Withdrawal Symptoms From Vimpat
UpdatedI started taking vimpat i think last June or July. Not too sure, the meds have messed with my mind big time. Stayed at 200 mg, kept having grand mal seizures so eventually got up to 600mg a day. Had double vision, couldn't walk, numbness, memory loss, acted like a zombie, slept a lot, and was depressed. So she took me down to 500mg, nothing changed. I took myself down to 300, 100 in the am and 200 at night. Double vision and loss of leg control seemed to go away but i still couldn't think straight and wasn't myself. I have taken myself completely off vimpat to try to have a life again before the seizure comes that kills me, but i feel very, very depressed, alone, scared and ultimately just want to die. I can't just go see a doctor though due to Medicaid cutting me off when i got disability. I can only go to the ER and they can't help you there.
13 Replies
Hello, Courtney! How are you? I am sorry about all the issues you've been dealing with, that's terrible.
Those can be normal side effects of anticonvulsant medications, as reported by the FDA. Other side effects may include nausea, mood swings, and weight gain.
If it was affecting you that badly, I am surprised that your doctor didn't have you try a different medication. The first one my husband tried caused a bad personality change, so his doctor switched him off of it immediately, the second one has been working great for a couple of years, now.
Are there any discount or sliding fee clinics in your area? Alternatively, you could try checking with social services, they can usually help you find the care you need.
I had a craniectomy three months ago due to a REALLY bad brain abscess. Doctors put me on Vimpat after my third surgery.(infection spread to the OTHER side of my head) This drug is awful I HATE it... Docs say I will be able to stop taking it shortly after my skull is put back. However this will not be for several months because they had to toss the skull I was born with because the infection had entered it. I take 200mgs twice a day. I dread taking it every morning because I wake up feeling great and one half hour after I take it I feel like crap! Tired, nauseous, crabby, dizzy...I start to walk like a drunken sailor....and for someone who is missing half of her skull this is not cool... I stay home most of the time because I fear falling. I have a terrible time with memory and recall after I take it. I l also have shortness of breath and cannot concentrate. Does ANYONE know of another seizure drug that has less side effects? My doc says this is the best one for me. I'm afraid I will start tossing the pills so I can get some of my life back... but I do fear having another seizure too much if I do that. I just took my morning dose two hours late because I had work to do at home for my job which I cannot return to full time because of the damn Vimpat. I call this the drug from Hell! Thanks for any input.
Hi there, I know exactly my you feel, as I have experienced the same feelings as well! It feels as if no one can relate to you, and it is very isolating and scary. Going for a walk, reading or listening to soothing music can help. I'm sorry that you feel this way, but just know that you are definitely not alone!
My daughter had a crainiotomy in October 2015, and Right temporal lobotomy in January 2016, they took her off vimpat for these surgeries, put her back on it. My question is what are the side effects of the with drawls. My daughter is so moody, her emotions are shelter skelter, and a lot of other problems, plus seeing her shadow people and all those other things that she saw and had before the surgery. Can anyone help me understand this medicine a little better.
I am so thankful I found others going through this, and so sorry you are at the same time. I am a zombie, I feel like someone who is on opiates or something. I've been on 250 mg twice a day for a while now, I just can't do it anymore. I tried to just stop one of my pills and I thought I would die of the side effects. I saw the doctor after that didn't work because I gave up and got back on it after I couldn't take the side effects of going off so much all at once and he seemed angry that I wanted to go down to at least half that amount and see how I feel. I already take 500 mg of lamictal on top of all that. I have epilepsy and it seems these doctors are pouring on the meds to try and cure me when there isn't and never has been a cure. I'm so sick and overmedicated I can't get off the couch or out of bed. Dizzy, nausea, double vision, can't walk a straight line, and I cry all the time. Now the doc finally conceded to take it down but the side effects of that are as bad or worse. Thank you all so much...I'm not alone.
I can relate: Similar experiences here. I would love to share stories and ideas as it’s nice to know I’m not alone in this dejavu-like nightmare filled with pain, fear, and depression, and not being sure of what’s real and what’s not; and what’s VIMPAT causing. {edited for privacy} hope to hear from you.
Epileptic by definition too and doctors have experimented with me to no avail. Vimpat hasn't worked. Trying to get detox, looking for a plan to get started.
I can fully relate. I feel like I am dying and in a nervous panic.
{edited for privacy}
Re: Milliegirl (# 2)
I had success the first 2 months on only 100mg (50mg twice daily). Then my brain really just didn't like it and I felt the same way, as soon as I took the drug it all went to s***. Have you tried valium instead? I've been on so many things and I've come to realize the one true thing that helps me is Xanax or valium. But valium is used to treat seizures as well so it's if your anxiety gets out of whack then your nervous system starts to go crazy as well!
Here is the biggest help I can give you. I've been a certified personal trainer for 14 years now. All my clients before starting have to get their hormones checked!! Trust me once you have hormones balanced and in well condition it can really help you be stronger. Take zinc, magnesium, and vitamin d as well together at night.
Re: Shelley (# 5)
God Bless you. I am trying to stop. It is a horror show.
Re: Dd (# 10)
I am having to quit Vimpat because of the cost. It has actually worked for me. I didn't feel some grand sense of relief when I started it but I also didn't have the side effects people have had. Last year I got help paying for it. This year They say my husband makes too much. (They don't realize our bills are huge right now)
Anyhow, I'm having horrible headaches and some hallucinations. I'm trying to slowly wean off but... wow! It goes generic in four years and then I could afford it. My neurologist is replacing it with clonazepam. That scares me because it's a benzodiazepine. I've been through So many medications trying to get it to work. I finally have one that works and I can't afford it.
Re: Gabrielle (# 6)
I've been on Vimpat for 3 weeks now, and about 2 weeks ago started having dizzy spells so bad everyday that it made me feel drunk. I finally today had to go to the Emergency Room, and found out that the Vimpat caused me to get Vertigo, which is causing the dizziness and ears ringing. My doctor is going to ween me off ASAP!! I'd rather have seizures once in awhile, than having dizziness everyday!! Amen! I'd talk to your doctor about this!
Re: AnniesDizzy (# 11)
Who will help you pay for it?