Zyrtec Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Zyrtec forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Zyrtec and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.oval gelcap style pill with z10 written in white letters on it. ## Oval gel cap with z10 in white letters. I think it is an antiacid want to make sute. ## @Micahel Wilkerson , I believe the pill you have may actually be OTC Zyrtec liquid capsules; which are clear/yellow egg shaped capsules with the imprint z10. Zyrtec (Cetirizine) is used in the treatment of allergies, hay fever, angioedema, and urticaria. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Zyrtec Details I hope this helps, please post back if you have any more questions!
White Small pill oblong for allergy ## The name of the medication is actually Zyrtec and it contains the active ingredient Cetirizine, it is also now available over the counter as both generics and store brands. You can learn more Zyrtec details here. Side effects may include nausea, drowsiness and dry mouth. Are there any questions or comments?
Please. Provide. Drug. As. I. Had already tried citrizen5 Hcl 5 mg. And. Zyrtec 10 mg. hcl. Tbt. Also benadrl tbt I. ## Do you mean that you have itching that's only occurring at night? If so, it may not be due to an allergy, which could be why the antihistamines haven't helped. If it's only happening at night, with no other triggers, then it may just be due to a circulation problem, that can cause skin itching. Have you consulted a doctor?
I had bought some Zyrtec-d medicine because I have severe allergies and sinuses and I have to use quite a bit to keep me from getting an infection. if i bought this on 12-6-12 and need to get more. Can i buy some more now or do I need to call my dr. and get him to write me a script for it ## If your prescription is one that allows you to get at least 1 refill, then to my understanding you should be able to just walk into the pharmacy and have them fill your script. If there is no mention of a refill on your rx bottle then you may want to contact your doctor first to have him fax over or hand you a new script for it. I hope this helps to answer your question!
took 1 10 mg zyrtec at 3 pm, now 5 hours later still no relief. Would it be ok to take 1 25 mg benadryl before I go to bed? ## Hi Karin, I wouldn't recommend taking either of these drugs together in or around the same time frame, as my findings state that there are potentially unsafe interactions between Zyrtec and Benadryl. Quoted below are the precautions you should be aware of: "Using Zyrtec (cetirizine) together with Benadryl (diphenhydramine) may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience impairment in thinking and judgment. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous mach...
i had chronic hives for close to a year, and the only thing that changed was me stopping zyrtec. Zyrtec for me is dangerous as it makes u seem like your life depended on it, but it doesnt! Even when it seems that Zyrtec is helping you, for me, my body has probably healed by itself of the hive problem but zyrtec is the one that is still causing it to happen! beware of its withdrawal symptoms and if you have to take it, take a minuscule amount of it, and try to ween yourself off it as soon as possible.
UpdatedWant to buy Allegra but I found a Zyrtec printable coupon. What do you think of Zyrtec, I have recurring Sneezing and runny nose. ## It's really a matter of finding one that works best for you. They are both antihistamines used to treat allergies. Allegra contains Fexofenadine and along with treating respiratory issues, its generally also helps with skin allergies, such as hive. Zyrtec contains Cetirizine and it is usually only effective for the respiratory aspect. You can learn more and compare them at the following links: Have you consulted your doctor for a recommendation? ## I have taken both and zyrtec really causes more drowsyness. And buy the generic,it works the same and will save you a lot of money.
Can this drug be taken with zyrtec allergy meds? ## Yes, these two drugs can be taken together; neither Amoxicillin nor Zyrtec have interactions with one another. You can view more details about each of these medications by clicking on the links below: If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.
Please identify: small white round pill-RX on top, 526 on bottom--other side is blank. ## This tablet contains 10mgs of Loratidine, it's a generic or store brand of Zyrtec, which is an antihistamine used to treat allergies. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness and dry mouth. Learn more:
allergies ## Sorry, I can't find anything on this, is it something foreign or over the counter? ## Zyxal is the non-drowsy formulation of Zyrtec, and is currently only available by prescription. ## Is it okay to take 20mg of Zyrtec at a time? ## Xyzal is levocetirizine dihydrochloride. It is NOT Zyrtec. It is similar to Claritin but is NOT Claritin. It is an antihistamine just like Zyrtec, Claritin or Benadryl and yes it is non-drowsy.
My wife & son were both prescibed initially Zyrtec and then after some months the generic Texa 10. My son complained immediately that the Texa 10 had no effect on releiving his symptoms and revetrted to Zyrtec from which he received relief again. A few days later my wife too complained of Texa being ineffective. The doctor and pharmacy assure me that the active ingrediants are the same. Please advise can there be a real difference or is it perceived. ## What country are you in? The laws regarding generic medications aren't universal. I know, in the U.S. generics are allowed to differ in the amount of the active ingredient, as long as they stay within what the FDA considers and acceptable therapeutic window. ## In South Africa
clear liquid inside z10 on one side oblong or egg shaped ## My husband has been visiting several doctors recently and I found a RX bottle that had the RX information torn from it. The maker of the pill is McNeil-PPC, Inc. The pill is clear, egg shape with Z 10 or Z70 on it. Any suggestions on what this prescription is? ## Zyrtec liquid capsules. You can buy them over the counter. They have the letters Z10 on the pill. it is shaped like an egg and is clear/yellowish. ## Thank you Shawn, that would also explain why this isn't listed in any of the databases, since this is available over the counter. I remembered seeing them, before, but couldn't remember what they were. Are there any other questions? ## The clear (yellowish) gel capsuel is Zyrtec. ## I had the same problem with the...
small white pill RDY 351 stamped on it ## Sorry, I cannot find a listing for this. It is possible that it is not available in the US. ## RDY 351 is a generic pill for Zyrtec (Cetirizine HCL), an allergy medicine. I bought some from Sam's Club under the brand Member's mark. It was 10mg formula. ## Also CVS brand generic of Zyrtec ## The pill is Cetrizine or Zyrtec, an allergy pill. WebMD has a reliable drug finder. ## thanks for the ID....found one on the floor under a file cab..... ## The pill in question is generic Zyrtec which is used to alleviate allergies.
My boyfriend has had some severe sinus allergies. He has taken Sudephed PE, Wal-Phed and generic Benedryl, which none have worked. The other day he got Zyrtec Allergy in 10 mg 14 Tablets and has been working but he the only thing he complains about are these headaches. He didn't have them before he took the tablets. I have researched the drug ever since we got the stuff and no side effects of headaches were found in adult but it was found in the childrens side effects. He doesn't understand why he has the headaches. Is it the tablets working? Today, he said that he could smell a lot more and is feeling a little better. I am just concerned why he is having this symptom when clearly he did not have it before taking them. ## Zyrtec contains the active ingredient Cetirizine and if y...
rond white 686 m ## I am sorry, but I cannot find a listing for this in any of our resources. I've even tried as W 989, because we had that one come up, before, but it was never found either. If it is an M, is it in a square or just by itself? Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? I am thinking it is the same as the other pills that were asked about and since we did not find them, either, it is making me think that it is an over the counter product. ## This pill is a generic Zyrtec.
small white tablet with W989 on one side not scored ## This is an over the counter item, a generic or store brand for Zyrtec, containing 10mgs of Cetirizine, used to treat allergies. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?
blue in color, round, 10 on one side and a z on the other side ## From what I can find, this is an over the counter Zyrtec 10mg tablet, used to treat allergies. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Read more: The company also makes a geltab form of Zyrtec with the same marking on it. Is there anything else I can help you with?
the is a oval light blue pill with 4H2 on the front of the pill. Nothing on the back ## This tablet contains 10mgs of Certirizine, a generic for Zyrtec, this is an allergy tablet. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. You can read more on it here: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Found pills in bottle marked as prescription zyrtec 10mg...they are light blue, oval, scored with an A on one side and a 1 and 7 on the other...any idea if these really are Zyrtec...I don't think so...thanks ## You are correct, these ARE NOT Zyrtec, these tablets contain 50mgs of Sertraline, a generic for the antidepressant Zoloft. You can read more about this medication here: This was obviously an error and you should report it to the pharmacy immediately. Is there anything else I can help you with?
combination Zyrtec ## From my records the only drugs that interact with Xyzal are: Ritonavir or theophylline. Zyrtec and Xyzal both help relieve symptoms of hayfever. To learn more on Xyzal click on the link below... To learn more on Zyrtec click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.