help me relax. The second time I came off pain pills I had Xanax and it made a big difference. I still had withdraws but I could handle them a lot better.
I wanted to tell the truth about weinig off oxycodone in assistance with Xanax. The problem that will come with Xanax is abouse, more than 5 6 days 3 4 times a day. And break in halfs for thext couple days. No more taking Xanax. Than you've made it through the physical part
Have fun getting off the suboxone. Lol. If u thought any opiate was bad, including H, ur in for a vey very rude awakening. It's at least 20x more uncomfortable than kicking H, not to mention it lasts like over a money depending how long you've been on the suboxone
WELL do not depend on one single tranquiler - one Indian HERBAL[ BREN-KAM BY SHARANGDHAR/ PUNE / MAHARSHTRA - WITHOUT ANY POSSIBILITY of habit forming or withdrawal symptoms - ARE MILD can reduce BP / HELP sound SLEEP / AND ACT MILD TRANQUILIZER- - I AM NOT DOCTOR but have good experience of theses safe tablets - you can try 1-1-1 initially or 2-2-2 depending on intensity - genrally almost no reaction
They are instant release tablets. All Xanax are in except the 3mg ER.
I believe you. Quitting opiates was the hardest thing I've ever tried to do.. Suboxone saved my life. I can't believe it is so restricted. I hope people who are thinking about quitting pain pills read your post, because I know what a difference it has made for my life.
No they will not help you get off pain pills they will actually make you want to do more pain pills at least that's how they do me and everyone I know who has ever tried to get off pain pills by using Xanax
Yes it helps it eases your mind and my biggest problem coming off Em was having them on my mind constantly freaking myself out raising my blood pressure panic attacks all of it still want Em but the panic feeling is gone trees help to lmao better actually
Why switch from another pill to another do some shrooms or dmt might fix you right up
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