Xanax Doctor In Orlando Fl


I need to find a doctor in celebration Florida? I already know HOW and what to say I just would like to know a doc that's not reluctant.

11 Replies

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Had a doctor but can't pay 150.00 every visit I need them to help me sleep and anxiety attack

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Re: Michelle (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What is the doctor's name and will they prescribe it if I can prove I have been on alpraxolam for a year straight? I moved 1hr away and need to find a doctor closer to me now. In orlando.

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Re: Michelle (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know id by chance they accept ambetter health ins? btw if u don't have insurance and want it LMK. I just got it and it's so cheap, it goes by your zip code I think. So mine is 32829 (which is my parents and unfortunately fie this anyway it didn't help) lol but still I only pay $11.23 a month. GIRL THAT'S cheap and it's good insurance pretty decent. LMK id u want their number hun. It's for real.

But back to this office. If u know for sure they will prescribe me xanax do u have their phone number? I'll check to see if they accept my ins. It also falls under the ACA (Affordable Care Act) so that's one way you know for sure it's legit insurance and it's a policy not a plan which is always important to know when you're buying Insurance. Don't ever buy what they call a plan. I used to work for a telemarketer company and a plan is what they call saving up to keyword being up to it could be 10% or 80% and they'll sell it as you'll get up to 80% off. Well it's usually the 10% off not 80% but anyway the policy is totally different and way better & more legit, just so you know in case you didn't. Hope to hear back from you. {edited for privacy}

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Re: Shelly (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

For what it's worth, Ambetter health ins is a really low rated plan. My Federal Employee Blue Cross costs $600 a month, for $11.23 you get what you pay for. Xanax is a relatively inexpensive generic medicine, and the typical Doctor visit might cost $100. I love what you said about %'s. I worked for a company that claimed they could save you 20%, 20% of WHAT?

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Re: Shelly (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I am looking for a doctor in Orlando to prescribe Xanax. I used to be on it 15 years ago and it's all that worked. Also I have no insurance.

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Re: EDDY (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I don't know, you said $11.23, you get what you pay for, but I saw my primary care physician and I loved her and she's already sent me out to get blood work done and the panel she has for me is checking all kinds of things she also has me getting a CAT scan done on my brain because I had some trauma as well as she's sending me to a podiatrist to check out my feet because I have a bunion on one and then I have like a hard knot on the arch of another foot she's also sending me to a psychiatrist and all of this is zero cost to me except for the specialist I pay $10 for a specialist I think all of my prescriptions that she prescribed to me are zero because they're generic brands let me think what else she sent me to, oh she sent me to a dermatologist as well to get my moles and my skin looked over because my dad had malignant melanoma when he was younger and so she wants me to have anything and everything that doesn't look right removed and checked since in for review so as far as I'm concerned the insurance that I have now is just as good as when I paid for insurance or actually my company paid for insurance which was with one of the very popular insurances like Blue Cross Blue shield or Aetna or you know one of those so I don't know I just begged to differ that you get what you pay for because with this I'm getting great service and care and I'm not having to pay much at all so I'm just being honest you know I wouldn't argue if it weren't true so I'm not arguing I'm just saying I wouldn't argue the fact that you know what your comment was that you made I'm actually finding it not to be correct! That's all, just a friendly you know answer to what you said that's all.

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Re: Michelle (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What do was it that would prescribe the Xanax for $150. I'm so desperate I think I would pay the $150 since I can't find a doctor with my insurance that will write me a script so can you please tell me the name of the doctor possibly their phone number and where they're located I would greatly greatly appreciate it

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Re: Shelly (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I was a little mistaken. I only pay 1/3rd of my FEHB Blue Cross with the employer paying the other 2/3rds making it $900 a month. You can't beat a subsidized Obamacare plan for $15 a month. However there are horror stories about this Ambeter, especially for mental health services. I didn't just decide to make fun of someones low priced health insurance plan

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Re: Michelle (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can you share the name of the doctor and his office location? I need one closer to where I had been traveling to. I was going all the way down to Miami. I've been on it for 9 years. Thank you so much.

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Re: EDDY (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Can someone please tell me the name of the doctor and where he's located so that I can get my prescription? I relocated from South Florida where I was prescribed it for nearly 9 years and if you need help with your prescription costs that will help you. Thank you.

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Re: Shell (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Shelly. I'm wondering if you could tell me the name of the doctor and his location? I've been on this medication 9 years and I'm afraid that now that I can't find a doctor to prescribe it I'll start having seizures again. Thank you so much.

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