Zolpidem Generic (Page 16) (Top voted first)


ALL CVS pharmacies just changed the zolpidem from MYLAN manufacturer (out of PA) to TORRENT in India. Because generics can certain behave differently, I am nervous about taking the (10 mg) oblong peach Torrent brand one after reading some things online. I also don't like the idea of CVS using from out of the country manufacturer which HAS to be due to a better price because MYLAN brand is still very readily available. Any comments?

325 Replies (17 Pages)

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Re: SugarMag (# 310) Expand Referenced Message

This is not as bad as TORRENT

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Re: Chris (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I agree on the torrent being horrible and also aurobindo!!

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Re: Jaybla36 (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

I take both as well ! Have you ever took the pupil brand off f ambien cr?!!

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Re: steve (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

You are aware that pharmaceutical companies make different generic versions of popular drugs. (ex. Zolpidem CR). Which kind of that pill did you take? I’m just trying to help and see if I can get him on a better version.

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I have to disagree, torrent is the most euphoric generic for me. I fall asleep within 20min but I also take valium 10mg w it. Qualitest did nothing for had to return it to the pharmacy. My experience w generics is Watson makes the best. I don't think they make zolpidem though. There valium is just like the Roche though.

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Mine was changed to torrent also i tryed it last nite it work better for me.

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My dr told me they only have a 10 mg an they don't go any higer i needed somthn stronger so my perscription is fo 10 Mg do i have to get my doc to write it out for 12 mg or can i ask the pharm. to order it for me a 12 mg?

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Thank u rick Hawaii for the info it was very helpful

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I cannot tell you which company makes it but it might be TEVA? You might wish to do a search via google for that. Zolpidem is the generic name of the medication in the US. I guess it sounds as if we all have a preference. I realise that the ones I received from India, that are high quality, seem a bit too strong to me. I read online that they might have a little too much of the potentially addictive ingredient. That would be a problem for me, but not for someone who does not take it every night as I do. Perhaps someone would like to make a change? Mine are sealed in a blister so they are not tampered with or handled at all by human hands.

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Hey Lily, Im going to try Sandoz next. Wish me luck. I totally understand what you mean by dreading when your Qualitest ran out. Im still having PTSD (lol) related to the Qualitest discontinuation primarily because its been a never ending, nightmare inducing, trial and error deal where I still havent found another reasonably functional general ambien alternative. I'll be honest, Im really kind of pissed off. ;-) I'm pissed off at Sanofi for dropping their authorized generics like Winthrop and Prasco years ago. I'm pissed at my insurance company for completely removing brand Ambien from even the highest tier (brand is just flat out not covered now). I'm pissed at Endo for buying Qualitest and then slashing their product line. This generic ambien cabal is just a true basket of deplorables LOL I had to say that with the election a few weeks out. Anyway I'm crossing my fingers on Sandoz.

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I am exceptionally relieved to say that Sandoz 10 works almost perfectly! I am really amazed now having used this for three days just how bad Mylan was! This thing is night and day better. Of all the generics Ive taken, the Sandoz is the first one that gives you that relaxed feeling for a few minutes before you fall asleep like the brand name Ambien. Ok so details. Small round yellow pill for 10 mg. About half the size of the Mylan round one which must have double the fillers hah. Any pharmacy should be able to order this for you but I got mine at Rite Aid.

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Chris M., I did try Rite-Aid!! Was so surprised to have them say no. I did try the Sandoz Thursday night--a night when I think I probably would have slept eventually on my own. It worked within half an hour but then I did wake up 4 hours later but just stayed there lying in bed. Unlike the Torrent, Teva, Northstar, Mylan--I woke up with all of these too as soon as an hour but then it was like something was actively preventing me from going back to sleep and it was very frustrating and upsetting--but with the Sandoz I felt calm and sort of dreamy but didn't have any more real sleep. But then, although it was 8 hours from when I took the pill to when I got up, I was very very tired and doped-up and cranky until about 3:00 p.m. So that's a problem, as I had to travel and go to M.D., etc. and it seems to me that just elapsed time isn't enough to get this out of your system, you have to actually sleep it off. And that hasn't happened before with the Qualitest after 8 hours. I will try it again, no other choice.

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Teva 74 Imprint works. Torrent does not, it's like a placebo medication. Been taking 10mg Teva for 3 years. My insurance changed to express scripts and bam just like that have to use CVS instead of Duane Reade. So I get these gosh darn pez candy since they don't f***ing work. What am I suppose to do? I can't change my insurance to go back to Duane Reade. NOT ALL GENERIC IS THE SAME. IF YOU EVER GET A TORRENT ZOLPIDEM I'm so sorry for the sleep you're Not going to have. Teva is by far the best one to knock you out. Such BS. What to do to people who cannot afford brand name. Its a damn shame. Until May I won't be able to sleep. Had 4 hours of sleep since Friday and it is now Monday. Last 3 years had no issues. I have to changed my insurance asap to use walgreens and Duane Reade again.

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I am taking the Torrent 10 mg from Rite Aid. I have had no problem with them. They seem to work just fine. Especially on an empty stomach.

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During the Spring of 2011, I literally took my normal prescribed dosage of Zolpidem before bed (as I have done for almost 10 years due to a home invasion incident at the age of 19 that left me with horrible nightmares) and woke up in a police car.

My physician, Dr. Jerold J. Kreisman MD, testified on my behalf during my criminal case as the State of MO wanted to pursue jail time and an excessive fine. His testimony along with the police report, convinced the prosecuting attorney to charge me with a lesser crime that was not a felony (Careless and Imprudent driving). It became apparent that I was NOT intoxicated by alcohol and possibly sustained a concussion while suffering from sleep driving after taking Zolpidem…as I was in a car accident.

Luckily no one was permanently injured. I have had to attend multiple SATOP classes as my administrative punishment by the DMV and now a new MO law states I have to get an Interlock device installed on my vehicle for the next 6 months. As you can see, I am still suffering the consequences of what happened. Getting laid off from my high level government job has been the worst as I can no longer apply for anything similar due to my tarnished driving record. To this very day, I have absolutely no recollection of getting into my vehicle and hitting another car. The official police report was the only way that I was able to comprehend the timeframe and results of my actions.

See my NEW non-profit website if you would like more details: ambien-awareness.com

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The manufacturing comp.torrent pharma out of india that manufactors the sleeping pill zolpidem tartrate the 10mg plseachyellow are thoes pills any good r they stronger than the ones manufactord by mfgqualitest

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I called rite aid they can get zolpidem tartrate from mgf mylan but its still torrent is the pharm.an the drug is coming out of duluth ga. they said once u transfer the zolpidem over to them they won't let u tranfer it no where eles its there's then because it is a controlled drug. Does that make sentce?

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The country doesn't matter, as long as the manufacturer has approval from the FDA for their products to be sold in the U.S., CVS or any other pharmacy, can stock their products.

There can be some differences in generic medications, however, this usually doesn't affect the greater number of the people that take it.

If you are aware of how it normally effects you, then you should contact a doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms of side effects.


Are there any other questions or comments?

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The company mckesson out of duluth ga. gets there generic ambien out of mylan but manufactors name on it is torren does that make make sentce?is that good ?

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I have a prescription for Zolpidem Tartrate from my primary care doctor. However, the pharmacy that I use switched pharmaceutical manufacturers from Qualitest to Mylan. The Mylan is inferior. I would like to purchase Qualitest Zolpidem Tartrate or if it goes by the Indian manufacturer name Torrent that is also fine. Who do I phone or email to obtain Qualitest or its Indian equivalent, but Mylan is definitely inferior.

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