Addiction To 75ml Methadone Daily For 22years And Other Drugs Dont No How To Begin
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I am a 42year old male my first drug was at 15 years old it was hash/ever since I was 5years old I suffered from very severe migraines they where so bad I would bang my head full force off the wall to try and number the pain on top of that I would take about 10 or more admits pain killers my migraines can. Last up to 3to4 days I would take fits bright lights would bring the migraines on up to 3 or more a week when I agent to the doctor he put me on dhydracodeine 5mg they worked but he would never give me enough of them to be able to fit in to society eventually I ended up taking any drug I could get my hands on I mean any drug as the pain is so bad now my doctor is not treating me for what I agent to see him about 20years ago now he treats me as a drug addict no 20 years later I am still in the same position except with an drug addiction I have also tryed glue/gas for years I don't no where to get the help I need ....THANK YOU..Stewart Anderson..
5 Replies
You need to find a neurologist that specializes in migraine head aches. It sounds unusual to have such severe head aches as a child. Here's what to do about the drug abuse craziness. Just say yes and don't try to deny it. They all want to fix that aspect first and won't let it go. Denial is impossible even so for 80 year old grandma's that take Vicodin after a surgery they are calling addicts so I've found let the addict label roll off your shoulders and just go with the flow. I would just say yeah you are right so what about my migraine headaches? Please send me to a specialist. Pain, depression, all of these maladies have substance abuse or self medicating as a co-morbidity . I've tried to tell them the truth until I'm blue in the face and it's so much easier to do what YOU want to do and have them do their job regarding the issue YOU want focused on. Good luck. Do stay clean if it is an issue. that really clears a way to figure out the migraine triggers. Rob
Dear Stewart, I'm so sorry 2 hear about your situation. My aunt has suffered from migraines for many years now. She went through a bunch of tests 2. They couldn't find anything and just diagnosed her with migraines. She use 2 take pain meds, but, she didn't like the feeling they gave her. But, I do know that they have meds out there specifically 4 migraines. My aunt has tried a couple and what has helped her is Topamax. She also takes Excedrin migraine with it. Have u ever tried that? If not. Talk 2 a Dr about the Topamax. And Excedrin migraine is over the counter. Let me know how u make out. Good Luck! Hope u feel better.
I know your pain only too well matey, suffered myself for so long, similar age and story too. Please try taking Moringa herbal supplement, just give it a go as you have nothing to loose and i think this is what stopped my severe migraines. Also try Sutherlandia (African Cancer Bush) those 2 things can work wonders. If you've not tried any other vitamin supplements please try a combination of Vitamin B12, Q10 Co-Enzyme, Magnesium. (i think vitamin B2 is another you can add into this one) but these 3 have shown to be successful for some migraine suffers and are one of the only proven things which can work. I tried everything and i continue to take trypans for my severe headaches, the ones where u feel like your about to die, those ones! i take Zolmitryptan and find this works so much better than Sumitriptan so if you have not already tried you must give it a go, this is for when u get the headache and feel it coming.
As a preventative medication which you can take daily there was only one out of many i tried which ever worked but it comes with some bad side effects unfortunately, at least for me and this drug is "Topamax" (Topiramate), it's also used for people with bi-polar but it works wonders with migraines as it stops the signals which cause the migraine. My problem was that my doctors kept trying to double the dose every few weeks which i found odd, i klept asking them why are you putting me up all the time? they said that they needed to find an optimum dose and i replied to them "how will you ever find an optimum dose if you don;t ask me how i am getting on!!" thats how my doctors are... the tablets worked and greatly reduced my headaches and most of all the severity of them, the pain but i became aware that my life was no in the hands of this drug called Topamax which gave me the worst short term memory loss ever, i felt like they say" as thick as a box of rocks" i honestly did, they zombify you almost, just make you slow but you have to decide it's either than or migraine pain. These tabs are not supposed to be addictive yet when i tried to reduce my dose i discovered i had a new headache i had never experienced previous to taking the topamax, i call them Topamax headaches and can spot them a mile off, not quite as intense as a migraine but they last for 3-4days at a time and i get one every-time i try to cut down my tabs, even by a tiny amount, it's taken me a whole year to get down to 3/4ths of a tab 2x a day, i feel the smallest of cut downs, i decided i had to get off them as i felt they ruined my life so please don't take this medication likely but if your really suffering this maybe your way out.
They have also developed a new headset which you wear on you head which works via magnetic waves which is now available on the UK NHS so i heard last week, i don;t know anymore about this but it's new tech.
Other alternatives are to have your nerve cut which can help get rid of the headaches, all depends on what kind you have etc.... but you can have over medication use headaches caused by opiate based medication so if you doc is giving you opiate based stuff to treat your pain then this in itself will likely lead to more headaches, try to avoid opiates for headaches.
It may sound crazy but try Acupuncture, i have met so many people now whose lifes where freed of migraines after getting acupuncture, you may have a trapped nerve or just need some blood cells stimulating via acupuncture to free up the flow.
Good luck....
Thank you for giving me some help on my problem Ihave been and had every test you can get at hospital and iI know my doctor won't try and help me the way you said I should go..If I even try another doctor I might not be treated any better thank you very much with you're help if you could maybe help me any more please get back to me I would like to say that the pain I go through has stopped me from ever having a job and I am aged 42 thanks for listening to my problems thanks.....
Hello, Stewart! How are you feeling? I am so sorry about the problems you've been having, that's just awful, no one should have to suffer like that.
I have to say, if your doctor really isn't helping you and taking your migraines seriously, then it may just be time for you to switch doctors. I know it may not be easy there, but there has to be something you can do to see someone else.
I also think Suboxone is available there and while it is used to treat drug addiction, it does contain a very potent narcotic, Buprenorphine, so it can also help with pain.
Learn more Suboxone details here.
It is a narcotic, so it has the potential to be addictive and habit forming itself, but if used properly by a doctor that's trained to treat with it, it could help you with both problems.
Have there ever been tests done to see what's causing your migraines?
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