Xarelto Acne And Weight Gain
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I have been taking xarelto for about 4 months post PE I have gained about 20 pounds and am breaking out horribly non stop especially on and around my nose occasionally have sharp pains in my arms and legs I too 15 mg twice day for first 3 weeks and now am taking 20 mg daily I seem tk be reading that 10 mg is the norm am I taking too much? I worry since this drug is so new
14 Replies
Ive been on xarelto a week and at 41 my skin has broken out worse than ever, face, neck, back and butt! Its so embarrassing. What can I do to improve this? Even my sterling silver necklace is going black!
I've been on xarelto for a month now. When my vascular surgeon started me on it he stared me at 10mg. I recently noticed that I have acne issues as well. I can't control it and I never experienced acne issues like I do now. Now I don't experience all the other side effects as others have ( for now) I just got switched to a 15mg once a day dosage. I am on being severely montiored by my doctors because I have a hematoma that is 13.3 cm in my abdominal wall that we have to make sure it doesn't start bleeding. I am only going to be on it for a short period of time but i to have experienced sever acne :(
Are You Sure that I can't go Off of it?!?
My acne is terrible. It's all over my fore head, on my cheeks, and on my neck. I too have been experiencing extreme fatigue. Is there anyways I can get rid of my acne?!? HELP
How can you say "normal "side effects...This is a very dangerous drug. People are dying because of bleeding as no antidote and Drs really have no clue. AND YOU CANT STOP TAKING IT because it has a rebound effect. Side effects ..horrendous.Ask me...I've been stuck on it for 3 years..
its ruoned my life.Pain dizziness reflux nose bleeds arm pain leg pain back pain.
Now on second dose of Xeralto and noticed increased acne. My google search actually lead me to this page. Noticed maybe a little hair falling out but the main side effect I feel has been acne on my face and back area.
This is a dangerous drug with many serious side effects. Even medical people are not sure about side effects and how to take it. It can cause extreme fatigue, weight gain, severe bleeding, which has lead to deaths and many other undesirable effects. I was never told once on it you can not stop it !!! Unless you know about this drug you should not be advising people. I have written to Bayer and Johnson and Johnson and could not get a straight answer about this drug.
Are you taking some natural things? You should be on fish oil. It's really good for the heart. My chiro gives me blue ice x-factor, it's supposed to be the purest oil you can buy.
Well it has been almost a year. I just recently stopped taking Xarelto. I was able to get my weight regulated, but the acne never got better. I am hoping that it will subside now that I am off of Xarelto. Does anyone else have any updates?
Diana....That is what I worry about also. The drug is way too new. I hope & pray I don't get cancer or a heart attack because the damned Dr's insisted I stay on Xarelto.
I am on 20mg of X and baby aspirin. I have had terrible acne breakouts on my neck, face, chest and back. I feel like I'm 18 again! I fear I might have to change medications.
I been taking Xeralto for 5 months i been breaking out and I never suffer from acne before. Also I notice I gained weight and feel bloated and my hair is falling out like crazy.
I too have been suffering from acne and weight gain. I have them on my cheeks, neck and upper lip. I also have gained 12 lbs. I know my body very well and if I watch what I eat, I can drop 2-5 lbs a week. Since I have been on Xarelto, I can only lose about 1-2 lbs. My belly is much more bloated.
I do not suffer from and pain. Well, the bottom of my left foot, in the arch area is tender. I have a DVT in my leg.
Going into my 3rd month of taking Xarelto.
Hello, Diana! How are you?
Everything that you've listed can be normal side effects of it, except the break outs, I've not seen that listed anywhere.
Are you on any other medications?
And no, the normal doses are 15mgs twice daily or 20mgs once daily.
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