Zubsolv 5.7 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I was on subutex 8mg and ive been reading about these new subutexs with the 8 and the arrow on them. I got a different kind there zubsolv 5.7 mg/1.4 mg? I dont understand is one of these pills equal to a 8 mg? There small white round tablet imprinted with 5.7 on the front?

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First off the subutext does not have the blocker in it so I wouldn't recommend it. I take the zubsolv and I like it but I hear it will be hard to come off of. I guess we will see because I am ready. I take the 5.7 and my Dr says they are equal to an 8mg Suboxone or the other. I'm more than ready to be off it all though. Good luck to you and keep in mind if you are serious and want this, it will work, it will help. And those you tell you they make you high are either livers or taking other drugs as well. I don't care what they say.

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5.7 is the same as 8 strip. Zubsolv gets in yr system quicker and w little waste, as a strip may waster 2-3 mg on a 8 mg strip. The zubsolv, to me, is stronger, but I also get way more neaseu than I've ever had. Really I want off all this. Be normal again.

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I was taking 16 mg's of Suboxone...The orange pills two times a day for two years...Then the county cut off my funding...It has been four months now and i have relapsed to 6 hydrocodones and 8 tramadol's a day...somehow it doesn't feel the same as it used to....like something has changed inside of me...Will zubsolv help me feel normal again and put me in a better mood?...My mood is not good...even though the hydro and tramadol don't make me feel that great like they used to before I started the two year run of suboxone, I can't seem to stop taking it...i really shouldn't be alive at this point in my life as i have been a hardcore drug user for just over 40 years...I am hoping that zubsolv helps me feel better--more normal--better mood--some energy and motivation...I know this is a tall order...I am on SSDI and only draw a little each month...so...Maybe Zubsolv is less expensive than the 748.00 the 60 8mg orange pills of suboxone were...even though it was getting paid for by the county...Anyone out there have ANY thoughts at all on my odd situation?

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Hey buddy I read your story and I can't tell u how similar my story is!! It took me years to finally find a DR. That cares!! I mean this DR is the best thing that's ever happened to medicine.DR Carlton,he is in east Mesa.

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Hi ,

I read that you were on the 1.4 mg /.36 mg and were going to be stopping the following day. I am currently on the 5.7mg/1.4 mg and really want to begin my taper but I cannot see my doctor until layer this month. It would be a great help to hear about your experience. I hope that you are feeling okay and that your withdrawals were not too bad. Thanks for your help!

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Thank you Joey!!! I am not going to take any drug to help my weaning but thanks for the tips. I have experienced sleeping problems but it's not debilitating. Getting up at 5:15 am to work out is super tough but that's a high-end problem so I'm not gonna complain. My plan is to start taking the 1.4 / .36 Zub every other day for a week or two and then cut the pill in half (halving the dosage) for another 2 weeks. How is your energy level Joey? That is truly my only problem...lack of energy. I have not experienced any other withdrawal symptoms when decreasing dosages. Again, thanks...it's nice to know there's support out there <3

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Joey...I waS remiss is saying CONGRATULATIONS to you! I can imagine how happy you are to be free and clear of Zub. Suboxone and now Zub has been a lifesaver for me. I had severe stress headaches which led me to florins with codeine which then led me to taking too much. Trying to stop the codeine was horrendous (I was taking 6 a day for a year!) so the Zub helped greatly. Now I want to be completely off EVERYTHING and just take my vitamins. I also started working out every day about 2 months ago with the hope that it would help my energy levels. I can't really tell if it has but I will keep it up because (1) it's good for me, and (2) I like what it's doing for my body. I really look forward to hearing about any symptoms you're experiencing when you stopped the Zub and I'd also like to know what your schedule of decreasing was. Thanks :-)

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Hey Hope!,

I have to admit, you are being stronger about it than me. I think your plan sounds good. First of all I did a rapid detox at the RDD center in Michigan. They basically assist you through the withdrawals. My taper schedule was kind of weird. I asked my doctor to switch me back to subs because they are easier to measure etc...I went from 8/2 of sub to 3/.75 of sub using the generic brand pills. Once I got there, it got difficult for me (it was the anxiety) I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder when I was 5. So I am willing to bet your symptoms will be less intense than mine. Anyway, once I was at 3/.75 of sub for awhile I eventually decided that RDD was the best option for me. The only withdrawal symptoms I am experiencing are insomnia fatigue (like you) and anxiety. I am also an avid exerciser. I will run/ swim later.

Expect insomnia and fatigue and some anxiety. Be strong girl. Keep me posted. It's possible you won't experience anxiety though. Everyone is different. The universal symptoms seems to be the insomnia and fatigue though.

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Hey Hope it is no problem at all.

I agree the exercise is great for anxiety. Okay, so, When I first started taking the zubsolv a year ago I was on the 5.7/1.4. I stayed on that dose for at least 9 months until I heard that a friend of mine in college finally tapered off of methadone entirely. I suppose that opened my eyes to the fact that I didn't need to zubsolv anymore. So back to the topic. I was originally on suboxone 8/2 for 1 month then my doc. switched me to the sub 5.7/1.4. And as I mentioned, I was on that for at least 9 months. Well, after 9 months, I began taking 3/4 of that pill (4.275/1.05) and that transition went fine. I didn't notice hardly any negative affects. As you may know my anxiety would play tricks on me like make me think I may go into withdrawal or something. In reality, I did not and everything was fine. So a months later, I go to a new doctor because I moved. I indicated to him that I wanted to taper off very gradually and he switched me over to generic suboxone tablets since they are easier to measure etc. He started me on two 2/.5 pills twice a day totaling to 4/1 each day. Well, within a week I went down to 3.5/.875 and a week after that I went down to 3/.75. Once I got to 3/.75, it started getting difficult. Do not let my story discourage you though because you sound a little more strong willed than me. Plus my anxiety is a bittttch. So anyway, I state on 3/.75 for about 3 weeks then decided to do the rapid detox and now, here I am. I feel totally fine. I am still experiencing the insomnia and the anxiety but it gets better each day. I can assure you that you will do a lot better than me!!!! I hope this helps.

Write back.

- Joey

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I also wanted to mention that, as you know, zubs can be tricky to measure which is why my doc switched me back over to subs because the Buprenorphine doses are in whole numbers if you use the generic tablets ( I think i said capsules in the previous message but I meant tablets). As far as the rate/frequency of tapering, go SLOW! Try going down 1/2 a mg per week (on Saturday) so it gives you two days to adjust before work on Monday. This is what I did anyway. They say that a 5.7/1.4 sub is equivalent to a 8/2 sub in terms of bioavailability which I am sure you knew that already. Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there as well.

- Joey

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Joey, thank you for the advice. I will follow it!

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I meant to say 5.7/1.4 zub is equivalent to a 8/2 sub in terms of bioavailability. Sorry for the confusion!!! Good Luck!!!!!!

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If I were you I would to a pain management clinic. Maybe you have already checked one of these out before but you never mention it and I think they could come up with a great plan for you.

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I do not have any experience getting off of the zubs I am having to switch to zubs from being on suboxone for two year and was looking to find any positive experience from anyone all I am seeing most threads I am only seeing people saying neg things which is scary. I was glad to see yours. sounds like you are doing really well! hope it continues

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I'm so happy for you Joey! I'm sure it's an awesome feeling to be COMPLETELY done with Zub! I cannot wait for the day when I can say the same. Tapering slowly is truly the key here. My body tells me, in no uncertain terms, if I'm weening myself too quickly. My ONLY issue is lack of energy. I feel it mentally and physically. But I've never been more determined to accomplish something in my life and soon I will be standing on the top of that very high mountain with you Joey. Everyone on this site is in my thoughts and prayers. And thanks again Joey for all your help :-)

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I've been trying zubsolv for a week or two. No, in not feeling the same but have sense read more about it and am going to give it a try for another week. This was an insurance problem. I'm not able to get my insurance to pay until I've given the zubsolv a try. Dissolving the zubsolv seems so easy but it's not for me. It seems to cause more saliva and goes around my mouth and I swallow it. I need to put it in and not let it move until it's dissolved. You can always ask your doc to change it back and pay cash. I found the subtex to be the cheapest. Good luck to all of you. I use this drug for pain not drug dependence problem even though I'm Dependant now. I have found this to be a better alternative to other drugs and my pain is controlled by it. I was on suboxone 8/2 films two x's a day. Now I'm trying zubsolv 5.7/1.4 3 x's a day. I don't know about this but I'm going to give it a try. Here's to hoping...

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How are you doing now? How is your energy level?? Are you feeling better?

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Hi Joey...thanks for asking. I'm still taking the full dose every day (1.4 / .36) because work has been incredibly busy and I can't afford to lose any energy right now. I'm hoping this next month will be a little less demanding work-wise so I can start taking half a pill each day. Right now my goal is to ween myself slowly and be completely off of it by Thanksgiving. Fingers crossed :-)

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I know what that is like. Work makes it a little more nerve wracking because one can easily worry that this process can have a negative impact on one's performance at work. You have the right idea though. GRADUALLY! Thanksgiving seems like a good goal! If at any point it does get hard, just remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I can honestly say that I am much happier now that I do not have to worry about taking it every day. Light at the end of the tunnel!!!

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Someone gave me a small white pill with no imprint or slit on either side. Is it possible that this is a 5.7 Zubsolv? Said it came in a blister pack.

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