Zydus 10mg Oxycodone Underdosed? (Page 2)
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Hello all. For the last 6 months, i've been prescribed various meds/treatments/pain meds for severe head pressure and neck pain. I had to stop taking any form of Hydrocodone because it makes my skin breakout in open sores (gross, i know). On May 6th, my PCP prescribed me Oxycodone 10mg 4times daily with great results and it made me very fuctional. He gave me another script for the same medication and when i went to the pharmacy, they filled it and when i got home, i notices the tablets/drug company was different. Well, was i in for a suprise. The new generics my pharmacy had were made by Zydus Pharmaceuticals and are imported from India? Well, to say the least, i've been taking almost twice my dosage to get the same effect. There's no way on earth that my tolerance doubled in less than a day! Now, my PCP thinks i'm trying to get more pills, and the pharmacy thinks i'm crazy. The first prescrption i got the 10mg oxycodone from this manufacturer: KVK Tech Inc (pink and "k 56" imprint on them. And they worked fabulous. These Zydus ones seem wayyyy underdosed as i'm taking around 5-6 tabs compared to 4 tabs of the KVK Tech brand. Any info/advice is greatly appreciated!
I know it's an old friend but the woman is talking about oxycodone not morphine sulfate
Red Bear, X star, imo the best Ms contin is Mallinkrofdt. The ones that say endo on the pill have been purchased by qualitest. They are average. For the P 10/325, I got Ip 204 two times and the first batch was not good at getting at my pain. 2 months later I got the ip 204 10/325 and they worked really well. It seems I can only get my preferred Mallinkrofdt for Ms contin from Costco, then I hafta run across street to get the yellow Alvogen for my P.10/325. They seem to be the best right now. I have not been able to find the Endocet Percocet for 1 year now, I'm beginning to think that I probably will never get that brand again.
We are not taking up for the pharmaceutical company, we all want relief but I would love to get all my medicine not just my one pain meds I am on in brand name, but good luck getting a doctor to write it for brand only. As I mention everyone body is different, some have low tolerance for pain medicine, some have high tolerance, but we as you have are now checking around to find ones made here in the USA and when I read not one or two pharmaceutical companies have jumped up there prices by 400% and yes they need to be investigated and one of those is for those going through chemo treatments and you go in expecting to pay the $1300 you have been paying to hear I am sorry it's now $4000+. Can you imagine a loved one already being sick with cancer and that's like a slap to the face that these pharmaceutical companies care more about the all mighty dollar than one's life. Shame on them and I hope they give them the highest fine ever to make them go bankrupt. My personal opinion only but yes it is a shame they put out crap pain meds and know most people need it, yet a cancer patient has to spend over $4000 on a generic medicine that has god only knows what. So yes I will keep looking and am going to ask my primary to write all of my medicine in brand name form. It may cost me more but at least I am getting something from the USA and not have to worry what's in the generic brand and if I sound upset yes I am very upset. I just returned from not just my father's funeral but my brothers also, that was a double blow and I know I am venting but I am grieving and I know it has nothing to do with this site so I am sorry for going off track so it's best I log off.
I could not agree more with your statement. I have known many Indian businessmen and they are all about profit not quality. They employ their countrymen for pennies and the working conditions are squalid.
Many Indian generics are garbage. The best Generics if You can get them come from the U.S. & the European Pharma industry. Just my opinion.
I am grateful to see that there is conversation about this. The chain pharmacy that I have done regular business with has shown me that they regarded my concerns were not "real" and my responses was purely subjective. I used the Zydus brand of morphine er 60 mg for the next 2 months and I continued to have the same response. My pain was not being managed as well as when I received the Mallincrodt or Endo generic version. This concern was not regarded well by the pharmacy and I was told, in so many words, that I was welcome to go elsewhere as this was all that there distributor would send. Where I live, the 4 independent pharmacies that were in my area, have closed and have been replaced by the large chains. All of this said, in the last 6 months an independent has opened and the change in attitude has been HUGE. I had only to ask and the pharmacist got the version that worked the best for me and I have enjoyed patient centered care. The Zydus brand has issues and it is only through this type of Forum that consumers have a chance of being heard. Without healthy competition we can only be assured of mediocrity, or worse. Thanks to all. Be safe and resist intimidation.
To the person who said they have a hard time cutting their med with a knife - u can buy pill cutters at Dollar General.
NP12 is Zydus brand 10mg oxycodone which in my opinion and that of others on this blog is way underdosed
I notice that np12 are terrible also i am taking 10/325 brand as comparison.
It is possible! Same happened to me but with different drug. I noticed 2 days later s/t was different. Upon looking thru my bottles, found different manufacturers(cheaper for pharmacy).Watch before leaving storeN
I read all horrible things also about the Indian drug manufacturers. I was so upset when I learned my new Pharmacy used Zydus for Oxycodone. The first time I took my dose (3 days ago) I was fully prepared for no pain relief. I was shocked when they worked better than the Oxycodone I had the prior month from KVK or KVM (I don't remember the exact name) & better than any Percocet I've had over the years. The Percocet were good but literally lasted one hour if that. The KVK/KVM were crap but lasted longer than the Percs at about 1.5 hours. The Zydus are the best, kick in fast, kill the pain, knock you on your behind despite having a tolerance from hell & last 2 to 2.5 hours. I have no answer for this & am wondering if they really do suck but maybe they screwed up & put a ton in the batch I got? Another thought is they must have difficulty labs all over India. Maybe some of the labs are run by more honest people & they put the correct amount of active ingredient in it, which explains why not everybody thinks the Zydus suck? I don't know. We will see how they are next month & I'll know if it was a fluke or not.
Zydus generics are not made in the U.S. Zydus USA is owned by a family in India. Zydus USA is located in New Jersey but all their generics are made in India. Cadila is the parent Indian company. Almost all Indian pharma companies have had problems with the FDA including Zydus Cadila. According to the FDA there are 526 drug manufacturing plants in India making products for the U.S. market. Many of these plants have gotten into trouble for manufacturing and disclosure problems. The FDA has ONLY 10 investigators to cover the entire country, and that is up from past years when there were even fewer FDA feet on the ground.
It is written on front or maybe on back but it will have it under like my is under the mg but it could be anywhere on bottle but it is there or look under the name of medicine I am still going to check on greenstone for this pharmaceutical company zydus also is out of the USA but much better than the KVK so if I can't find greenstone I will stay with this generic brand I am on it 4 ,times a day but for 10mg I have only had to take 2 a day one early am after breakfast and then around 4 pm but I am on xanau also and found out you don't take those two close together or both at same time for me anyway it counteract the other meds and I know I can't have grapefruit with xanau but also found for me any citrus juice counteracts the xanau so it's always with water and even apple juice I can't drink with the xanau .But please all eat before you take your pain meds or at least drink milk or chocolate milk for it coats the stomach and you don't feel sick to your stomach I am no expert but for me this works but everyone's body is different
I had the same exact experience as you! When I switched from Percoset 10/325 (2 taken in evening together) to KVM Oxycodone 10mg (2 taken in evening together) they took about 45 min to kick in & did almost nothing for my pain. I switched to a small, independent pharmacy last week & they carry Zydus. I was very unhappy with is because of the awful reviews I read but decided to try it for a month. The Zydus works so well that I am able to take a bit less than I usually do. Where does it say on your prescription that it's manufactured in the US? I want to see if mine is also & maybe that's the differentiating factor between the variances I'm reading about...
OK I did research and was told CVS would order what ever generic brand you want not true but the best is by greenstone based here in the USA and was told if you ask they will or supposed to order what you know works best for you but I read the pharmaceutical companies out of Australia and Austria are charging outrages prices they went up on some medicine 400 & there is a big investigation but I will keep checking to see who carries greenstone but KVK are the worst and I am on only 10 mg but got zydus and have no problem but still rather get my meds from the USA
Last week I switched from CVS to a local, independent pharmacy. Prior to last month I had been taking two 10mg Percosets daily. Last month my Dr switched me to same dosage Oxycodone IR, which I had filled at CVS and the manufacturer was KVM. I was shocked at how bad it sucked. It did nothing for pain & there were zero pleasurable effects that are a slight perc for being miserable & pain ridden. After going to CVS last week to pick up all my other meds (blood pressure, anti-depressant, vitamins...) & being treated so rudely by the tech & pharmacist I had enough. I told them to keep their meds & I was transferring out. I researched & decided to go with a local, independent pharmacy. When I learned they used Zydus for their Oxycodone manufacturer I Googled them & was so upset about the awful reviews. I had found a couple wonderful, kind, friendly pharmacy but they used Zydus for this med. The pharmacist was kind enough to offer to ordering me another manufacturer but I was totally out of meds at that point & I said I'll take the Zydus but next month would try something new. When I took the Zydus for the first time, I honestly didn't expect any pain relief based on the awful reviews but was I in for a surprise. It not only took the pain away better than any of my prior pain meds, but it knocked me on my ass & reminding me of the first time I ever needed to take a pain med. I was totally shocked, trust me. The next day it was the same & tonight being the third night is exactly like the first. With the Percoset & Oxycodone from KVM I had to potentiate with Tagamet, Quinine & White Grapefruit before each dose because my tolerance had built so much & 20mg were doing almost nothing but I didn't want to increase my dose. With this new med I haven't potentiated once & with the way I feel from it, think it would be too dangerous to do so and there is zero need. Needless to say I will tell the pharmacist Monday that this manufacturer is more than fine & I shouldn't have listened to others people's opinions. Maybe Zydus was losing business from all the bad publicity & decided to up the strength of active ingredient? Maybe this batch is a total fluke & it really does suck (I really hope not). In another post I read somebody cuts their pills for their proper dose & they were crumbly like chalk. I had to cut my pill in half because tonight I actually took less & my pills are so rock hard that a knife has a hard time cutting through them.
When people try to tell others who have tried the zydus brand, that it works and its all in their mind. This really upsets me I have been taking oxycodone since 2001 and have had numerous brands, this is the worst!!! They need to be shut down again!!! And this time for good!! The ones who order the cheaper r bran nd d obviously have no concern for people who suffer from pain!!!!
Jake!!!!!! Omg you are so wrong here, how can so many people be havingthe same problem? Is it mental telepathy? I agree with the person who said.......all generics are not creatred equal!!!! Its true!!!!!
My story is the same as yours! This month of January I was given Zydus brand Oxycodone and realized the difference immediately! I have Neuropathy in my feet and I have had to use more of the zydus brand to get relief. The good news is tomorrow I get a prescription refill and I am going to find a pharmacy that has the other brand!
Go to a different pharmacy and hopefully you will get a different generic your so right on about theses I just picked up my script, have the exact same issue as you did,
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