Xarelto Forums (Page 4)

Recently active Xarelto forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Xarelto and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Within 3 days of taking 20mg of xarelto I could not move. Back pain, spasms and muscle stiffness was horrible. Informed cardiologist who disregarded my complaints. Have been off xarelto 8 months and still suffering from back pain and stiffness. It is unknown if this is permanent. I hope to God that is not the case. Xarelto has ruined my life. ## It would be very odd for medication side effects to last that long after stopping the medication, though the FDA does list them as possibly including headaches, joint pain, and muscle pain. Are you on any other medications? Is it possible that there may be some other cause for these issues? ## Hello, My husband is experiencing the same thing. He has since switched blood thinners. The pain is still so bad. Doctors say it’s potassium and mag...

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Took xarelto for 3 months after broken ankle and subsequent blood clot in calf. Developed severe, strange muscle pain in left shoulder blade, arm, elbow, neck, etc. Even went to ER because pain and tightness in left chest. Im 43 and pretty healthy otherwise. Been off it for 5 weeks with very little relief. Anyone else? How long does it stay in your sysem? ## Hello, ER! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. If it was a side effect of the Xarleto, it shouldn't still be an issue after you've been off of it for over a month. This has happened to people taking it, that is listed in the FDA medication information, but it usually stops, after someone is off of it for a few weeks. Are you on any other medications? Have you consulted your doctor?...

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I have been taking xarelto for about 4 months post PE I have gained about 20 pounds and am breaking out horribly non stop especially on and around my nose occasionally have sharp pains in my arms and legs I too 15 mg twice day for first 3 weeks and now am taking 20 mg daily I seem tk be reading that 10 mg is the norm am I taking too much? I worry since this drug is so new ## Hello, Diana! How are you? Everything that you've listed can be normal side effects of it, except the break outs, I've not seen that listed anywhere. Are you on any other medications? And no, the normal doses are 15mgs twice daily or 20mgs once daily. ## I too have been suffering from acne and weight gain. I have them on my cheeks, neck and upper lip. I also have gained 12 lbs. I know my body very well and i...

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I'm a 21 year old, female athlete. I had surgery on my left knee (3rd one) after tearing my meniscus in December. Recovered quickly and started PT within a week after surgery. A couple months after, my calf started to swell to an abnormal size and I had pain in the back on my knee through my calf. I also started to get chest pains and dizziness. Saw a few doctors - some thought I had a Baker's cyst and didn't think the swelling was bad. Even got an EKG to rule out any heart problems, everything came back normal. It wasn't until my trainer sent me to get an ultrasound in February that they found a DVT in my femoral vein. Sent me for a CAT scan and found that it broke off and "showered" around both lungs. Immediately started me on xarelto, which gave the worst side...

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I have been in xarelto for 5 years post dvt and the aches and pains associated with xarelto have been really confusing! One minute my wrist hurts, then my leg, then my finger, perpetual aches and pains and they persist in the night and when they are in my dvt leg they cause much anxiety. I will switch the warfarin and see if there is any improvement because right now they tell me I have post thrombotic syndrome but I'm not convinced because the aches and pains are everywhere and are most likely xarelto! Wish I didn't need any of these toxic meds! ## I am right there with you! I had a DVT in my groin at 31 weeks pregnant so I was on lovenox and after I delivered I was put on xarelto. I literally have aches and pains all over every single day. I never had any issues until now and ...

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I was on Xarelto 15 mg twice a day for 21 ays. Now 20 mg per day for a week. Today I woke up and almost fell over with the most extreme dizziness i have ever experienced. Is this a possible side effect of the drug? If so, why all of a sudden would I have such extreme symptoms? Anyone out there have similar experiences? Its like I just got off a merry go round in the schoolyard. I am very concerned. ## I have been taking a 20 mg Xarelto tablet for over four years and have never had any side effects like that. I always take it after my evening meal. ## I am not an expert but that seems like a huge amount. The beauty about Xaralto is you only have to take it once a day because it is good for 24 hours... unlike some of the others, for instance, Eloquis has to be taken twice a day. Sounds li...

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Hi. I've been on rivaroxaban for 18 months, had no side effects except gum bleeding sometimes but recently my legs feel tight and I have calf pain. Is this a side effect anyone has had and will it go again? I'm worrying that it's a dvt even though I'm on the tablets. ## It is always best to have a symptom like this checked out by your doctor to be safe. While this medication can cause joint and muscle aches as side effects, according to the NIH, there is no way to be sure. Are you on any other medications? ## After taking Rivaroxaban for 1 week I became deaf in my left ear, with tinnitus. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had deafness as a result of taking this medication?

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I have been on Sintrom for 6 months after an incident of DVT and last week I switched to Xarelto taking 20mg/day. Since then I have noticed slight pain and swelling to my leg. Is this one of the side effects? Apart from that no other side effects are noticed... ## Hello, KZ! How are you? Yes, Xarelto can cause edema and muscle pain as side effects, along with nausea and increased risk of bleeding. You should have the edema checked out, as it may require treatment, or you may need to switch to a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Started taking Xarelto @ month ago. Just noticed swelling in both legs, no pain just swelling from knee' down to ankles. Also a oozing sore on one leg ## Started this medication August 2016 by November 2016 my heartbeat slowed t...

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I have found that I am more tired than usual and can/need sleep for extended periods since I have started Xarelto. I attempted to take caffeine pills in the morning to help me wake up only to notice after taking the caffeine pills I begun to have bleeding during bowel movements. When I stop taking the caffeine pills the bleeding really subsides to nearly non-existent. ## Hi Eric, Sorry to hear about your recent experience with bleeding during bowel movements. From what I could gather, there don't appear to be any interactions listed between caffeine and Xarelto (rivaroxaban). However, you might be surprised to know that Xarelto does actually list "bloody stools" as one of its more common side effects at: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0045374/#DDIC603481.side_effects_secti...

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Hi all. I was diagnosed with a large DVT and numerous PEs in both lungs in October 2015. I was put on Rivaroxaban and have found myself suffering with pain in my neck and shoulders, my knees, shins and ankles. I also have lost a lot of strength in both legs. I wonder if anyone else has had similar symptoms? I noted the pain stopped briefly when I had to stop taking the medication to have a minor operation. ## Hello, Cliff! How are you? I'm sorry about the way you're feeling. Yes, those can be typical side effects of this medication, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache and easy bruising. Can anyone else that's take it chime in? ## I too have been diagnosed with a DVT behind my knee and down my calf and numerous PEs in both lungs in Janu...

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I just started taking Xarelto a week ago. My feet and legs are swollen. What do I do? ## Hello, Shane! How are you? As reported by the FDA, that can be a side effect of this medication, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. It would be best to have it checked out by your doctor to be safe. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello, the doc told me it was the oppressor that was causing the swelling. I had been on a constant IV drop for nearly a week as well. Also during that time I had terrific dry mouth and drank constantly. I could hardly move. I think all these factors led to the swelling rather than xarelto. These medications were all new to me. ## Hello, the doc told me it was the lopressor that was causing the swel...

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I have been on Xarelto for 4 months. I am trying to exercise but still feel so fatigued. I was very active before my DVT/PE (1/2 marathons, cycling, lifting) and just having a hard time feeling normal when exercising. Feel very out of breathe when only running 3-5 miles. Can't seem to run more than 5 miles now! Anyone else experience this? Also I have gained about 10 lbs and can't seem to lose it! Feeling very frustrated! ## Hello, CJ! How are you? Yes, those are known side effects of Xarelto, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience headache, increased risk of bleeding, easy bruising and joint.muscle aches. Can anyone that's been on it chime in with their experience? Some people have had to stop taking it, due to the side effects. ## CJ, my profile is similar to yours....

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I am having extreme joint discomfort where I can’t move. I’ve been on it six months in the last 2 months I’ve noticed memory loss. Is that a side effect. I can’t seem to get off Xeralto when I do I get pains where my clots are. I am on 10 mg’s. How long does it take your body to go back to no pain. ## It has been known to cause some pain in arms and legs, as a side effect, as well as headache, according to FDA reports. But this extreme pain and memory loss are not normal side effects. Have you consulted your doctor? This might not be the best medication for you and having clots, you should not just stop taking it, but rather switch to an alternative with your doctor's approval. Are you on any other medications? The memory loss occurring during the last ...

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ive been anticoagulated for 8 years. recently switched from lovenox to xarrelto. i am hoping the weight gain and the hairloss will diminish as i am lifelong on an anticoagulent. does anybody else know if these side effects end? ## Hello, Beatrice! How are you? No, from what others have said who also experienced it, such side effects do not go away. Many people have actually been unhappy with Xarelto and had to switch off of it. It may also cause joint/muscle aches and headaches. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I forgot to tell you people that being on Xarelto also has caused me to lose my hair. This has never happened to me before. ## Yes...me too. Hair loss, joint pain & weight gain on Xarelto has been acute and troublesome, for sure.

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I have been on xarelto for 2 & a half years for afib.....was recently taken off of it....I am having flu like symptoms.....headache, achiness & nausea... Could any of this be due to stopping the xarelto? ## Hello, Lynn! How are you? Yes, it's possible. Your body gets used to anything that you ingest regularly for a long period of time, so suddenly stopping something can cause some minor withdrawal effects. As listed by the FDA, you may also experience diarrhea, chills and fever. However, there is a also a chance that you've just caught the flu. How are you feeling, now? How long have you been off of it? ## How long does the nausea last when coming off Xarelto and what other side effects do you get? How long before you start to feel any better?

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Started Xarelto two days ago. The first day extreme fatigue and bone and joint pain. I don't think I can co tinue on this drug much longer. Going to call my doctor but just wanted to hear from anyone else that might be experiencing this. Does it get better or go away? Thanks in advance for any advice ## I had joint pain after starting on Xarelto, but it went away after a couple of months. I was told joint pain is a common side effect, but should eventually go away as your body adjusts to the medication. I would still talk to your doctor, though! ## Thanks for you input. After I posted this I have blood in my urine and had to stop xarelto and restart Pradaxa. It was really scary but the blood has now stopped after discontinuing it for 24 hrs. Was very scared I was bleeding internally...

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After a single AFib event, I was put on Eliquis. I almost immediately developed severe shoulder pain in both shoulders, so doctor changed to Xarelto. Same problem. I am not currently taking a blood thinner, only a daily aspirin, because of the side effects. One shoulder returned to normal, but the other one continues to hurt. Had never had any problem with shoulder pain before taking these medications. ## Is Aspirin the only medication you are currently taking? The FDA warns that it may cause side effects, such as nausea, increased risk of bleeding, stomach irritation, and headache. ## Yes, the only blood thinner. Take a baby aspirin.

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My mother started on Xaralto on May 10th. She was hospitalized for blood clots. She has since been in the hospital two times in a week for severe anxiety...over the top. She stays very nauseous now too. I have asked the doctors to put her on Coumadin to see if this relieves these issues. She is ready to die because of these issues. ## Hello, BB! I am very sorry about what your mother has been going through. Yes, the FDA does warn that Xarelto has been known to cause severe anxiety in some people that take it, along with other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. What did they say about putting her on Coumadin? Is she on any other medications?

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I've stopped taking xarelto and my heart medication (it's been twenty days). I never told my doctor and I don't plan on taking them ever. I'm still here, I've got no side effects, I'm 56 yrs old and I'm 350 lbs obese. I was put on them because my heart rate went to 233 beats a minute, an yes, I had artireal heart rythm. Oh, did I mention that I was on them for 18 months and I just went cold turkey? ## I've been on it for over three years at 20 mg due to a blood clot. I quit taking it on Monday per the hematologist. I've been having an annoying headache, and lots more energy. Once the headache is gone I think I'll feel like I used to three years ago. Has anyone had the headaches? Maybe it's not related. ## It's been over 36 days since I wen...

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I was prescribed this tablet for blood thinning, after taking just one tablet, I had the most dreadful side affects.The worst has been itching, even after having stopped the tablet a week ago, I had very bad nausea for 3 days, shocking water retention in feet & ankles, even 3, 40 grams furemuside a day didn't fix it. That has resolved itself, headache, constipation, I never have that. I am back taking aspirin, still feeling unwell & the itchiness does not want to go away, no matter what I try. ## Are you on any other medications, or just the Aspirin? While the NIH does warn that many medications can cause itching as side effects, and they do list it being possible with Xarelto, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, easy bruising, and increased risk of bleeding. However, it...

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