Zolpihexal 10
Updatedi am a 40 year career woman, married but leading a stressful life.i do indulge in social drugs and have been taking zolpidem at night due to insomnia. the normal dosage does not work and i take about 30 per night which gives me a good nights rest. will this have an adverse effect on my body and if so how
7 Replies
I am flying overnight and was thanking of taking ZolpiHexal
or Halcyon, i am 64 yrs old, and on Blood Pressure tables to lower my blood pressure and on cholestrol tabs
one at night. I am a bad traveller and need to sleep and relax in a plane.
While this drug can affect everyone differently, side-effects that you could experience at any dose may include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Anterograde amnesia
• Hallucinations, through all physical senses, of varying intensity
• Delusions
• Altered thought patterns
• Ataxia or poor motor coordination, difficulty maintaining balance
• Euphoria and/or dysphoria
• Increased appetite
• Increased or decreased libido
• Amnesia
• Impaired judgment and reasoning
• Uninhibited extroversion in social or interpersonal settings
• Increased impulsivity
• When stopped, rebound insomnia may occur
• Headaches
• Short term memory loss
The side effect information in the link below goes into a bit more detail regarding other possible effects, such as sleep walking, etc:
NOTE: You may need to scroll down to the section on "Adverse effects".
Does this information help address your concerns?
Felicia, have you consulted a doctor?
That is far too high of a dosage of Zolpidem to be taking and yes, doing so may have serious consequences, such as overdose. Especially when mixed with 'social' drugs, which are also very dangerous.
Jen, you should check with your doctor, because there are some medications it can cause problematic interactions with, in addition, whether or not it is safe for you to use is going to depend on your heart rate and whether or not it is stable.
oh my god. 30 a night , tollerence
I want to go to sleep and not wake up again..how many Zolpihexal will do the job..i don't take any other meds.
What the fudge? 30 10mg pills A NIGHT?!? Are you like 10 kinds of crazy or stupid or what exactly? She's got to be joking, nobody could possibly be that daft.
I feel like she is trying to say 30mg (which) is two pills. And not 30 10mg pills
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