Xanax Vs. Mylan
UpdatedWhat's the difference between the two??
Hi Britney,
Mylan is a pharmaceutical company that manufactures a lot of generics. So if a medicine says Mylan on it, that simply means that they are the manufacturer, and it is not the name of the med.
Usually it would say Mylan and then also have some numbers on it. Does your pill have numbers on it as well? If so please post exactly what your pill says + the shape and color... and then somebody can run a positive ID on it for you.
Take care!
round tablet. MYLAN A4
MYLAN 1610,
small teal capsul, what is is for and what are the side effects. is it generic XANAX?
katlin, mentioned a round tablet with the letters a4. i was wondering if thats xanax as well. the pill is white.
any info would be greatly appreciated.
Mylan A4 is 2mg Alprazolam and is the generic for Xanax.
Mylan 1610, on the other hand, is 10 mg Dicyclomine generic for Bentyl
ty roy, i appreciate your info.
Has anyone else noticed that the Mylan A4 pills are not nearly effect as the regular xanax 2mg bars?
yes, i was just stating that to my husband. they definitely are not as strong as xanax. somebody is selling a lemon
I mean how much of a diff is there if I take 4 .25 zans and 2 of the maylan a4 would I get f***ed up and if so how many bars will that equal too?? Thanks for any help
Jeff: 4 x 0.25 mg = 1 mg ... 2 x Mylan A4 = 4 mg
So you would be taking in a total of 5 mg Alprazolam. This is more than double a normal dose. You should definitely proceed with caution and ensure that you follow the directions of the medication which you have been prescribed.
the Mylan ones, as far as I am concerned are as good as if not Better than the bars!!!! Not nearly the addatives the bars contains. Anyone agree:
I found a White Round Pill with Mylan A4 on one side and the other side is scored to be cut into four pieces I found this in my bathroom and nobody at my house tis taking any medicine I wanted to know what this is and what are the side effects ?
Listen, the Mylan A4 are the SAME THING AS THE BARS! They are both 2mg Xanax. Mylan is just the manufacturer. It still contains the EXACT SAME ingredients as the 2mg xanny bar. It is not a lemon. The round white 4-scored Mylan A4 2mg xanax is the EXACT SAME as a 2mg xanny bar (which is the most common). It is the same thing and contains the same ingredients, it's just made my 2 different companies!
i have taken xanax for about a year now off and on to help me sleep and this last time they gave me the mylan brand and thats how found this website...i was googleing to see what i was taking. they do not help me sleep at all. no where near affective. give me my bars back please. by the way i only take a quarter at a time so im not a druggie or anything just a tired as** momma who works 40+ hrs and needs some help falling asleep sometimes.
I've been taking xanax 2mg months, I went to a different Pharmacy and I was given Alprazolam 2mg Myan A4. Is there a differance in this medication because I don't feel comfortable?
mylan a4 is 2 mg alprazolam and is the same strength as the bars so your dumb if you say otherwise
Hi, I've been taking 2mg Xanax Bars twice a day for over 3 years now. Everyone is probably feeling the economy and money lost. So to save money I went to a different pharmacey and I got my normal Perscription. But instead of my normal bars that have the four scores on the back, are white, and have a single G on it. These ones are white, no scores on the back (basically flat,) and they have a double G (GG.) Now I was wondering do these cheaper generic Double G, flat-backs, just as strong as the ones I used to get?
yellow bars are the best. I have tried them all if you take a certain kind 4 so long of course ur going 2 feel a little diff. thats just my opinion.
yellow bars are the best. I have tried them all if you take a certain kind 4 so long of course ur going 2 feel a little diff. if u switch to a diff. brand just my opinion.
I got the Mylan 4a tables withe the lines on the back that divide it into four sections... I like em... I uised to take the bars from mexicoi which were my favorite.. but these seem all right... I feel relaxed.. and yes, 2mgs alprozolam Mylans are the same exact ingredient as any bars manufactured in the U,.S. Damn Ive hade sime indian pex2s that were awsome.. just dont over analyze so much and let it relive ur anxiety..
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Ralph (# 46)
Ok I 100% agree. That’s actually why I’m on here. Trying to figure out which pharmacies have them. I’ve been going to Kroger for 2 years now & I’m SO OVER the blue bars. I want the round Mylan bars. Do you know who carries them??
No difference. Just different manufacturer. They are still Xanax , but the manufacturer is Mylan. I’m actually on here trying to find a pharmacy that has them. They are the best in my opinion. They are white & round. Still a bar though-2 mil
I'm used to taking the blue footballs and I just need to know how many I need to take of the Mylan a3 to equal the blue football which I think ain't but 1mg and the others are. 5 mg. I need my dosage bad, but need to know.
I have the blue teal mylans 1610 on them is that the same as xanax
Mylan xanax nor nearly as effective as Alprazolam Dava..Generic xanax of any manufactures don’t compare and are all different in terms of effectiveness. Greenstone LL decent and superior to Mylan. If you can get Alprazolam it’s most effective in terms of generative as they are all different depending on individual as it’s different for each.
Mylan is my opinion of ineffectiveness. Actually FDA’s generics has only been pushed based on $$$ rather than help for those in need. Typical of most Government agencies except weapons of war.
Re: raymond (# 1)
White bar Xanax printed on one side 2 printed on the other side e
you can feel big differnce in your body tensing up
Re: feen (# 7)
I feel u, they f***ing suck. To get ur normal dose u always need to add one.
I usually take yellow or green xanax bars, but received myan 1610. Should i take it? Is it the same?
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