Withdrawal Symptoms After 4 Months?


I came off A almost 4 months ago. It was very hard at first (I cut the dose in half for a few weeks and then I took away the last half), I couldn't sleep for two months, almost got crazy, but now I can sleep again. Instead now I'm tired all the time. Just wanna sleep. I've got an iron deficiency and also allergy, so maybe that's the reason I'm so tired, I don't know.

What I wanted to ask you is something that's been happening lately and scares the h** out of me. When I'm about to fall asleep I get these chills, get cold, and it tingles down my spine, it's like I could feel all the nerves in my spine and I understand this doesn't sound like something scary maybe, but I instantly wake up terrified and with tremendous anxiety and shaking from being so cold; I fall asleep again, it happens again and so on. I have to force myself out to bed bc I'm so frightened. I usually have to take benzodiazepines when this happens bc I feel like I'm losing my mind. Also, in the recent few weeks I'm experiencing like depersonalization, like there's a glass wall between me and the outside world, and I can't stay connected. Even more scary is that it's like I'm disconnected to myself at the same time.

I guess my question is, could this have anything to do with coming off of amitriptyline? Could withdrawal symptoms emerge after several months? Like new symptoms? I'm asking all of you, bc I know, that if I ask my psychiatrist she will say no there are no withdrawal effects after 4 months.

Thank you if you read all this and I'd be glad for some input on your experiences. Oh and I forgot to say I was on A for about 10 years, 50 mg.

I'm so scared now. It feels like something is really wrong.

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Yes, the tiredness could be from the anemia, it is well known to cause that.

As to the withdrawal symptoms, no there shouldn't be any after 4 months.

You can learn more Amitriptyline details here.

I'd suggest you talk to your doctor, perhaps a general practitioner and not your psychiatrist, at first. That way they can look into it and see what's causing the issue.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

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Post Withdrawal Symptoms is what your experiencing. They only last a few days at a time but up to 2 years.

Post Acute withdrawal.The first stage is the acute stage, which usually lasts at most a few weeks. During this stage, you may experience physical withdrawal symptoms. But every drug is different, and every person is different.

The second stage of withdrawal is called the Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). During this stage you'll have fewer physical symptoms, but more emotional and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

Post-acute withdrawal occurs because your brain chemistry is gradually returning to normal. As your brain improves the levels of your brain chemicals fluctuate as they approach the new equilibrium causing post-acute withdrawal symptoms.

Most people experience some post-acute withdrawal symptoms. Whereas in the acute stage of withdrawal every person is different, in post-acute withdrawal most people have the same symptoms.


The most common post-acute withdrawal symptoms are:

Mood swings
Variable energy
Low enthusiasm
Variable concentration
Disturbed sleep
Post-acute withdrawal feels like a rollercoaster of symptoms. In the beginning, your symptoms will change minute to minute and hour to hour. Later as you recover further they will disappear for a few weeks or months only to return again. As you continue to recover the good stretches will get longer and longer. But the bad periods of post-acute withdrawal can be just as intense and last just as long.

Each post-acute withdrawal episode usually last for a few days. Once you've been in recovery for a while, you will find that each post-acute withdrawal episode usually lasts for a few days. There is no obvious trigger for most episodes. You will wake up one day feeling irritable and have low energy. If you hang on for just a few days, it will lift just as quickly as it started. After a while you'll develop confidence that you can get through post-acute withdrawal, because you'll know that each episode is time limited.

Post-acute withdrawal usually lasts for 2 years. This is one of the most important things you need to remember. If you're up for the challenge you can get though this. But if you think that post-acute withdrawal will only last for a few months.

Post-acute withdrawal symptoms are a sign that your brain is recovering. Therefore don't resent them. But remember, even after one year, you are still only half way there.

Go with the flow. Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable. But the more you resent them the worse they'll seem. You'll have lots of good days over the next two years. Enjoy them. You'll also have lots of bad days. On those days, don't try to do too much. Take care of yourself, focus on your recovery, and you'll get through this.

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Very rarely reply to posts, but yours I could identify with. First of all, if your Psychologist is just blowing you off with the symptoms you're describing...it's time for a new one. Secondly I would suggest seeing a Neurologist. Only because the symptoms you're describing isn't the first time I have heard this and experienced. Myself ,my daughter and patients. For myself, daughter and a few patients it turned out to be that the symptoms where being caused by damage in the C-Spine along with Endocrine imbalance. Hopefully this information has been of some help and can help you. Good luck and hope you can get you and your doctors on the right path of feeling better.

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Coming off many types of meds can cause this. It takes awhile for your brain to literally rewire itself, keep at it you're doing great. Some meds are formulated to affect your body so bad you take it even if you dont want to. I too recently stopped taking a pain med holy smokes. It's almost dangerous (heart)...best thing i found was to pound water, sweat & flush it out of your body. Keep at it, you'll return to normal and the depersonalization will improve. Try and do something you enjoy. Good luck.

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