Xarelto And Period Bleeding With Huge Clots And Leg Cramps
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Hi, I've been on xarelto for almost a month. I was admitted in the hospital for 2 days, after they found a blood clot(PE) in my lung. They don't know where it came from b/c I had no signs/symptoms at all. Until on the 4th of this month, I almost blacked out in my living room, and told my husband to take me to the ER. An that's what they found my PE.... this is my first clot ever, and I have to be on blood thinners for 6 months.....is it true u can get another clot while on thinners, or xarelto, in general? B/c I read people can get other clots while on thinners....????
Anyways...soon after being on the blood thinner, I got my period...I am only 33years old (34 in march) and usually my period lasts only 3-4 days. I've had my period for 3 weeks and one day. It's been very heavy off an on, and I'm passing huge blood clots, like 50 cent piece size. Or bigger. I've been crampy, having light headedness, low grade fevers a few times, feeling tired, weak, also having very low energy...also I've been having cramps in my lower right leg, in the back of it...off and on...all day today...and cramps in my arms, and other leg some. But my right leg gets the most cramps...not sure if it's b/c I haven't moved around much...also I have a anxiety panic disorder, which don't help things... This really stinks b/c I have 3 kids, and my husband travels on business. So my kids need me. My doctor tried to put the merena IUD in me, on the 20th, which fell out on the 28th. It came out stuck in a big blood clot. They gave me that to supposedly help stop the bleeding with my period...which got worse again once it fell out. Before that they had me on a hormone pill to help stop the bleeding, which nothing seems to help. Can someone please tell me what to do, in order to have some days without bleeding all month? This is making me emotionally upset, and depressed. Which I never get this way. I'm not sure what to do...the only thing any of us can do really...is give it to God, and pray about it????.... I'm just so sick of being sick...I wish things would get better, and go away, and I pray everyday....Has anyone had this experience? What should I do?
6 Replies
I been on Xarelto since July same thing happen to me so I have to take it for 6mo. The bleeding will not get any better I have tried everything. Mine is so bad that when it’s there I have to stay home because I’ll mess up my clothes if I go pass a hour. I’m so ready for February to get here and I pray to God that this is the first and the last one that I ever have. I have never been sick and then this.
Hi. I just started taking Xarelto 10 days ago for my arm vein thrombosis. I also have bleeding problems (e.g. nosebleeds, prolonged menstrual cycles). Is it normal? Should I stop taking it?
I also had blood clots in both lungs about a year ago I was put on warafin. With xarelto they don't do a INR to see what level your blood is to see if its to thin or thick so your blood could be to thin. With warafin they do INR to see the level of your blood and there have been times my blood was to thick so they had to increase my milligram or sometimes it was to thin so they had to decrease my milligram I would ask the doctor to switch you to warafin if your having problems with bleeding that doesn't stop
I've been on Xarelto for a year due to DVT/PE. I suffered from heavy than usual periods. I'm talking two weeks running. The last straw was on Dec. 27, 2016 while I was at work I was in so much pain and I was experiencing dizziness. So I was rush to the hospital where I found out I was severely anemic. I had to have a blood transfusion. While at the hospital, I was also told they found a fibroid tumor and advices me to have a hysterectomy. So I made the appointment and had a tubal ligation with d/c abliation. Question is simple...after all of this am I still subject to get blood clots and remain on Xarelto for the rest my my life.
Yes, my doctor knows. But isn't changing my blood thinner yet:/ and yes I'm on klonopin 1mg for panic anxiety disorder. And a few other meds. Not much. Nothing that would make this happen. My klonopin is the most serious besides the blood thinner. An I only take it usually once a day. For the blood thinner I'm on 20mg A day for 6 months.
That can happen, as a side effect, when you are taking this medication, according to the FDA. It may not be the right medication for you to take and you may need to try a different one.
Have you informed your doctor of the problem?
What dosage are you taking? Are you on any other medications?
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