Worried About My Mother (Top voted first)


My mother, 45 years old, was prescribed Xanax by her psychiatrist for anxiety and depression. However, she seem to have an adverse reaction to it. She will take one, forget she took it, and take another. This will continue until she has taken about 30, then she becomes very violent. A day or two later, she won't remember what hapened, and panics when she sees how much she took. She told her doctor that this happens, and he said he wouldn't prescribe them to her anymore, but when she feels panicky, she calls her DR. and he fills them without question. When she takes them the way they are prescribed, she does rather well. It seems to work for the anxiety, however, I was wondering if anyone knew if there was another medication that is similar to Xanax, that will give her the same results, but without the sensitivity.


2 Replies

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Xanax is a Benzodiazepine, containing the active ingredient Alprazolam. It is a very potent one and the forgetfulness can be a side effect, especially if someone is sensitive to it or is taking to high of a dosage.

There are several others on the market, including:





and Temazepam:


The possibility of side effects does exist with all of them, though, as they do with any prescription drug.

Some that are generally common to all of them may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability.

You may wish to go with her to speak to her doctor, to be another witness to what is happening and suggest that he try another medication.

Finding which one might work for her will, unfortunately, be trial and error.

However, she cannot be left to continue as she is, there is a very real risk of her taking to many and having a fatal overdose.

Are there any other questions I can help you with?

Please, post back and let us know how things are going.

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where are you at that a doctor would even do that? What is this so called doctors name. Is he a psychiatrist or physician

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