A333 Actavis Generic Oxycodone Problem
UpdatedI received the Actavis brand of oxycodone for 3 months until I almost had a meltdown. I had all the symptoms mentioned above, along with severe depression and anxiety. I was starting to think I had possibly built a resistance to the drug and that is why it was not working anymore. I have 2 elementary age children and I am Mr. Mom. With 4 bulging disk in my lower back I have bone rubbing on bone and am in pain 24/7.
I finally went from pharmacy to pharmacy and showed them my physical prescription for oxcodone 10/325, explained the side effects I had with Actavis brand and told the pharmacist that I would switch all my scripts/business to their pharmacy if they had a generic oxycodone that was not Actavis and worked! It was not easy and took several stops., however in the end I am happy to report that Sams Club won and I receive my May 2014 refill of oxycodone with the numbers/letters IP204 stamped on the oblong white tablets. They work again and after my body got the Actavis all out, I started to get pain relief again and up and moving around to my daily Mr. Mom duties again. It was soo hard those two month as when my children would ask me even the simplest of request... being in unbearable pain I would just lay in bed and tell them daddy is in pain and needs to rest for a little longer. I want to live an active life and Actavis took two months of my life away. I will gladly join a legal suit against this greedy pharmaceutical company that choose money over patients health and wellbeing. Don't give up tell your pharmacy, demand another brand name or take all your business elsewhere. Eventually Actavis will have to settle lawsuits to return the profit they made from a very bad decision to market this corrupt formula they call oxycodone.
6 Replies
Capecoraldad - glad you found something that works for you. What manufacturer does Sams Cllub carry? You didn't say I am having trouble filling my percocet and don't want actavis as it almost had me in the ER. Any info would be appreciated.
Please sign my petition: change.org/p/actavis-pharmaceutical-stop-selling-oxycodone-as-placebo-pills-to-chronic-pain-sufferers-we-have-been-made-aware-of-the-takeover-of-watson-pharmaceutical-stop-lining-the-pockets-of-actavis-pharmaceutical
Can you provide more details? Where you went, and which brand you switched to.
I just recently got a prescription filled at Walgreens pharmacy for 10/325 oxycodone/acetaminophen by Actavis and was wondering why it did nothing for my shoulder pain after rotator cuff surgery. All it does is knock me out for about 5 hours, but i wake up in extreme pain and after i take another one, it just makes me sleepy again! I don't want to sleep all damn day, cuz i'm suppose to take 1 every 6 hours for pain, but that's whats been happening. If i don't take it, the pain is just unbearable, so now i'm just sleeping all day for the last 3 days. When i was on watson's norcos for pain, those were really good and didn't make me sleep all day, they really worked to control the pain, then they switched the yellow norcos on me and gave me some white pills made by actavis that weren't any good at all. I complained to everybody and they all told me the only change they made was not adding the yellow coloring to the pills, but i know that was bulls***, because i got no relief from the new pills at all! So this time my Dr. recommended this oxycodone/acetaminophen 10/325 which is just as bad, i don't feel any pain relief from these pills while i'm awake, it just keeps putting me to sleep, is that what they now call pain management? Just putting you to sleep? I don't care what any of them says, something was changed from the original formula if i'm no longer getting any kind of pain relief from these pills, other than when i'm asleep & i don't like to be asleep all damn day!!! So now, my dr. says to take 800 mg ibuprofen along with my generic percocet & it does seem to work a lil bit better, but not much! I'm gonna complain again to the dr. monday morning and see what he says this time, so to anybody who wants to tell me the formulas weren't changed, you're out of your damn mind, because i still have some of the yellow watsons, and the difference is like night and day, there's a big difference, the yellow ones work, and the white ones don't! They say they don't make the yellow ones no more? Then why is Kaiser hospital still prescribing the yellow norcos? My friend still gets 200 yellow norcos a month made by watson, every month for his chronic back pain, and i also know other co workers who also gets the yellow norcos made by watson from kaiser. I'm now with blue cross, but as soon as open enrollment comes, i'm gonna switch to kaiser myself, since my current doctors are not listening to me. I mean why are all the Dr.'s and pharmacies lying about this?? They can't really be all that clueless since all the complaints! They all must think we are really stupid and can't tell the difference, i don't even take these pills long term, so tolerance is not a issue, but for those 2 weeks after surgery, i do need pain relief and what they've been giving me just ain't working!
Just had major back surgery and was prescribed the A333 generic oxycodone 10mg to take at the same time as a 20mg dose, every 4hrs, and feel nothing from these. I need some help. What can I do?
I will gladly join this is not right!!! There playing with our lives here ppl!!
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