Withdrawals. Sovaldi/riba (Top voted first)
UpdatedFinished 6 mos. Tx in June. Severe mood swings, not depression more of an impatient. Frustrated...no energy and strange feeling areas ... Like overactive nerve endings.....,.Diah.Was horrible! Lost 10# in 3 days.! ?????
3 Replies
Hello, Georgie! How are you?
Yes, many people have been reporting some minor withdrawal effects, once they finish their course of treatment with these medications.
As listed by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, dizziness and constipation.
If they don't go away soon, they you should consult your doctor.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I just today finished 12 weeks - high dosage sovaldi/ribovarin treatment - miserable 3 months- anger, anxiety, crying for no reason-itching, skin feels like I'm on fire, ears ringing,lower back pain- FATIGUE !! Now I wonder what the side effects will be now that I'm done!! These are some nasty drugs - see dr in a week - praying they worked! I will not take another dose!!
Yes this was helpful. I didn't seem to have any side effects when I started. Itchy scalp, fatigue. I used a phsoriesis shampoo and dealt with fatigue knowing it would pass. Not only do you have reactions to the chemical but the body starts working overtime to beat the beast. Seems the drugs just kick your immune system into high gear, so I expected to be tired. The withdrawals were a different story! It felt like I was 35 and are menopausal. I am60 and very post!!!!! I have started using CBD drops and my system seems to have recovered well. I have lots of energy, still a little constipation but nothing a little lactulose won't solve. I am waiting for my FINAL blood results, and plan on taking the next step which is getting my liver and pancrease in order. Feel free to keep in touch. To all out there....I KNOW what you are going through. I KNOW I would not be here if it weren't for my Dr. His name is Jesus. Give Him a call. He is always home.
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