Advice Starting Suboxone, ?s (Page 3)
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I am about to start Suboxone for the second time. The first time I didn't follow the rules and began taking it before I was in withdrawals. It was awful. I want to do it right this time. They say wait until you are at least in mild withdrawals. That is different for everyone. I am terrified of taking it too early. I am snorting heroin daily. I have weened myself off to just three lines per day. The dope I get isn't good either. My question is do I need to wait until I am a complete mess? Can I start taking it when I just start feeling anxious and restless? Should I be puking. Anyone with advice or personal experience please respond. I have to get it right this time. I have complete faith in this drug. Thanks!

52 Replies (3 Pages)

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Patrick, the best advise I could give you about when to start would be from my own use of suboxone. I took my last dose of percs at noon and did on 3 10/325 when I would usually do 6. I then did no more and took an ambien to fall asleep. I woke up at around 5am in mild with-draw and began my first dose. This worked very well for me but as all have said in here, each person reacts different. Either way I wish you well on your recovery as it is a battle with or with out the subs. One day at a time. I also went on for only two weeks as I did not want to sub one drug for another. If you ween down on the second week you should be good to come off like I did. Again good luck and may the lord be with you.

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I just recently went through the worst withdrawals from taking Subs too early. I only took a quarter of an 8mg sub after not snorting any H or OC for about 16 hours. I felt bad that's why I took the sub but it only made it 10 times worse. I had leg cramps, my mind was racing out of control, it was terrible. After abut 4 or 5 hours I took another quarter and it still just got worse with no relief. I felt relief only while it was under my tongue. It seemed like once it was all the way dissolved it kicked in the withdrawals worse. I ended up giving in and blowing some H. I'm trying to get on the subs so I'm going to give it a try again. I'm so worried about it being so bad again though. I don't know how much longer I have to wait and how much worse it has to be. I can't even explain how awful it was. I seriously thought I was going to die. I wondering if I just didn't take enough of the suboxone initially. Any suggestions?

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To Patrick:
I've been on Suboxone for around 2 years ow and it has changed my life. I know that sounds corny but it's true. I am not spending all of my money o drugs ad I'm a completely different person. My family trusts me again and I'm not constantly calling in sick due to withdrawal. I started o 4 8 MG tablets a day (Don't know how I got him to agree to that high an amount) and am down to 1/4 of a tablet a day now.
When I started I just waited overnight so 12 hours sounds sufficient. Especially with such a fast withdrawal period as heroine. The drug is expensive and that's part of the reason I am on such a low dose now but I am not unhappy about it. I spend $20 every 12 days which is a lot better than possibly $100 or more in one day.
Do it right and you should enjoy the new freedom you get.

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i should probably add that my father was a heroin addict and used methadone n all the bullsh*t and used that to ween off for 17 years. I belive suboxin would have saved his life and saved me plently of nights with him and his horrific withdrawals. I know I came off a bit DrPhil earlier but I belive it is important to say. and anyone wo could stop cold turkey without meds or a emergency hospital visit wasnt truly physically addicted. in your case you should have definatly used suboxin because you woldnt have needed it for more than a day or two. I want to also send all my best wishes to those in recovery and if you could, like i said above, find other things to make you feel good. Hell, go on a F***in crazy rollercoaster or have some amazing sex, or spend time with your favorite people, especially kids. ha kids always make me feel good, reminds you of the stuff that really matters

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I would not consider myself an addict but friend and supporter to many recovering. A friend of mine was staying with me to get clean and I introduced her to cymboxin which i began taking 1 every 2 days to get rid of my body's physically strong desire to use oxycontin after a short 3 week binge. I have chronic back pain and just hours after an oxy high I would be in a Lot of pain, not sick like withdrawal, but unable to walk comfortably at all. The cymboxin does in fact make you less likely to get as high from the same amount of opiats, However, after you no longer want opiats(full recovery) the slight addiction you have to cymoxin is not in any way physical like opiats are. The addictive personality however of the (former) opiat addict continues use of cymboxin as a pickmeup. after recovery, my friend still took them but less n less. now she may take a half or even a quarter to feel better n general even tho she has no desire for opiat use. i believe there is a big difference in desire and addiction that many blur. EVERYONE wants to feel energetic n painfree. the addiction comes from the strong opiat high we chase which then becomes physically addictive and the mental addiction can only TRULY change when we change and find different ways o feel more energetic and pain free. by treating our bodys better in everyday life afterall the reason people tak suboxin is because we dont WANT the opiats anymore but we feel our body needs them for lack of knowing another way to feel that good n u will nevver feel THAT type of high naturally, but there are better highs, not stronger but better because you are no longer a slave to opiats

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of course anyone could withdraw cold turkey if they really wanted to teach themselves a lesson, but I'll tell you this much: if you're not truly ready to stop then it doesn't matter how many times you put yourself through the torture of a cold turkey withdrawal. I simply don't see the point in putting your body through that stress, cause even though opiate withdrawal isn't considered to be a medical emergency such as alcohol or benzos, you can still f*** your body up. Moreover, I certainly wouldn't consider suboxone to be an addictive drug. Apparently suboxone can get you f****d up if you're a real fesh f****n baby in the game! But I'll tell you I'm a far cry from that possibilty. I've taken it right up to the ceiling before it puts you into precipitated withdrawal just for s*** and giggles, and nothing! Also, for the dude who was snorting a bindle a day....yeah, that's a good amount of dope and you probably felt some pain comin of that cold turkey, but trust me when I tell you this: if you were bangin a bundle a day and came off the way you did, then I guarantee you would feel very differently about what you wrote! That's like comparing jerkin off to a blow job from a perfect ten model! Alright people, I'm done venting my boredom on this forum just cause I've got s*** else to do! I'll leave you guys to it! Peace!

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you don't need suboxone. I kicked snorting a BUNDLE a day COLD ! Sure it's rough for a few days, but the memory of that horror keeps me from going back !!! Suboxone just another addicting drug making the pharmaceutical co.'s rich !

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Verwon....You need help, really you do! Somewhere along the line narcissism took over in your life, and you believe yourself, or what 90% of pain management doctors are telling you, which they themselves are completely out of touch of the reality of addiction, and what their patients are going through. Most real addicts are just rats or mice in the eyes of most physicians......they tend to be very tunnel visioned in their therapy or approach, losing site(if they ever had it) of the bigger picture.

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Here's my take on the whole situation. First off, I'm an IV heroin addict. I've been on and off suboxone periodically and never had a problem with it. The worst experience I ever encountered was before I knew suboxone could throw you into withdrawal if taken too early and took an 8 mg dose under the tongue first thing in the morning after having shot dope 3 or 4 times the day and night before. Approximately 30 min later my body got very achey and I didn't feel too hot. However, it certainly was no worse than a real withdrawal and by no means as bad as doctors and others have prophesized to me in the past. I didn't have any other symptoms, just the aches. And yes, my habit was to the point to where coming off cold turkey would leave me terribly ill, with the full gambit of symptoms including vomitting and cold sweats and all that good stuff. So, my point is that you there's no need to be overly apprehensive about when to take suboxone. General rule of thumb is it works best if you wait until your opiate receptors are pretty much empty. For different people that time frame is different, depending on how often you use and what kind of opiate you're using, I find it best to wait until I have those goosebump things where your skin feels leathery and you start getting goosebumps, but before the point of vomitting. When taken at that point you can really tell how good it works and you'll even get bit euphoric because of how much better you feel! I also find that suboxone gives me the energy back that heroin so insiduously rips out from right underneath you! Good luck

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Thanks for the help. Yes I am using a Dr. I followed his advice the first time and it failed miserably. Basically he said as long as I waited twelve hours I would be ok. I know the risks of Sub. addiction. I was sober for six years and fell back into trouble after a severe accident. I am not as naive as my original post may make me sound. I am aware of my mistakes, risks, and the viscous circle created by opiates. Cocopuffs thank you for the specifics about your experience. That is exactly what I am looking for. Because I didn't get great advice from my doctor (I know everyone is different and I do not blame him) I want to hear about others' experiences starting Suboxone. Please everyone who can comment on this subject please do so. What was your habit, how long did you wait, how much sub did you take, and what were the results? These forums are great tools. They can motivate and help junkies. Thanks to everyone who participates. Good luck with your own situations.

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you have to be in full blown withdrawl for it to work. if u take it too soon you will get very sick. sicker than withdrawls. the dr. said wait 2 days and the pharmacist said 12 hr. i tried the 12hrs and felt 100 % better.. i hope u realize that this drug is addictive too and that u will need to ween off them too which is not as easy as it sounds. they want u to stay on subs for ever. i think that the dr.s get a huge kickback for keeping us all drugged up in this great U.S of A....also, if u try and quit the subs and go back on opiates, its not true what they say about the drugs feeling stronger and that u need way less to feel the effects...its the other way around...u dont feel them and need to jack the pills way up to get a buzz. if u take any drugs while on subs u will be very ill. good luck in whatever u choose.

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Are you not consulting with a doctor on this, so they can instruct you on when you should take it?

Most will have you take it at set times to prevent symptoms. If you are trying to do this on your own, you may end up in a very dangerous situation.

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