Xanax Xr Real Or Fake


My doctor keeps telling me that there is no such thing as Xanax xr, but I have been on them before, so I'm confused!?! He also said that there was no such thing as Ambien xr, again have been on it before. So did they stop making them or is my doctor just stupid....cuz its really starting to get on my nerves when he acts like I'm delusional.

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There is even an XR Forum here as well!


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Xanax and it's generic equivalent (Alprazolam) are both available in extended release formulations.

"triangular, green pill, imprinted with X, 3" is identified as Xanax Xr (3mg)

"round, blue pill, imprinted with X, 2" is identified as Xanax Xr (2mg)

"square, yellow pill, imprinted with X, 1" is identified as Xanax Xr (1mg)

"pentagonal, white pill, imprinted with X, 0.5" is identified as Xanax Xr (0.5mg)

It sounds like your doctor may not have done his homework on this. We can only hope that he knows what he's doing. Maybe you can present him with information on each of these pills as a form of proof?

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What is the diffrance in xanax 1 mg vs xanax xr 1 mg

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Yes I have been prescribed those. Was taking them for years and mine were stop sign shape / pretty thick pill

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For more proof of Xanax XR you can also run a search on google images for "extended release xanax".

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Bro these pharmaceutical companies introduces their brand, they get money and it's a very profit driven medicine field. Simply take the dose the doctor has given u because if u cross 6-1 years u can't quit benzodiazepines. I was taking opiates and valium 10mg. I quit valium withdrawal symptoms were very very worst even though I was taking so many tramadol (fake Label) and dextromethomorphan 30mg with tripolidine 5mg. But really if it's working don't go for higher doses. Eating valium is the worst thing. u can't quit that. So be aware. I have seen Tranax 2mg from cipla india. Take the med as the doctor prescribed. Why would u want to go for XR bro? It's the same. I like Immediate Release. Bro quit this stuff as fast as u can because alprazolam is one of the most addictive benzo. So follow the doctor's rule because he will be responsible if u get addicted or something bad.

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He's just misinformed
I hadn't ever heard of a 3 mg, myself until now. So I've definetly been informed.
And I love them. But I think me and time release wouldn't work out well at all.
I take 2 a day and that's at bedtime.2mg
Best sleep ever.

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6 mg a day (IR or XR) is a huge amount and one day when you lose this provider you are subject to a horrible withdrawal. Don't "Love" Xanax, that is sick

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They was definitely xr about 7 years ago they was super fat square and a weird yellowish color .xr Xanax just say I'll see you in a month

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Yep you've been on them before. But he doesn't want to tell you he possibly doesn't want you taking them

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Re: Anxiety sucks (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hey man. If this doctor won’t fall in line, do his job, and help treat your anxiety; just go find a better doctor. I’m Xanax XR, Adderall, and Suboxone. When my doc said he wouldn’t be comfortable prescribing a benzodiazepine with Suboxone, I told him I had found a doctor that accepted my insurance and left. Not only did the new doc take my insurance, he didn’t hesitate to put me on a benzo.

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Re: James (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry, but Doctor's don't have to "fall in line & do their job"? Their job has changed, the rules have changed, and consider yourself very lucky you are getting the 3 substances you mention. Most Doctors need to protect their license, some just don't care. My former Doctor just lost his ticket because he refused to comply with the State Medical Board to seek Psychotherapy. Great man, good Doctor, only one in my town

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Re: EDDY (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I do consider myself lucky. I’m sorry to hear about your situation. My only point was, if you’re willing to drive a little, you can usually find a doctor within 45 minutes of you who will be more open to prescribing medications that you actually need to function, stay sober, and live an overall successful life. That’s all.

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Re: James (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Why would you be sorry with my situation? I am having no real problems that I am aware of? Talking Xanax XR, Adderall, and Suboxone does not sound like a sober lifestyle? In fact there is nothing about any of this that sounds sober. Perhaps you meant it keeps you functioning. Once we stop taking them (I don't take Adderall or Suboxone), we are in for a world of hurt

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