A Doctor That Will Prescribe Xanax Klonopin Muskogee Oklahoma Area
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I have severe anxiety depression and panic attacks. i was on klonapin and xanax in california but now i need to find a doc around muskogee oklahoma area that will prescribe them or anything that will work the same

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Re: L (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sure most Urgent care places won't care. However, if your vital signs are not right they should refer you to the E.R. Do you know how many people go into these type of centers just to seek medicine?

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Re: Joe (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

If u find one can u plz let me know

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Re: EDDY (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Urgent care wouldn't do s***.

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Re: Joe (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear about your Doctor. You should not discontinue without tapering, if things get horrible consider the E.R. Your primary care Doctor should help you until you find a new provider, anything less is medical negligence. Also explore any Urgent Care centers in your area, and of course be honest why you are coming in with all your Doctors

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My psychiatrist died of Covid. She was great. I need a new doctor. I have been on Xanax and am now on Klonopin. Honestly, either one works for me. I need it for anxiety. Does anyone know of a psychiatrist in the Tulsa area who will prescribe? My PCP prefers me to see a psychiatrist.

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Doctor in zip code area 73130 who'll give me back 30 mg ir oxycodone for very painful advanced rsd

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Perhaps Charlie just meant they were taking both those meds during different times. I actually had a Doctor give me two bottles of Klonopin and I lost one? While he tried to tell me how non addictive the Klonopin was over the Xanax I think he was full of crap as they both worked pretty much the same. This coming from someone who had a 12 month supply of Ativan and decided to almost die and experience benzo withdrawal because I hated them so much

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Hello, Charlie! How are you?

It's very unusual for 2 benzodiazepines to be prescribed, since they both do treat the same conditions and work the same. So, it's going to be difficult to find another doctor willing to prescribe both of them, at once.

According to the FDA, these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, by the DEA, you'll also need to see a psychiatrist, if you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis.

It might be easier to find yourself a new PCP in this area and then have them refer you to someone.

Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?

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