Xarelto And Weight Gain (Page 3)
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I have been on 15mg of Xarelto along with 40mg of Crestor for approximatley 8 months and have suffered through a distended abdomen and burning and aching in my hips, legs and feet. After blood tests and scans ruled out anything sinister I chose to stop taking Crestor altogether. Within a week my abdomen was no longer distented and much of the pain in my hips and legs reduced to a point where I actually got some sleep. I have now started back doing my walking and concentrating on eating everything right but my weight inexplicably is going up and up. I have also noticed my tension type headache and tinnitus which I have had both for 11 years has intensified and difficult to ignore. I can only think the weight gain can be caused by Xarelto...there seems to be no other explanation and I have asked my doctor to put me back to Warfarin. The increase to my tension headache and tinnitus may have been caused by Crestor although it has not diminished since stopping that medication 3 weeks ago. Has anybody else noticed these side effects taking Xarelto?

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Hello Alex, I was prescribed xarelto for 3 months after a PE in December and my weight shot up by approximately 10kg. Even though I no longer take them I'm battling to get my weight back down again. No one has any answers regarding metabolism or water retention just that diuretics don't work, that it was a massive trauma on your body and will take up to a year to get back to normal. I'm now on a fruit and veg diet, slimming world but still don't have enough energy to hugely increase my exercise regime. Aches and pains have reduced but I suggest you try something else because that medication is fairly new and side effects are not recognized. The clinic staff were adamant that it wasn't the medication making me ill. Hope this helps.

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Has anyone tried aspiring instead of blood thinners? I have been on Xarelto since Dec 2015 after a pulmonary embolism, but have gained 17Lbs - It is insane! (Haven't changed my diet or activity levels). I have been thinking about changing meds to either warfarin or simply move to a daily aspirin (or baby aspirin). Has anyone tried this? Looking forward to loosing the weight...

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Unbelievable! It's interesting that you were able to lose weight while on xarelto and others can't lose at all. There must be a reason for that. What other meds are you on? Something you take must be blocking the negative effects of the xeralto.

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I took it exactly 2 months and put on 7 pounds and I am continuing to gain weight. I feel I can barely waddle

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I did eventually lose the weight I gained but it took almost a year.

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Hello I was on Xarelto for 3 months after a pulmonary embolism and have experienced weight gain, fluid retention , pains in legs and an aching body.I haven't taken Xarelto now for about a month, some of the symptoms have gone but the weight gain hasn't and my energy is still low... Any advice please..

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Following a bad mva I developed a blood clot in my right leg after being bedridden. I was initially taking Coumadin but my inr numbers just wouldn't level out. I also noticed that after every shower the tub was full of hair and one swipe of my hand through my hair and it was covered. Three months into the Coumadin I began experiencing swelling in my leg. I was switched to xarelto. It worked perfectly for 6 months then I had to stop it 5 days prior to a scope procedure following the procedure I started up the xarelto again. The next day I began experiencing some fairly severe side effects. Black tarry stool combined with blood. Fatigue. Sore lower legs. Irritability. Unable to sleep. Stomach bloating.

I had a doplar scan completed 3 months prior and at that time no clot was present. This was to be able to stop the xarelto in order to have a drain tube inserted into my liver. That time I did not experience any side effects when starting the xarelto again. This time however it's done a number on me.

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I'm 43,a small clot was found in my lung.Iv been put on xarelto 15 mg ,one in the morning and one in the evening,for 21 days and then 1 X 20mg xarelto for 6 months.I can't believe this all happened 4 days ago ,and I feel like I'm drugged to the eyeballs I'm SO tired,it has to be the Xarelto.Im so disappointed as I'm worried what will I be like in a month down the line on this medication.I own a very busy restaurant & b+b and have a four year old..Am gutted..Also I only have to look at food and put on weight.....

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My doctor didn't have any issues with me going back on coumadin. I think we just did it gradually, probably over a week. We did check my blood levels during the week to make sure everything was okay.

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How did you get off Xarelto? Taper off, stop immediately, etc. I want to get off it but my dr scares the hell out of me saying if I stop I'm likely to suffer a stroke. I ask him to switch me to Coumadin and he said it caused too many side effects. I feel terrible taking this drug...shortness of breath, stomach distended, legs ache, etc. Fortunately no weight gain yet but I've only been taking it a couple of months.
What scares me most is there's no antidote if I bleed for any reason. I'm wondering if the Drs are getting a kickback for prescribing this drug. They seem to be pushing it too much.

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Your Doc neefs kick up the backside
Go see a different doctor and tell them what you want. You are in charge of your own health. You and only you know how you. Stand up for your self.

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Don't take fish oil with Xarelto & Vit. E

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You should see a cardiologist.

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sorry to hear of the problems you're having, I hope I don't gain any weight, I already have numbness and pain in feet and legs from a disc problem in my back, it's only going to get worse if I put on more weight. I just deal with it, don't want to take pain pills.
My chiro is a lot of help in dealing with the pain, the MD's only want to give me pills to take for it.

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I hope I don't gain weight on this drug, I've been trying to trim down, I feel tired when my weight goes up...I want to talk with my doctor, last visit my EKG was ok so I wonder if I can get off it. I do have some heart problems but if he says I'm not at high risk for blood clots I'd like to go on some natural things. My chiro gives me natural things to take like fish oil but is it ok with xarelto?.
I hope I don't gain weight, I have a back problem and although it's not serious it does bother me, I can't sit very much, pain & numbness in legs, but at least I'm retired now and don't have to work.

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Yes I would definitely talk to my doctor about an alternative. The weight gain will continue and it can take a year after you are off the drug to lose it. I have no idea why xarelto causes weight gain but it does.

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I have had the same weight issue. I've been on Xarelto for six months. I gain about 2.5 lbs every three months like clock work. I've tried to lose it with no luck. I think I need to find a different drug. :(

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I have ringing in my ears, but I've had it for several years before taking Xarelto, but sometimes it does seem a little worse. I'd like to get off of it, I believe if I take fish oil and vitamin e and other things I'll be ok. I'm 65yr old and took these things for years and had good health. But recently now I'm on all these meds for my heart and is it safe to continue with them.
I try my best just to ignore the ringing, but also have back pain with numbness and pain down my legs at times, for many years, but other than that problem my health has been good. It's not too much of a problem since I'm retired and try not to sit a lot in front of the computer.

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I thought I would post for all those who read these forums filled with posts with folks who have issues that may or may not be correlated to being on xarelto.

I have been on 20mg a day for 4months. I had pulminary embolisms with unknown origin. I was in good health but slightly overweight.

I have exercised everyday and w as the what I ate and I have had no problem losing weight over the 4 months. No different than had I been on or off xarelto.

I am a 53 yr old male. Purposely dropped 5lbs a month since being on xarelto. I have had no side effects either.

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I took Xarelto for 3 months, 2 years ago and I instantly began to gain weight. It's all water but these oedema are no usual ones. I have really struggled to get off this weight although I am a really active person who doesn't eat junk food and always ate healthy. Nothing really helped until about 4 months ago, I started wearing compression tights and tried a diuretic again, additionally to all the sports I did and suddenly I lost 10 lbs and after fasting again I am 18 lbs down. 14 - 18 lbs still to go but I am so grateful because I fit in almost all of my old things again.
But Xarelto caused problems that my body couldn't cope with for a long, long time!
We wrote to Bayer as well but they won't do nothing about it!

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