Xanax At A Low Dose, 2 To 3 Times A Week At Most. (Top voted first)


I've been trying to research any health related issues when taking Xanax. I take the generic form (alprazolam .5 mg) maybe 2 to 3 times a week as needed. Lately Ive been hearing a lot of people talk about the drug negatively. I've never taken it two nights in a row, never experienced any side effects and have had an overall good experience. All of the major health issues I've read about come from either addictive abuse, withdrawals and/or high levels of the medication. Can someone tell me at the low, rare dosage I'm on do I still need to be worried at all about any damage to my body? Thanks.

5 Replies

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The withdrawls are god awful, I was on Xanax for a few years, 3mg a day. If I ran out, in just 24 hours I was having the withdral. The doc said it has a short life span and does not stay in ur system, needless to say I got off of it and am on something that works much better and has no withdrawl. Good luck my friend!

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There is really no way anyone can know ahead of time how any medication can affect anyone. They can only assume that it will be effective or "safer than other options" based on medical records, current health, age, what the condition is, whether or not any other medications are being taken at the same time, etc. Any of these factors as well as others can significantly affect how you respond to this drug.

Personally, I think if you suffer from anxiety/depression and need a Benzodiazepine class medication (like Xanax), your best bet it usually to see a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. They are better trained in the types of medications that handle these problems and can also help you treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression, as opposed to covering up the feelings and emotions with medication.

If I had to recommend a drug, it would be a combination of St. John's Wort and 5 HTP, just because I find them to be more natural than prescription options. Ultimately though, you'll have to eventually treat the underlying cause(s) of the anxiety or depression, unless you decide that you're ok with only treating the symptoms for as long as they persist.

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Where can i get low cost low dose xanax in L.A.? I'm near LA. I have insomnia, anxiety, sciatica. Thanks

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Re: HollywoodGuru (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

The larger doses and amounts actually give you the best value. With that said a bottle of generic Xanax only costs a few dollars. Good luck

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Re: EDDY (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Where is a good place/ doctor to get them from? I don't have health insurance, etc. Thanks

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