Xanax In New York


Hi im 17 years old. I suffer from very bad anxiety, panic, and social anxiety. Its horrible.. Im not going to school, i cant even enjoy something like getting my nails done without feeling anxious. I've tried so many doctors but they only prescribe Prozac Zoloft ect. Any doctors in New York that will prescribe Xanax or Clonopin? Please help! Ps im a good girl, im one of the few girls in my school that never drank/ got high in my life!

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If none of the drs you've seen will prescribe Xanax or Clonopin or keep you on it, you must not need it. Your parents are still responsible for you since you're under 18, so any dr would have to be one they agree to and one that is on their insurance.

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Be very easy to be good in school when you're not going! LOL

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