Xanax Mylan A4 Vs Bars (Page 3)
UpdatedOk so I'm prescribed 4 bars a day.. I've only heard s*** about the mylan pies a4 2mg...just got them... What's anyones experienced opinion?...I mean i feel fine, just took a cpl... Why do most people hate them?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
They Walmart brand. They are weaker than say a blue, white ect.....
Re: Sb (# 23)
So do you have to have 20/20 vision to properly determine a fake vs real? I’m near sighted, will that affect my ability to run re agent tests with my laser eyes or is the only way to gaze at a pill while your mind does mass spec reading?
Re: Findmethefacts (# 42)
Well you must remember he was the "Xanax man", like the Superman of Alprazolam. These days best to stick with only store obtained Xanax. I always found a Doctor willing to write them, although so much is changing.
Re: Sb (# 23)
Do you know if you these are all genuinely good?
Re: Cricket (# 6)
Yeah i suffer from severe panic attacks multiple times a day and i cant even get a script period hence leaving me to spend money on the streets just so I can be normal and wake up and not be scared of being scared i don't think 90% of the ppl that get them actually appreciate what they have and so many ppl have ruined it for ppl like me to where it would change my life
Re: Din (# 2)
Sorry to say your addicted and your body just requires More... slowly your tolerance goes up and the less it will help you the longer You take them
Also the Xanax is all the same because the main ingredient is alprazolam and 2mg is the same in every kinda Xanax... that’s definitely a mental thing that it doesn’t help like the bars did, it’s still 2mg alprazolam
The round white Mylan A4 with a cross to divide in 4 pieces on the other side are hands down the best. They take effect as quickly, but are strong and last twice as long as any other brand. The y21 are not that good in my opinion (been taking xanax for 20 years)
Same exact thing, different shape. Don't believe that urban myth about generics, if that was the case people would be dieting. They do make generic chemo therapy drugs, antibiotics and so on. If they were allowed to be off by 20% people would be dieting. It's an urban street myth and rumor. Don't believe it.
I'd love to jnow how you are even getting xanax.
Most of us have had ours taken away, even though we have well documented reasons for them and have taken them for years.
Try another pharmacy.
And tell us how you are getting them. I have PTSD and acute anxiety disorder, and still had them taken away.
They didn't even taper me iff,
So I had withdrawals.
Re: Joseph (# 49)
Dying not dieting. Don't believe that urban legend about generic drugs can be off as much as 20%. People would be dying. Generic chemotherapeutic drugs and antibiotics are made, and if they were allowed to be off by 20% it would wreak havoc in the health care field. Don't believe these foolish urban myths. The Waxman Act is about pricing, nothing more.
Re: Joseph (# 49)
More people should be dieting? We'd be a healthier population!
Look the Waxman act up online, there is nothing about the generic drug can be off as much as 20% It is an urban myth. No truth to it at all. Dont believe what you hear, it is misinformation.
Same exact ingredient (Alprazolam) just different shape of the tablet. And don't believe the urban myths about generics, and that they can be off as much as 20%. If there was any truth in that people would be dying, they do make generic antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs, and if they were allowed to be off by as much as 20% don't you think that there would be some deaths because of that? Don't believe it because it has no truth in it whatsoever, I am a registered pharmacist.
Re: Joseph (# 54)
As a Registered Pharmacist what brands would you say are the lowest quality out there? I personally think we have a bunch of loons who post their observations about Xanax. Take the O/P for example, popped 4 mg of Xanax and thoroughly enjoyed them. I've had bars and would never think of taking a whole one, even worse 2 2mg pills. Xanax is one of the most addictive and unforgiving medicines you can take when trying to discontinue. Benzodiazepines are the next plague that won't be taken seriously?
Re: EDDY (# 55)
The ones from India are known to be of some "inadequate" issues. Aurobindo, Accord, and Ajanta comes to mind. The manufacturing plants have had sanitary problems, etc... however for the most part they are satisfactory, cheap generics is what the US market wants and they got it.
Re: Mikey (# 9)
does the Mylan ones have the bitter taste like xanax?
Same exact thing, just different shape tablet. And please don't believe that urban myth that generics can be off as much as 20%. If there was any truth in that people would be dying. They do make generic antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs. As a registered pharmacist I think that I know a little bit.
I’m on here trying to figure out what pharmacy has them. They are my absolute favorite out of all the others. Where did you get yours filled?
Re: Dr pump (# 21)
How thick are they naturally suppose to be
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