Yeast Infection From Antibiotics
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I have taken one 150mg Fluconazole tablet to treat a yeast infection as a result of taking antibiotics. On the last night of taking my antibiotic I was in so much discomfort that I decided to take a Fluconazole to treat the thrush on the same night. I took my last antibiotic around (7pm and the Fluconazole much later at night before going to bed.) The symptoms have improved slightly within the last three days but I am still experiencing a very watery large amount of white discharge and red/soreness in that area. The Fluconazole I was prescribed had the instructions written by the pharmicist saying "Take one immediately and one in a week if required." It's been 3 days since I have taken it and was wondering whether it would be too early to try and take another as I am finding myself in a lot of discomfort still and do not want to feel like this for several more days before I find out if it's worked/working.
10 Replies
Hey I am suffering from the same.. I had done my test for yeast and bacterial infection but came negative.. I think I am allergic to speculum. Every time I go to the gyno for a check up and they insert speculum to perform the test, I experience burning down there... I took fluconzole and even applied candid B on the lips of my vagina but no improvement, still burning rather. I start to feel pinching on my clitoris too and feel pressure while urinating. I have done my U/A test, pus cell was 2-5 and albumin trace... I am hopeless now for the solution... Coz nothing is working to lessen the burn.... What healthy diet should I follow, cause I heard to cut off all sugary foods and fruits and fat in my diet. So I don't know what to eat what not to eat.. Feeling really stressed these days...
Hi I went to the docto cause throat infection sinus. Allergies. And she give me fluconazole. Why I'm taking medication
pls, I'm having chronic viginal itching and some kind of thick brownish fluid is coming out...what do I use?
Alright so ladies I was almost embarrassed about my yeast infection, BV and UTI. I was on 500mg of amoxicillan 3x a day for 10 days, not to mention, im on an antidepressant, have nexplanon and i love to take baths. At first when they said the word vaginosis i freaaaaked out. Im clean, I know I am Ive been with one partner for 2 years and recently he had to get a full blown check for his job. Well it couldve been all those things i mentioned above. It really threw off my ph. It was strange though, my only symptoms were increased urination which i thought was from increased fluids when i was sick..but uti..then my vagina was completely dry and sore like someone had beat it senseless with a poll, (which was weird because I havent had intercourse recently) Some itchiness, barely any discharge... I am prescribed flagyl and diflucan. Things, swelling has gone down dramatically and no pain. Some irritation from being so dry. My gyno said to use crisco for the dryness yes its odd but it works lovely. I forget it was even there. Also there was increased discharge, it was thick from me being so dry which means the medicine is working at removing the build up from the yeast infection. I weirdly had to gently scrap it off, wipe it down with a vagisil wipe and place a little bit of crisco. Good luck ladies. I hope this helps.
My urologist prescribed a 150 mg fluconazole tablet to fight a yeast infection. I saw online that it should not be taken by a person with atrial fibrillation or someone taking blood thinners. That includes me. Is there a safer alternative or should I take and cross my fingers?
Hi Lisa,
I had UTI and my doc gave me zenflox. after taking it for 2 days m having vaginal itching. can i apply yogurt around my vagina?
Also the normal watery discharge that i used to have has stopped. it has become a bit lumpy. it is bcz of the infection? help plz
Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it and i'm willing to try anything that I haven't tried before that sounds probable! I will definitely be giving it a go as I feel I have suffered with this for long enough as it is reoccurring for reasons unknown to both me and my doctor and I have literally had enough of it now. Thanks for taking the time to reply to this, that means a lot. :)
Hi Gem,
In addition to what Lisa had recommended, I would also suggest you simply consume a lot more fresh raw fruits and veggies (juiced/blended/eaten raw). A lot of raw foods like these are naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, alkalizing, and full of the good bacteria you're looking for.
I've actually read a book on how to change your diet to get rid of yeast infections; called The Body Ecology Diet. To sum it up, if you can shift your food intake toward 80% alkalizing fruits/veggies and 20% acid forming foods (mostly meat, fish, poultry, eggs, rice - even brown rice), it will be a big step toward setting up an environment that encourages the beneficial microbes and discourages/starves the yeast.
I hope this advice helps! :)
Thanks I may have to give this a try as it's something i've never tried before but have heard of. So thanks :) Yeah I have suffered with thrush repeatedly over this years through the use of antibiotics and for unknown reasons sometimes before a period and i'ts genuinely depressing having to put up with it so frequently. Thanks for your reply, mucho appreciated :)
Immediately start gobbling yogurt to get those good bacteria back that were destroyed by the Fluconazole!! If you wanted you could also apply plain yogurt to the area. I know how you feel, I'm a diabetic and I get them all the time. Hope you feel better soon.
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