Would Taking 36 Tramadol 50mg Kill Me (Top voted first)


I was wondering what would taking 36 tramadol do to me?

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I have felt suicidal for 2 1/2 years now, on and off. It seems people with mental illness are not treated with respect, compassion or taken seriously, at least not in our area. I have been asking for help for years. The "mental health professionals" treat us like lab rats. They try different meds, different therapies and we suffer the consequences when the "trials" goes awry. I just typed in "overdosing on tramadol," as a JUST IN CASE escape from my pain. I read this somewhere and it is the bottom line, the truth: PEOPLE DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DIE, THE COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE THEY NEVER GET THE HELP THEY SO DESPERATELY NEED!

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Hi. I recently tried to end my life after suffering pain and discomfort for. 2 years. I was prescribed 400 mg tramadol daily, 20ml oramorph daily, 20 mg citalopram daily, 30mg Amytriptaline daily, and a butrans patch as well. I took 100 50 mg tabs of tramadol which after 5 mins made me black out to which I started my first seizure. My wife alerted the emergency response who arrived within 12mins, my seizure lasted 2 minutes. My wife put me in the recovery position and waited, the emergency team arrived and said plan for the worst then started me on the way to a and e, I had 2 other seizures within an hour and they was worried my heart would give out. Luckily I have come through this, if I was not found I would have died! After taking the pills and laying down I have no recollection of the time, I did not feel pain or discomfort. I woke up 24hrs later on a nutty ward as they were sure I would try again. I have since had no further attempts at my life nor think I will seeing the heartache I caused all my family. Speaking with all of the people at the hospital the have told me I would I have died a very nasty painful death that would not have been quick. Please do not attempt this as the death risk is very very high, I have had no withdrawals from the drugs, they stopped the all except the patch and the citalopram, I have had a facet joint injection which seems to have stemmed the pain and I now have a pre op on the 7th Jan. I am a very lucky man.

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Hello I understand why you feel like killing yourself because I feel like that everyday. I wake up everyday with visions of what I can do to die. Step in front of a car, slice my wrist, choke myself out with a belt. I attempted five times during my teenage years.slit my wrist,tried carbon monoxide poisoning, only for the car to run out of gas(don't figure) and wake up in puke,took two bottles of sleeping pills only to wake up in throwup. That was the closest I've ever been to death.I saw this beautiful white light before I was brought back to life. That was my last attempt. Now I'm 42 seperated and the only thing keeping me from trying again is my kids. Ironic I googled can you kill yourself with tramadol and it lead me to this thread and reading all these posts. Now I feel like I'm not alone. That there are people like me. So with that said fight the fight to stay alive.

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Yea, How do you make sure you die? And not end up with organ problems?

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Hi, im in the same position with anorexia & the mental health. Been asking for help for years and its all been detrimental. I see no way out as there is such a lack of understanding with eating disorders but too scared to try the tramadol OD in case it doesnt work! If a dog has no quality of life because its ill, it gets put down. Its an outrage that humans cannot choose when to end thier life. Ive been through things I will never get over & dont want to live with! All the best

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If you take that many your worries wont be about dying, but the condition you are left in if you live.

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Iv just turned 18 and iv been wanting to end my life for a long time now I thought if I kept on taking large tramadol overdose's I would die. But that's not the case iv just been really I'll and in a lot of pain not the way to end your life but iv been taking upto 40 tablets around 10 times a month and I thought I could of slowly slipped out of life but it hasn't happened I'm just suffering in my own silence not what I expected tbh! :(

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My heart aches for you, l feel the same,but l trully wish you all the best and hope someone comes into your life and makes you feel really special :)

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Just wanna end this freakin situation. for over 5 years of pure pain mentally and emotionally, this has to end. May sound cowardish but f***, life is a jerk for me.

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I am 6 foot 3' weigh 12 stone, male how many would I need to just slip away?

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Hi, thanks for posting. I am in the same place as you. I want to end it and have been taking 20 tramadol tablets (1000) mg and 10- 2mg diazapam a day but nothing. Mine is linked to my anorexia and I've had enough. I am waiting for a bed on anorexia psych ward, keep getting told bed for me mon, then next mon. My fight is slipping fast. I agree with you and mental health, no one understands and pass you off . Nhs let down:( I hope you get help you need ) x

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Who are you to judge suffering?

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Why do u want to end your life? I feel the same way often, so maybe we could talk.

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what if i took 50 trams 50mg, 25 fenoprofens 600mg and 30 hydrocodones, just looking at that i answer my own question, f*** it, no one else will listen to me, i did all i could, after2 years i got her kids back, just to be thrown away like nothing, 5years of wasted life, i hope your happy clarisse gregg, jazz, sam i love ya, im sry i wanted to be your daddy, i did everything i could

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Hi dear,
I can understand what u r going through. But trust me ending the life is not a solutions. It is more like a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I had tried to kill myself 6 times in my life. And every time I would come out unscratched. I tried to consume phenyl and got just a stomach problem. No death. I tried insecticide and vomitted it out. (Very bad taste). I tried to ram into a truck but I overshot it and landed in shrubs. It seemed life wanted me to live and see what lay next for me. So i gave myself another chance.

Today I am done with my PhD in Computer Science, I have a family with two kids and I am doing fine. Dear, please give life a chance. Else give yourself Insulin shot. You will die a peaceful death. But give life a chance.

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Tremodol certainly ain't they way 10 days ago took 120 trem tablets plus codine on top, found by my son, rushed to hospital, 2 seizures and 2 days in hospital. At mo suffering serious chest problems, memory is shot completely and just been told have to inform dvla as not allowed to drive for 12 months after a seizure. Was it worth it? No. Oh and the situation that caused my suicide attempt in the first place has worsened. I certainly wouldn't use tremodol again. Please seek help and utilise your true friends you will soon find out who they are.

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Km sorry to hear your situation, I was 28 years married, 3 kids when my wife left with no apparent reasoning to me hence my od. Later found out was due to a relationship with her boss. So believe me I no how you feel, your world has just ended. Please don't do anything rash speak to your doc and utilise your friends I found out how amazing some of mine are and would have never got through it without them. I'm not saying it's easy I still have days at rock bottom but you can do it.

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I'm done too

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Taking these won't make you just "slip away" You will die slowly and it will be painful and if you are revived (Which happens a lot) you may have brain damage, you will have organ damage and in some case you may have stroke. So unless you want to be a paraplegic for the rest of your days i'd suggest talking to a professional about your depression.

For those few silly posters...Depressed people don't want to just kill themselves and tell everyone about it like a causal event, They kill themselves as a last means from not getting the help they clearly need, it's not something you just talk about freely like its on the table so please don't chat about it here like it's just a fun topic.

For those seriously considering suicide at this very moment, stop, take a deep breath and think about how many people this is going to hurt, you may think it won't hurt anyone but it will. Think about the problems causing you to feel this way and think about how your life would be without these problems. Now understand these problems can go away, nothing on this earth can stop you from doing what you want to do, moving away, meeting new people, getting a new job, starting a new life etc. Please seek help on the internet and if possible further help.

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I've read a number of the postings and I too had Google how many tramadol would end it. I've endured a lifetime of pain abused emotionally by my mother and this still goes on. My 20 year marriage ended as my husband couldn't cope with my being ill as I was always the strong one. I'm on tramadol trazadone zolpidem diazepam and gabapentin along with BP tablets. I've had therapy I've lost friends jobs because people DO judge you. I've made numerous attempts on my life. Some I guess we're a cry for help 4 serious attempts. Most serious I'm led to believe when my hubby left. Now single parent with family split. No friends I'm sorry this all sounds v self indulgent and it's not meant to be. I've just lost a lot of hours at work due to my mental health affecting me and I cannot see a point to my existence and I haven't for some time. I have good go great psychiatrist etc but it unfortunately doesn't change fact there's no future where there's a place for me

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