Xarelto Forums (Page 5)

Recently active Xarelto forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Xarelto and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I've been taking xarelto 20 mg for the past 10 days, 1 a day, which I take at night and I'm nauseous and just a general feeling of unwell & no appetite. I was just wondering how long do the side effects last? Especially the nausea? Can anyone help? ## It may take about 4 to 5 weeks for them to improve and go away, according to the U.S. FDA. You may also experience headache, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. Are you on any other medications? What condition is being treated? ## Xarelto is an evil demonic dangerous drug that should be pulled off the market. How the FDA could allow this drug on the market is beyond me because it has no known antidote to stop bleeding and if you require emergency surgery they cannot do it because you may bleed to death. It's all ...

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Which antibiotics can be prescribed while on Xeralto? ## Hello, Ed! How are you? I really don't have a list of them all that I can refer to for you. However, if you've been prescribed a particular antibiotic and post back with the name of it, I can check for interactions for you in that manner. Learn more Xarelto details here. Can you please post back with more details? Thanks!!! ## Recently prescribed Amoxicilion (sp ?), 875 mg, 1x day for a week. Both my doctor & pharmacist said no known interactions w/Xeraltol. Prescribed for sinusitis. No problems w/meds. Actually it looks like it may have cleared up an infection in my gyms as the bleeding in my gyms seems to have been reduced greatly. Having no other side effects w/Xeraltol. Had PE. Been about 3 months since beginning X...

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I’ve been on 20mg once a day for year and a half. I feel tired all the time, my whole body hurts, I have indigestion off and on, I have itching under my arms. I have muscle spasms and joint pain and the only thing I take is Tylenol which really does not do A lot for me. I was on warfarin before and I really didn’t notice any side effects. It’s very depressing to feel this way. Anyone else experience this? ## The FDA does list those as being possible side effects of Xarelto. You may also experience nausea, easy bruising, and increased risk of bleeding. NDC code: 50458-580 If you weren't having problems with Warfarin, why did your doctor have you switch? Have you informed them of these issues to see if it would be better for you to try a different medication, or perh...

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Is there any type of medicine that should not be taken while taking xarelto? ## Hello, Rho! How are you? You should avoid anything that may cause additional blood thinning, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. However, as to anything, I would need to know the specific medication you want to check, because there are far too many to list them all for you. Can you please post back with a list of the specific ones you want to check? Xarelto is classified by the FDA as a blood thinner, its typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, easy bruising and increased risk of bleeding. ## I am currently taking xarelto for DVT. I now have a cold virus. Is it contraindicated to now take over the counter cold remedies? Also, is it recommended to stop taking v...

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I took 30 mg a day from3 weeks, then dropped it to 20 mg per day. About 6 days after dropping to 20 mg, I started to get pain in joints, primarily hands, feet, knees, elbows, etc. I am being treated for PE's. My rheumatologist tested me for all connective tissue orders which were all negative. I am suffering and only take Tylenol for pain, which is not too helpful. I am debating if I should switch blood thinners or if joint symptoms will reduce over time with the Xarelto. Thank you to all. ## Hello, Cenzo! How are you? Joint pain has been a frequently reported side effect of Xarelto and it doesn't seem to go away, which has caused quite a few people to have to stop taking it. Another commonly reported problem is weight gain of generally greater than 40 pounds. Is there anything ...

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Got one month to before my 90 days on xarelto is over. I have been experiencing severe pain in my knees, ankles, hips and elbows. Never had this pain prior to the medication. Doctor shrugged off my concerns. I really need to know if this will stop after I am done xarelto. ## Hello, Chelle! How are you doing? Has there been any change? Many people have reported experiencing various body aches and pains, while taking Xarelto, and these symptoms are listed as possible side effects in the FDA patient advisory leaflet. It may also cause dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. However yes, such symptoms usually go away, once the medication is discontinued, but it may take a few weeks for them to fully abate. If they are really severe, you should inform your doctor, ...

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Experiencing Pain in my calf & leg muscles during the daytime. During the night, I wake up with leg muscles twitching. Get up, go to bathroom, back to bed & back to sleep. Cardiologist has had me on 20mg Xarelto/day for approximately 2 years for afib but haven’t had any negative reactions till now. Could Xarelto be the cause? Should I be concerned? ## Yes, there is a chance that it could be due to the medication, but there is no way to give you a definitive answer. The FDA does list its possible side effects as including joint/muscle aches, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. What dosage are you currently taking? Are you on any other medications? How often have you been experiencing these symptoms? ## I’m on 20mg/daily Xarelto. Have been on this ...

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Hi, I have been on xarelto for 2yrs now, and because of being on social security disability and having partial medicare and my insurance I will now have to pay close to 100 to 150.00 for xarelto. I can't afford the expense now. I was put on it because of getting 2 P.E's in my lungs for being inactive with suffering from vertigo. I am now very active and my doctor doesn't want me to stop but that may not be a choice because I can't afford it. I was on warfarin for a while but they couldn't control my INR levels. Now I don't know what to do. ## Hello, Roger! How are you? The manufacturer, Janssen, has an assistance program to help with these types of issues, using it many people have no out of pocket expense for their Xarelto prescription each month. To find more d...

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I need surgery for skin cancer. I have been taking Xarelto since March for Afib. I have waited over a week for my primary care doc to answer this question. Can I stop or do I have to be weaned off? ## Hello, Sandy! How are you? I'm very sorry about the skin cancer and hope that all turns out well. Usually, they have you stop taking it a few days, before surgery, but how long can depend on how complicated and in-depth your surgery will be. Thus, it would actually behoove you to ask your surgeon, they should be able to advise you on the matter. Xarelto is used to help prevent clotting and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, joint aches, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. ## I was taking xarelto for nearly 6 mths. I am factor V Leiden and have had 2 ...

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The instructions say, take Xarelto with the evening meal. I read that, in tests, taking Xarelto at 8pm gave much better and longer protection than at 8am. The difference in coverage between 8am and 8pm was influenced by the circadian rhythm. Since the circadian rhythm is active 24 hours per day, then there must be other times to take Xarelto that are equally or more effective than at 8pm. I want to take Xarelto at 5am, with my morning meal, so that I don't forget to take it. Is the 5am morning circadian rhythm activity as good as it is at 8pm at night? Any thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks, Bob ## It would be best to take it, when your doctor has instructed you to take it. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleedin...

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I had arthroscopic surgery on my Rt. Knee (meniscus) back on Sept.29, 2015. I am 48, non-smoker, non-drinker and had this same surgery for Miniscus tear prev. 8 yrs. ago. No issues 8 yrs ago on first surgery, but this past one from Sept. 2015- Bingo, all the symptoms and issues when my Rt calf began to swell. I had ortho appt on Oct. 21, 2015, and dr. said he feared a clot. He sent me directly to have an ultrasound, and wow I had 4 clots- 2 in upper leg and 2 in lower calf. I couldn't believe it. I was told to go to ER and I did- Herparin city- they started an IV and began pumping via a syringe- Heparin into my IV. Er doc said he needed to get a CT scan of my chest- suspecting clots in lungs and Bingo again-- 3 clots in my lungs- one on each lower lobe of lung, but biggest concern w...

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From all that I have read I can't find anyone who has crossedover successfully to natto or tumeric /asprin or any homeopathic medicine. I've just started xarelto for first DVT and am planning to come of asap. The fact that the company xarelto can't help after 10 years is questionable I don't understand why there is no definate research into how to taper off or how long is the half life and what actually is 'rebound' ... ## A rebound is when you stop a medication suddenly and experience increased blood clotting, which can create the risk of heart attack, or stroke. You should not stop it, until your doctor says it is safe for you to do so. Other rebound effects may include headache, nausea, and stomach pain. The half life isn't relevant, regarding when such si...

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The pharmacy did not fill my prescription because they needed insurance approval. After calling everyday and hearing the pharmacy's excuse on why my script filling was delayed I got it. I am on effient 10mg also and 20mg of xarelto. Started it again 5 days ago but left side of chest feels a heaviness and dull pain. I have had several bouts with bilateral pulmonary embolism. Never a dvt. Had to have femoral tibia bypass on both legs. I was wondering how do I find out if I might have another blood clot in lungs? Last April I went to ER cause I could not stop throwing up and it turn out I had a big clot in the aorta and several small in thoracic in chest. My breathing was fine just felt icky and throwing up. I've been feeling weak and this dull pain left side breast area makes me w...

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I have been on Xarelto since March of 2014 for bi lateral PEs. After a month or so, I had terrible joint pain for about 1.5 months, and then it seemed to have subsided. For the past 3 months or so, I get dizzy, nauseaus and my quadriceps seem to be achy. I have been tested for all types of auto immune diseases and all are negative. I just feel pretty cruddy everyday. I am a 44 year old male and have a blood clotting disorder and likely to be on anti coagulants for my lifetime. All I do is seem to suffer and my doctor states it's not Xarelto casuing any of this... Does anyone have similar issues? Thank you for your time and best of luck to all! ## I have been on xarelto for two months, i constantly feel dizzy, sick, Achey, my head feels like it's completely compacted, i can't...

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Hi. Has anyone on Xarelto had multiple tooth extractions? If so, did you have to stop the medication for a while? And how did you find the bleeding? Thanks for any replies. ## It can result in increased risk of bleeding, according to NIH studies. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and easy bruising. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I switched from Warfarin to Xarelto two months ago as I was suffering severe hair loss. All was well until very recently as I have experienced moderate breathlessness. I have atrial fibrillation, LBBB, mild left ventricular impairment and thyroid problems. I have never suffered breathlessness previously and would be interested to find out if anyone else has experienced this whilst taking Xarelto. ## Yes. I have experienced breathlessness in the 6 months since I began xarelto and it has changed my life for the worse. I have mitral valve regurgitation and paroximal atrial fibrillation. Since beginning I have also experienced increased sweating with itching pimples and dizziness. Additionally I had a bad fall and broke a bone in both hands and tore the miniscus in my knee. The doctors igno...

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I take Xarelto for A-fib, and have a cold with runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. What antihistamine can be safely taken for a cold/runny nose/sneezing, while on Xarelto? ## Pure lavender oil can act as a potent antihistamine and is recognized in oil desk references as being generally regarded as safe to use internally. Whenever I had a runny/stuffy nose or sinus infection, it never failed to ward off sneezing and coughing. I also find it beneficial for nasal congestion when I put it on a Q-tip up my nostrils. It really works wonders for me and that's why I wanted to mention it here. Another thing that people swear by are neti pots. I haven't actually used one myself, but I regularly hear brilliant things about how well they work for clearing mucous. On one last note, th...

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Hi everyone.. I injured my knee (patellar dislocation + meniscal tear) during martial arts practice and developed a DVT. The DVT was diagnosed approximately 20 hours after the incident but the circulation and swelling problem had started half an hour of the incident. So, from the blood work, i do not have any predisposition that could cause blood clots. Also, I am a very active person and used to train 6 days a week. I was on clexane 100mg daily for 10 days and conducted a second doppler evaluation. The clot was occlusive and 15cm long in the first place, and it became non-occlusive dvt in 10 days of clexane. I am not sure whether or not it shortened the length of the clot, but all the symptoms of DVT disappeared within 20 days. So after the 1st treatment, I was again on clexane for day...

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Have been on 20 mlgs Xarelto for 3 years…take one a day. Experiencing severe dizziness, spinning sensation with vertigo. Could xarelto be causing this? ## Hello, Bev! How are you? It's possible, though it would be unusual to suddenly start experience those symptoms, after 3 years. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. Have you consulted your doctor? It would be best to have this checked out to be safe. ## I’ve been on Xarelto for a month and a half. Since I’ve been on them I get dizzy spells. Doctor told me my body just needs to adjust. Some days I get 3-4 spells a day. Will these spells go away or should I change medication? I’m even scared to drive because I ne...

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I've recently experienced burning feet and hands. I've been on Zarelto for over a year. Is this a complication from the drug? ## Hi ajmediator, According to The US National Library of Medicine, "burning" sensations are listed as one of the more common general side effects of Xarelto. Ref: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0045374/#DDIC603481.side_effects_section To my knowledge these types of side effects usually don't subside until you stop taking what's causing it to begin with. So if it doesn't appear to go away anytime soon or seems to have become more bothersome/severe overtime, I would definitely encourage you to contact your doctor about trying other treatment options. I hope this helps! ## I suspected Xarelto was causing my hand and feet burning. Thank...

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