Zepose 10 Made By Cipla In India (Page 5)
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Is this legitimate? I'm using it to help withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. I have 10 mg tablets made by Cipla and I am taking half every 4 hours and plan to wean off as quickly as possible. I tried already and clearly cut back too much too fast. How much is safe? I don't want another addiction, but I know I need something, as I've already had a grand-mall seizure a few years ago from alcohol withdrawal. Any advice is welcome.
I liked the zepose 10mg. I had them tested and they were all within .02 of a mg. Whats the expiry date they go off? with time I like the zepose, they are a genuine brand and its not worth them making fakes as they only cost about 15 pence per 10 in india or 20c us price.
India has a FDA just as the U.S. Remember they were a British at one time.Any of the benzos, that's Xanax, etc will help with withdraw. Be careful though dont't replace one addition for an other. I am in recovery myself and have been sober for a year. I am however on vivitrol. Which blocks the receptors in your brain so you don't feel the pleasure of alcohol. It also helps with cravings. AA has also been a great help. Stay sober one day at a time, and all the best to you.
ive just got zepose 10mg delivered to me in the uk for the first time to help with alcohol withdrawl would you say these are ok . i used to get 10mg blue valium roche vals in the 90s from my gp but they dont like to give it out anymore so im trying to get the best for me on line.. is zep 10mg or not really that strengh?
My husband is an alcoholic. Been through treatment 4 times. They don't "wean" you off. It's cold turkey except for the first 24 hours or so they give you Lithium (not so sure about that but I think I'm right). After that it's nonstop classes. All of that was the easy part. It's getting out of treatment that is the hard part. He has had at least 2 seizures trying to go cold turkey by himself. It's very dangerous. Trying to wean yourself by using some other addictive drug is not the answer. My husband is in a great deal of pain from other injuries but they WILL NOT give him a narcotic because he is an addict. I'll be praying for you. I truly understand your pain.
I took them and got the same effect of i would if i got Diazepam 10 mg in boots or another chemist only difference there blue in ireland
Re. alcohol detox. I was given a 10 day tapered chlordiazepoxide (Librium) detox on the NHS (UK) many years ago and it's worked out fine with God's grace. I had to attend a clinic as an out-patient 5 days a week.
I became agoraphobic several years ago and diazepam was what finally got me going out and about again (it started during my drinking years), but in the UK you're only normally allowed to have them prescribed for a few weeks, so I've tried 2 or 3 overseas suppliers - all of which have produced positive results via UA's (after using solely for several weeks so the last batch was out my system) but doesn't indicate how much active benzo was there.
I have just tried Cipla Zepose for the past few weeks. It *seems* the same as the other 10mg pills I've been taking, but I have no way of knowing it and haven't done a UA. I wish there was a way we could analyze what was in them. I asked a microbiologist and he couldn't tell me.
well said
I don't think these are very good. There are better brands.
I live in Ireland and have terrible difficulty getting valium which I really do need since my brother was killed I also suffer from nerve damage and panic attacks. I recently had depose-10 diazepam and thought they were okay.
Zepose 10mg hmmm.. I have severe ptsd. I was on 5mg valium. I only take them as needed. I took 1, then 2, then 3, then 4. Had a friend in town that does not take any meds. Asked her to try one. She said she did not feel relief from anxiety and it was like taking Tylenol. Do not buy these! They only work for people who are fixed by placebos!
i got zepose dissolved on my tongue didnt have the usual diazepam taste...this normal for zepose? different base maybe
As a fellow person who takes Diazepam stevvi if you can't get Roche or Zepose-10 try and get Biopose-10 made by Spectrum they're a plain white 10mg tablet but don't have any score lines or markings, they come in a very similar looking blister pack of 10 tablets too
I have taken Benzodiazepines on & off for the last 10 years, I've taken many different brands/types of Diazepam. Actavis & Teva ect from UK pharmacies, many different types of loose blue's that came from tubs of 500 or 1000. And as someone with a really high tolerance i.e I can still function after 140mg of Actavis Diazepam. I've just taken 60mg of Zepose-10 by Cipla 1hr ago and they're the real deal, just as strong as any other genuine brands of Diazepam....well the ones I have are! I suppose they are subject to being counterfeited just like Roche and many other brands have ect, that may account for the bad reviews on here maybe?
There's another brand from India that I slightly prefer Biopose-10 by spectrum they are plain white too but they don't have any score lines or markings but come in strips of 10 same as Zepose. Hope this post is helpful guys :)
yeh they are deffo valium, i get the zepose.....if i cant get the roche i always look for the zepose.....i also like to let the pills dissolve on my tounge, i like the taste of it so i know exactly what valium taste like and these are deffo the real deal.....i only take valium to get off my head....i wish i could stop but im 33 now and i have been like this since i was 14.......but anyway the zepose 10mg white tabs are deffo decent.....the ones i get are anyway.
Ive jut tried Zepose white 10mg that i bought in the blister pack, I just took some for my nerves and just lost a great chunk out of my right thigh due to blood poisoning, the dr wont give me any pain relief, I was on oxiconton and oxicodeine but they stopped them and im in severe pain, will these Zepose ten mg help me?
Everybody I have tried MSJ branded blues, proper Roche and at the end of the day I am sitting here with blisters of Zepose-10mgs. Maybe they vary, but the white, quarter-scored Zepose I have always got give exactly the same effect.
Perhaps they do vary but everybody slates Zepose for being random doses (IE less than 10mg, maybe not even Diazepam at times??) whereas I've tried a lot of real brands and they are EXACTLY the same.
Maybe I've been lucky but I've just taken 20mg Cicla branded Zepose on empty stomach and they hit me reasonably hard.
I wouldnt trust Foriegn makes..my friend says the uk activist diazapam 10 mg blue tablets are the best brand.
I bought some zepose 10 the other day when I chewed it, tasted exactly like the diazepam I got from my doc so there is defo diazepam in them. Just how much is the question
A bit controversal but did anyone watch the British Dispatches programme other week about placebos? Amazing! That's the way forward as far as I'm concerned I found it to be the best thing I've seen in terms of tapping into our own chemicals and power of the mind to resolve medical conditions such as Parkinson's and other problems
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