Zubsolv Reviews (Page 3)
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I am on zubsolv and been on them for 7 weeks. I'm breaking out in a rash or hives which ever, visteril does help but it comes right back. I'm hurting in my back when I cough and my chest is extremely tight when I cough and I'm weezing really bad. I'm a cigarette smoker but this is different. My cough sounds and feels different. Has anyone else had these problems. Could this be serious?? Should I tell my dr. or am I over reacting?

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I've been on subslov for 3 weeks and im still having withdrawals this medication sucks thank god my dr switched me yesterday to subs there so much better in my withdrawals are gone!!!! :-)

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I know these are an old post, but the DR's who say they are the same drug and any difference is mental can bite me. Been on both due to insurance. On Zubsolv for a week now. Having slight withdrawals, not bad, but still. Also the side effects for me are much worse. Bad hangover type effect. This is probably from just starting the drug again. But yes!!!! Next Friday I will be back at Dr to get Subs....They work much better for me. Zub may work better for others. But don't listen to these "DR's" on here, and pharmaceutical reps trying to push their drug. Someone posted it's like comparing Coke to Pepsi. So if you have the opportunity, take the Pepsi Challenge! But I bet you pick Subs!!! Even the clinic told me "Your not gonna like these as much, but it's only a week". I didn't ask her, she just volunteered this info.....I don't remember ever going to 7-11 and the cashier telling me "Hey buddy, you might wanna go back there and grab a Coke instead".

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Yes , you are right I've been on subs for a little more than 4 years and last month my doc gave me a coupon to get 15, 8.6 zubs for free and I took them and could tell a pretty big difference. The zubs are much more delivering thanks subs

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Insurance company recently switched from suboxone to zubsolv and it does not work. The 5.7mg is supposed to be comperable to 8mg of suboxone but that is definitely not true! Had to be bumped up to 11mg which work slightly better but they do not remain in your system long, they have a half life of suboxone. The taste is horrible and it burns your mouth. I am also not quite sure why the insurance company switched becuz the zubsolv is quite a bit more expensive! So im trying to figure out the reasoning behind the switch. I also have not spoken to anyone that likes this zubsolv.

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MT: Well, at least you have the right attitude. Any day above ground is a good day! Good luck with all that, you have a lot on your plate. I am glad my son is grown as I deal with all this!

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I'm not interested in tapering yet... I just wish I went about my addiction different.. I was on Opana's at one point and when the new "rubber" ones came out I went into withdrawl for a weekend. Bioavailability went from 80% to 10% my Dr said. So at that point my Dr asked me what ER pain med I wanted to go on, I said fentanyl bc I was familiar with it.. She tried to get me on Methadone because she said it works amazing (which it does) but I said no... If I had taken the methadone I could still be on a 120 MG a day and no pain and still do my addiction Dr but not take Suboxone. In NY a Dr can't prescribe Methadone for "addiction treatment" and prescribe it for pain... So that's my only downfall with the Suboxone. I have a severely FU**** up back and the subs don't help.. I'm 34 6'-4" and 260 lb, I'm a journeyman tradesman and own a house w 3 kids from 7-10yrs old so I'm stuck... I'm looking into that Minimally invasive one but I know my Ins company most likely won't cover it. I have excellent ins too... I started tab 10 at 16 yr old and by 18 was on 3 80mg OXY a day..., at 22 they said I can easily go on perm disability but that won't pay my bills so I just deal with it. And I'm not talking I hurt so bad bc I have a bulging disc guy., 8 years ago 4 of my discs were 100% gone. A month ago L1 fused itself to L2... I know what pain is and that's why I wish I woulda chose methadone... but if I go the addict route which I have no choice it's only gonna be subs for me!! O well.. The suns shining, I'm not worm food today, and I can afford my lifestyle so I say f it.. I could have it 300x worse.

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MT: Yes, the Methadone "clinic" system is in place in every state, not just NY. I am on tablet Methadone because I have a separate medical condition where Methadone is one of the recommended treatments. So I have it for both reasons.

As far as tapering from what to what dose, that would all depend on what dose you are on now. I would go as slowly as possible. For instance, if you are on 16 mgs, taper down to 14 mgs. Wait a few weeks til you feel adjusted, then taper down again to 12 mgs. Just as an example. Talk to your doctor about it. If you have been clean and giving good, clean U/A's, they will usually be ok with you tapering, and will recommend a schedule, as well as prescribing things to help with the symptoms.

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Tapering from what MG of sub or Zub? How r u tapering? Friend finally did it.. Went from 1-75 -.50-.25-.20-.10 down a step, ended in 4-6 weeks... I wish i could take methadone but in NY u go daily to clinicX, and after a year if ur good u'll get take home for 2 days.. Pain in the Ass.. F*** NYS. God forbid someone wants to get clean.

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MT: I hear that. Methadone tablets keep me straight, so I'm going with it. I am very slowly tapering down, but if I can't go all the way off, that's ok. As long as I don't use, I am going to do what I have to. Congrats on 2 years!

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I agree the zubsolv sucks. I was taking 1 12 mg suboxone strips a day and I took 1 11.6 zub and was starting withdrawal by the late afternoon. Why do the insurance companies gotta keep ****ing with it!

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I meant 180 roxy 30's a MONTH I was prescribed... Not a day.. I just logged on and read and was like oops..

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I'm on 1 1/2 strips a day not 60 mg a day!! I said I want my Dr to write me 60 subs a month not 45!

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September will be 2 years for me.. Came off 100mcg fent every 2 days and 180 roxy 30 a day. That's what was prescribed.. Add 3 bundles a day to stay not sick and hundreds more Rox a month and as many patches as I could find.. There were days I'd take 4-5 100mcg a day.. Still in pain. After 17 years (and I'm only 35) of pain meds they didn't touch me... So Suboxone keeps me sober and I'm staying that way...

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MT: Yep. You're never going to get rid of addiction until you get rid of PAIN, so..... yeah.

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Eh...Whatever works best for an individual is literally the best option... once I started reading about all of your experiences with restless leg syndrome, anxiety and withdrawal period... I immediately realized we are all in the same boat. I envy people that have never experienced addiction, have never needed medication and are able to feel high on life. I get severe restless leg syndrome, which has made me consider taking my own life several times it was so severe... completely unbearable. I am even prescribed a nerve medication that is also prescribed to Alzheimer's patients but it is completely ineffective. I am a bigger guy and a man's man but it has made me cry my eyes out holding my wife like a child without any sleep for the entire night. I have employee-sponsored health insurance which does not cover my treatment, which means I never have enough medication. I still have a full-time job that requires me to be around and communicate with people all day and two young children that look up to their daddy that I have to take care of when I return home from work and my wife goes to work. It is impossible for me to participate in any detox program with my job and life and it is impossible for me to take time off work when I am out of medication and experiencing severe withdrawal. I want to be done so badly but I am truly stuck. I have managed to get myself down to 2 milligrams a day with minimal discomfort but when i lower my dose the restless legs are still just as bad as if I were experiencing full withdrawal off of 8+ mg a day. My reputation in my family and community prevents me from being able to tell anyone besides my doctor... including my wife and close friends. I had restless leg syndrome before any of this occurred so she doesn't think into it much. In anyone can provide or recommend a successful taper with roughly 24-40 mg to work with... I would gladly give it a shot. I know there are emergency tapers but when reading further into detail they didn't deviate much from a standard taper and still required a significant amount of medication to work with. Good luck to everyone else with their battles.

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It's never easy man... One day at a time and just pray I'm still clean... My pain will never go away. I just try n cope. But there's PLENTY of SH******* on here that know it all so sometimes it's not wasting ur breathZzzb

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BRAD: "Negative Annie..." Whom are you talking to? When you click on REPLY, it doesn't actually express whom you are replying to, so... ??

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BRAD DUFRENE: I am confused....are you saying you are on 60 mgs of Suboxone? The ceiling dose is 32mgs, and I have hardly ever even heard of people being on THAT HIGH of a dose. Sorry....just really confused.

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Wow sorry to hear what you've been through and still go through I'm thankful my problems aren't as bad as yours and I want to say good luck and hope one day u find comfort!

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