Xanax How Many Mg Is A Green Xanax (Page 2)
Updatedhow many mg is a green xanax?
Fred, you can always trust Organized Criminals who tell you it is ok to order from their site. There is no difference buying illegal medicine on the street or from the privacy of your own home, Instead of ordering Bars, you might wind up behind them one day soon. Your Xanax site was not LEGAL, LOL!
Yes Green 2 MG Bars only. Be careful while reading threads like this. A lot of wrong info!
"Let me clarify. All green Xanax are time released, even the bars, which are 2 mg. They also have 3 mg green time released, but it's a sort of triangle shaped one."
Hello I got some yellow 2mg xanax bars with imprint R039. I haven't felt anything yet and didn't taste bitter was this a real pill?
is it safe to take 1 enitrely?
the seafoam greem 1mg pills are more potent then the blue 1 mg, only because they are made and shipped quicker the 1mg blue xanax or any other color besides upjohn is just generic and seems to be equal but or some rason the 1mg green footbals and the sea foam green s90 3 bars are quicker and more fresh and pottent tasty
You can't even spell, why would anyone take you seriously lol
So there you go from Jughead above. The Greens are shipped quicker than the blues so they are much stronger. Man there are some special people who check in to tell us crazy stuff!
Cant trust out of state pharmacies. Especially in india over overseas!
I am in Seattle Washington just recently moved from Florida in Seattle Washington or Washington State I'm having hard time finding a doctor to write any benzos at all if anybody has any suggestions or help Trey Doctor Who Are Alright 90 2 milligram klonopin please help and post or email because we are in dire needwe are not drug addicts just trying to deal post traMatic stress syndrome and anxiety thank you very much if you're in the area I would be grateful to show my appreciation alsoh
Never saw a green football before. Although the green bars are 2mg. There is now a 3mg in the states that is 3mg but it's shaped like a crooked stop sign.
Xanax knock you out period if you are not used to them/ take to much (what i like to do hahaha)
3616 round on one side and the other side a v is on it, is this a xanax????? Sorry this a turoquoise color.
Yo I live in tacoma. I'm really close to Seattle and I also am in search for a doctor for a prescription filled for xananx. Did u ever find one. Or have someone with a good heart direct u to one? Shiet I can get them but they are expensive thru ppl I'd rather get my own script.
Taking these benzos is very dangerous n addicting..they make me sleep walk n eat alot during the night..ive woken up several times with food all iver my room n dnt remember nothing..so please be careful on how many u take n mix them with..
i agree i have had 3mg green bars aka green machines... i never knew there were 2mg green bars until today i had the S 90 3's which are 2mg. But that is why the green bars are so strong and only able to cut in thirds because they are 3mg.
Green xanax are so weak and are not worth the money.. save your money. 1 half mg is a lot stronger then those s***y green ones. Stick to white bars or the yellow ones.
Really, that is good news, not true but good news! This 3 mg bar, does it have a number on it?
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