Xtampza Er Users Effectiveness (Page 9)
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I need ppl who have tried the new Xtampza er med to tell me if it works the same as oxycontin? I need to switch so I wanted to know the strength of the new med in comparison.

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Well to post my status on the Xtampza as of this date I am bedridden in constant pain. Taking an equivalent dose does not even come close to the Oxycontin that I was on for over a decade. It feels as though there is a very small effect at best, but NEVER takes away pain like the Oxycontin did. Really the only thing it's good for is keeping withdrawal away. I wish I could afford oxy however its purchase price is ridiculous (even if you are wealthy), and my patient assistance was taken away. There is another coming up for FDA approval very soon called Rexista, supposed to be the same as Oxycontin plus it will be in the same mg amounts so it will be easy to convert. Idk if my body will hold out on this pain level I am being subjected to constantly. Each day tears my body apart from the stress of constant agony. They can throw the Xtampza down the commode as far as I am concerned.... May we all be given relief before it's too late to survive. This War on Drugs is wrong on soooo many levels, there are no words.

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Hi Ciao Bella,

I just read your post and had to reply. I too have been taking almost 300mg of oxycontin for the past few years after a couple of failed spinal fusions. I run a business, raise a family, show up for my life and get a little exercise in. I had some degree of quality of life. Now they have me on Xtampa and I am high, tired, b****y, stomach ache, in pain, can't go to the gym, my employees are complaining about me. Intercourse doesn't work with my wife!!!! I feel like I have to find a professional advocate who can fight my insurance company. Since i own my own business, i pay $5-6K a month in insurance for my employees. How can I pay that much, have the support of my doctors and STILL get shut down on the pre approval. Is there a group or an organization where people who are not abusing the medication, are successfully lobbying the insurance company? Sure would love to pool my efforts!!!

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Lisa, unfortunately there are several factors that are at fault and bear the irresponsible choices of which way the pendulum swings. The insurance industry has created an environment shedding a bad light on them as profit orientation and forcing western medical practice with their lobbyists and writing legislation, the doctor associations follow suite while writing scripts for the newest meds while receiving kickbacks, creating this realitivly new industry of "Pain Management" forcing the GP doctors out whom have the best interests of the patients and their reputations usually and not lobbying hard enough, the pharmaceutical industry is as bad as the insurance industry and then there is the D.E.A., F.D.A., C.D.C. only focused on bureaucracy of their interests and the unemotional laws passed while creating an place where the right hand hasn't a clue what the left hand or foot is doing and so on. This costly concept of the war on drugs has crept into all of the above and influenced the congress on down into society while purposely not identifying specific points of the problems, but lumping together as a category. My point being that this high profile epidemic is not sold as it is. The pharmaceutical industry is causing unintentional deaths (which is the only avenue for litigation), or the opiate O.D.s or any contributing factor, but lump them as one problem only and purposely designed to attack opiates as a whole. My argument is when you take someone legitimate that has a measured and known dose on a consistent basis then forcing them out making them just live with it since it is all in their mind anyways and they choose opiates over suicide for relief, they have no idea what is in it, how much of a dose to be safe and so on and all the while they have created a criminal which throws a whole different light on that individual who only wanted help and relief. So if suicide isn't an option we hand them over to the prison system which is increasing as a high profitability industry. Not a health problem. So back to who's at fault, we all are, pain is relative to each individual experience and it's so difficult to relay that to anyone else's perspective.

I have many spinal problems over nearly 25 years now with a cancerous tumor slipped in along with some other issues too. I've never had any O. D. problems over these years taking opiates off and on with both muscle relaxants and some anxiety meds too along with many, many others over the years. I have watched the changes in dismay and unbelief with some anger slipped in, these new pain relief meds and the poor quality of some of the old standbys (which I prefer mostly of the known effectiveness and side effects) are becoming a bigger problem than the issue they are attempting to solve. My best wishes to all and please keep smiling. Maybe some common sense will seep in before the end of our lifetime.

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It's not the doctors or the insurance companies it's the DEA who dictates what we can take and can't take they have these ridiculous regulations that unfortunately affect all of us not just the Addicts I am starting to get involved and we'll call the DEA as a consumer to find out what I can do to protest this is a legal issue it would be helpful if the doctors explain why they don't prescribe the things they do but they have lost their compassion hi

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I am in the same boat I totally understand and want to get involved somehow in calling the DEA the ones who make these ridiculous regulations that affects everyone especially those who have legitimate pain are not addicts and desperately need relief. I am just getting ready to start on this new form of Oxycontin and it doesn't sound encouraging I have been approved by my insurance company for the past couple of years for three 60 milligram Oxycontin a day now this doctor who is so afraid to lose her license which is ridiculous will only prescribe this new stuff. I'm just getting started

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That's just what I was looking for to know if it was safe to take two of these xtampza's at a time. One is not helping in the least. Thank you!

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United Healthcare force me to switch to Xtampza I was prescribed 60 pills of 27 mg er,,, it seems to me that it doesn't start working till 3 hours later after taking it,,, but i wasn't receiving any pain relief unless I took two at a time,,, and I would compare that to taking 3 Percocets

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I'm on month #2, & it's been miserable. I gave it a fair chance, with a open mind, & the Dr dosent believe in withdrawals. He switched meds & dosing (cutting out 60mg) & doesn't seem to care. Which I'm beginning to believe is the part these Dr's don't care. I'm sure if they understood it's not the medication, it's the limited time frame that relieves a majority of the pain, to function as a regular person, is whats addicting. Sure theres people that abuse it, but its a small % of those who need it, they wouldn't be so quick to judge.

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Thank you for the reply. After my double fusion I was prescribed Fetnyl patches but it has been some time since I have had them. What is available transdermally? I am truly open to whatever my PM doc recommends although he hasn't mentioned longer acting transdermals. I have been on the Xtampza for a full day now and have had to increase my oxy IR (per my doctors approval!) because the Xtampza er is NOT working. In addition, it is written for twice a day MAX where I was taking oxycontin 3 times a day A Fan~how long have you been taking Xtampza ER? I am really sorry to hear it isn't helping you!. I am hoping to hear about my 3rd appeal tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Be blessed y'all and thank you again KenieS

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I've had to switch from oxycontin to xtampza er, & I'm struggling with it. If you take it as directed it feels like 3-3.5hours after it starts to work, but if you get 8-9 hours of relief from it, I'd be suprised. I don't! I have been very disappointed with changing.

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Have you ever considered switching to a longer transdermal delivery type opioid type medication rather then relying on orally based formulations??your pain management specialist has a host of modern pharmaceutical
agents Available in the treatment of severe intractable pain patients.You deserve to have your pain adequately treated.Best of luck in your journey.

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Lynx~your description "hold on to our lives" is perfect. That is what I do day to day...Try to hold on one more day, and now THIS. Be blessed.

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Oh my, I am in the exact same predicament! I have been taking OXY 80s 3x a day for over 10 years and all of a sudden United Health Care decided they wont cover it anymore!! I have tried Opana, MS Contin, and now Xtampsa. I cannot believe that they are allowed to destroy lives this way. I went from being able to get out of bed and actually function back to where I was when I originally broke my back!! I will post my experience with Xtampza as I start taking it today. I am terrified and completely stressed. My anxiety is through the roof. Thanks UCH. Another life destroyed for your greed. God bless y'all who are in this same boat. I'll update my experience with Xtampza in 2 weeks.

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Tommy if you had Xtampza er cked pls let us know....I have found it does not work anywhere near like oxycontin. I actually cannot feel relief at all most times, whereas oxycontin absolutely hit the pain like a miracle for me when correct dosage. I have not tried taking a larger dose to see if that helps because am afraid of the deterrant in it.
Nurse A I have tried taking with or without food but makes no difference, so why do they say it must be taken with food?
I honestly would like to see if it truly is oxycodone time released or if it is a scam.
Please any one with verified info share.....

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My insurance co. forced me to switch to xtampza. I opened a pill to taste the powder and it had no taste at all. I believe it should be bitter. I think it's fake. I'm gonna get a u/a to check it, unless somebody knows what it should taste like or knows a better way to check it?

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These changes are forced by the CDC and federal guidelines. The insurance companies have jumped on the bandwagon as per the "opioid epidemic" it's absurd. If you need to get back on your oxycontin, then you'd have to jump through several hoops as per your insurance company in order for them to do a prior authorization and an appeal process; mind you, this process could take weeks to months.

To be fair, most of my patients with the switch have noted better efficacy than using oxycodone or oxycontin of comparable dose. The only kicker is, you have to take it with food.

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My insurance company (United) just forced me to switch from oxycontin to xtampza er. The comparable dose doesn't work AT ALL.

Xtampza is clearly propaganda to force legitimate chronic pain sufferers to use inferior medication. Total BS. Oxycontin has worked very well for me for years at the same dose. Stop f'ing with my health and pain levels!

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I went from methodone to xtampza er 27 mg twice daily and this sucks, it doesn't work well at all, I'm in constant pain and nothing relieves it, my doctor is making me try this for at least a couple of weeks. I'm counting down the days......oh yeah this headache that has come with it is just down right crazy.........

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Verwon- your info that the xtampza er is supposed to be stronger than Oxycontin is not true in my experience. Idk if it's due to my genetic make up or what but for me it is the opposite. I have tried taking with or without food but it is same either way. For me it simply is a"watered down" version of oxycontin, it simply does not take pain away. It is a shame that Purdue changed their qualifying income levels for oxycontin because I definitely would still be taking that. Due to these new gov laws and restrictions apparently it has effected drug companies too, I had been in their assistance program for over ten years then they changed the income qualification level so that I no longer am in that level. They wouldn't make any exception when I talked to the supervisors there. Bummer that I am one suffering, thanks to our greedy government.

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Please post any noted changes please for the rest of us. Thanks.

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