A Pill With A333
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I went to CVS got mine filled on Feb 18 2014 it was also the Actavis brand Oxycodone and I have taking different brands before and never had this feeling. I am having really high blood pressure, chest pain, my left arms feels asleep, my left leg as well,plus I get this pain down my left leg. I get them filled on the 18th and only takin 11 of them, even though they are prescribed 4 x day. I took 1 Tues morning at 11 am and by 3pm all them signs above came on, it lasted till wed about 6 to 7 pm. everything went back to normal. My blood pressure was fine, and non of the signs about. The only other thing I took was my blood pressure pills. I called the pharmacy and asked them if it had anything to do with the new Actavis Oxycodone since that is the only thing NEW IS THE BRAND ACTAVIS OXYCODONE. I was told it should not do that as you have been taking Oxycodone and have been fine with it and the Actavis Brand should not cause those issue's. I don't believe that cause like he said I have been on it with NO problems till Feb 18 2014 when I got the Activais brand. Someone needs to get things straight cause after all that started I went looking online and I see all these complaints about the ACTAVIS brand Oxycodone. Here it has been since Tues Morning I took my last one and after last night around 6 to 7 pm every thing is normal now. No Chest pain, No arm being asleep, No left leg feeling asleep or hurting, blood pressure is stable. This is not a joke. That medcine is messing with people.Like I said I have taken other brands and never had this before. So it is the Actavis brand. I guess someone has to actually die before it is looked into. I am hurting severally but since I really sit down made sure it was that I wanted everyone to know it is the ACTAVIS Brand doing this. So tell me WHY it only does it with the ACTAVIS Brand. Oxycodone pill A333. Does it have something different in it or is it something there using to get people off that medicine? If it is they should tell people. I really dont take tham like they are prescribed. They are give 4 X day I may take them in the morning mostly and toward the after noon. Then when I get my new one I pour the other one down the toilet. Now I wished I had kepted my old ones.I guess we learn the hard way..Tell me WHY why why only those brand are doing this.
4 Replies
Selena, I too had a terrible reaction to the Actavis A333 pill. I made complaints to the manufacturer, the pharmacy etc: Now I find out in order for things to be looked into properly, We all MUST fill a Formal Complaint with the FDA ourselves, the more people that Report their reactions to this med, the higher likely it will be will looked into by FDA. I cld FDA and they told me All of us must submit Formal complaint with them, 2 or more complaints will submit a Red Flag to them on this and they will look into. You can file report online, mail or call. Lets pray something is done.
I just moved to Fort Lauderdale. Need some help finding an easy pain clinic referral. Please help! {edited for privacy}
Hi Selena, I just wanted to say that I thought I was going crazy until I seen your post because I to take this A333 pill and it gave me the same symptoms like pain in my left arm, and left leg. I use to be on the Watson 10/325 and then they switch me to this A333 I am like you they are putting something in this pill that is hurting people. I thought i was going crazy and alone until I decided to do some research and look up this A333. thank you for making me realize that I am not the only one that is going through this same thing with this medicine. I hope they do something about this A333 pill soon before someone does die from it.
Hello, Selena! How are you? I am very sorry about what you went through.
However, this is an information only website, it does not manufacture any medication or product, nor is it associated with any manufacturer, so there is nothing that anyone here can do about this issue.
What I would suggest doing is calling the FDA and reporting the issue, so they are made aware of it. You can reach them at 888-463-6332.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
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