Withdrawal From Vyvanse Experience (Page 6)
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I have been on Vyvanse for 4 weeks and I am now tapering off. I was going to quit cold turkey , but I wke up this morning and felt like I'd been hit by a truck. It's been a few hours and I still feel like I have a mild case of the flu. Anyway, I started 4 weeks ago and the first 3 days I never felt better in my life. I 'd never been so productive, focused, and organized! By day 7 , I was back to my normal under- acheiving, scrammbled , self. Then my Dr. raised my dose from 30 mg to 50. Well this threw me into severe anxiety. I have been chewing my nails till they bleed. I can't seem to stop. I have a feeling of being completely overwhelmed, my house is trashed and it's driving me nuts, but I have no energy or drive to get up and clean it.....Can anyone else out there relate to this?

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I hope by now you've sought out the counseling you need instead of more drugs. PTSD calls for intense therapy, not just a drug

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How long does the withdrawal period last after quitting vyvanse if Iv been taking it for about 4 months.?

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I am a 52 year old female I don't even like taking medication I am Not ADHD I take it to help me concentrate due to a lack of B12 I seem to forget things and this helps me to focus more on the task at hand-I have had no issues with the medication other than when I don't use it I feel really fatigued which I am that way anyway cause I have also have Anemia and I take iron injections monthly so I am tried anyway so along with helping me focus I also get the little extra lift that I need to get me through each day-so for all of you out there that is fearful of it -I can say honestly I have had no issues and if you see signs then for goodness sake get off of it-

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I'm beginning to taper off 50 mg daily after over 2 years on vyvanse. I've been on the other stimulants, and every anti-depressant available, all with no benefit. Over the past 4 years, I've become even more anxious, and have lost interest in everything. I've had ADD, anxiety and depression my entire life. I'm 56, and have lost hope at achieving a more "normal" life. I'm on disability, single, and don't have enough supports. Managing a house and a large young epileptic dog add enormous stress. The vyvanse hasn't helped me focus. I'm trying to return to meditation practice, and trying to learn better productivity tools. Since vyvanse, I've steadily dropped a lot of weight and my family doctor is alarmed. So, I'll have to put up with the fog and lethargy of weaning off the stuff. I do believe that a lot of my problems stem from the constant stream of obsessive disaster-scenario thinking that I do. I can't feel much worse trying to develop healthier self-care habits, rather than the pharmaceutical approach, which has helped very little, and possibly harmed me. Best wishes to all of you. I certainly identify with your suffering.

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There are some herbs that can help with focus such as Ginko Biloba. That along with Ginseng will give you the focus you want with the little kick in the ass from the Ginseng to keep you motivated. Very few side effects, and no jittery or anxiety while its working, and no crash when it wears off. They do make a product you can get at GNC or maybe even Walmart called GINKOBA, but if your gonna do it do it right and get the namebrand. Also for those people who do suffer from anxiety while on or crashing from ADHD meds there is Valerian, which will ease you into a goodnight sleep or my favorite Kava Kava which is known for its relaxing properties and a calm content state of mind. None of the above Herbs have any significant side effects, but make sure you do your own research. But in all honesty nothing will go toe to toe with something like vyvanse or its close relatives, but you're sure to pay the price.

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As a follow up to those that posted previously, how long did it take before you were able to function normally again? 3 days? 5 days? 7 days? My girlfriend has been taking Vyvanse for about 10 months and had been taking 50mg per day. She is on Day 3 cold turkey and feels terrible, can't get out of bed. Just looking for advice and previous experience. Thanks.

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Here is a letter that I typed and debated whether or not to send to my ex-girlfriend. It gives some insight on how 70mg of vyvanse a day changed my life in a negative way.
"For a while now I have wanted to get everything off my chest and tell you some things you may or may not already know. I was prescribed Vyvanse four months ago, about a month before we stopped dating. The first month while taking the medication I was the happiest and most productive I have ever been in my life.
Around four months ago when I asked for space to think about if the relationship was right for me, that wasn’t the real me by any means. The drug initially gave me a huge confidence boost and made me feel invincible to pain.
As I continued to take my medication daily, I noticed the effects began to quickly deteriorate overtime as my body built a tolerance. Before I used to take caffeine each day to just feel “normalâ€, now I’m having to take an amphetamine based ADHD drug every day on top of caffeine to “feel normalâ€.
Now, here I am four months later, I’ve never been so ashamed to look at the broken and severely depressed person I see in the mirror. Not being myself for four months has negatively affected more than just my relationship with you, but also my friends and family. I literally don’t have any friends that text or call me first, some only occasionally respond. I have hit the end of the road, I’m so unhappy with myself and the decisions I’ve made that I can either throw away all my medication and caffeine pills and go through withdraw or I’m scared of the next step. I threw away every pill I own yesterday and I can only hope things will get before for me. For the first time in two years I want nothing more than to feel like myself again." I typed this letter yesterday, today is day 2 without taking 70mg or caffeine pills. I hope I can stay strong. I'm also hoping the withdraws are only terrible for 3-4 days.

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I would like to say you are a very strong person. I have been on vyvanse 70 mg for 6 years. I have almost never missed a day and if I did then I became a monster. Recently my bf got mad and his only way if hiring me of course was to throw away the vyvanse. Anyway I lost my med for about 10 days before I could fill it again. I was very scared the first couple days I was happy I felt emotion I laughed played with my kids and they didn't seem to irritate me as easily. Every one around me complimented me as I seemed to be a new happy person with an actual personality. I started thinking very seriously about never taking the med again. After day 5 I started waking up sick to my stomach. As the days went on I became very nervous and started counting the days til I could get the script filled. I went 7 days and felt pretty good besides the stomach and I ate way more than usual. A little scared of gaining weight but it was nice to actually feel hungry. I took a vyvanse this morning since then my vision is blurry I am very jittery and have clinched my jaw so much I am having a sever head ache. I felt like a failure when I took the pill I have no family that can even relate to my situation they just say I should quit but don't know the control vyvanse can have. It is nice to hear others who can relate. The way I feel right now I never want to take it again but following through I'm not sure I can do. :(

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Dont feel trapped I'm right here with you. Im 16 years old I feel like my eye are strained I'm extremel tired from time to time I can kind of do activities but when it's over I feel completely exhausted, I can barely move, I stumble when I walk, my neck hurts, my left arm hurts, my hearts speeds up rapidly, I get confused, and get very forgetful. I feel like I'm not in my own body, it's like I can operate and stuff but it's like it's not real like its real but not, I have slurred speech and shake very very bad, and If I get into a fight with my mom I think kill myself, but then I think no cause then I'll burn for the rest of my life. Just I feel like idk. It's amazing how the body works. It's like I'm high and drunk at the same time but not all together idk if that makes sence. But your not alone, reading this kind of calms me down but I still feel this way. I've been trying to get my mom to take me to the doctor, but my dad just got out of 5 bypass surgerys and she's stressed out. She won't take me and I feel like I have to go to my granny's or I'm going to die because she gets how I feel. It's hard when you have nobody to believe you.

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I know im late to this discussion but i was prescribed vyvanse about 6 months or so ago. After 4 months my dr passed away and i wasnt able to get my monthly script of vyvanse. i had to go without for over 2 weeks until i found a new dr. but the only thing i noticed was i was more sleepy the first few days and my appitite definately spiked but thats all. My biggest fear was that i wouldnt be able to perform as i always do while im medicated. im an electrician, so im always on my feet and moving around alot and i was able to get by without vyvanse for 2.5 weeks with little to no problem. i think its all in our head the we NEED this to just get up and go to work. and that we NEED this just to perform but the truth is you will do just fine. its all mental. i really hope you all the best with your suffering.

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My mother passed away four years ago around this time. I became melancholy and had trouble concentrating. I was prescribed adderall, which had great effects initially but gave me horrible head aches at the end of the day, and severe depression. In the mean time, I got involved in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship and my doctor switched me to vyvanse. Over the summer I broke up with my boyfriend, developed PTSD, and had to be hostpitalized. Now I am prescribed ativan, vyvanse, zoloft, tenex, gabapentin, and buspar. I never used to take it every day but now its hard to get out of bed without it. I get depressed about my mom's death and my exboyfriend and can't stop ruminating over things. My neck hurts, my eyes are strained and I have a pounding head ache right now. I feel like an addict...but I never even asked for it. I know I can do reasonably well on my own power but I don't have the time to sober up right now because its finals. I just feel like I became so vulnerable after my mom died...drug companies took advantage of me, my ex boyfriend victimized me,ugh I feel worse than ever. I have never posted on any kind of forum before but I just need to get all of this rant out. It sucks i feel so trapped

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Just a quick update from my post on 3/30/12. I've now been off Vyvanse for 18 days going "cold turkey" after taking 50mg per day for almost 2.5 years. I won't say it has been easy, but it definitely has been worth it. Despite being exhausted at times, I feel like I'm in complete control of myself rather than the med. My appetite has definitely increased, but haven't gained any weight like others have mentioned; however, I do work out regularly.

After the first couple days, I've really had no desire to take one of my pills. For me it's all mental and I create different games each day to motivate myself or to remind me that I don't need to take my daily pill.

I'll continue to post updates from time to time with any my major changes that come about.

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i am not sure if this is really working i have been on this for so llong 1 one was rida lin i cant spell add that caused panis and awful anxiety i didnt want to leave the houe i wsh i dont have to take anything again

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same story i better go on it one thing he lowered my med i was getting anxiety it was to high true????

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I liked your post. I'm also taking Vyvance in a similar way. When I know I've got a long or very busy day it helps a lot otherwise I don't really need it. Exercise, drinking lots of water and eating healthy also help. Thanks for yor post, it balances out the rest.

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OMG, I am going through the exact same thing... been on vyvanse for about 2.5 years and can completely relate to your story. I feel like the only reason I take the med anymore is to get rid of the daily hangover I feel when I wake up... the euphoria that went along with the first few months never came back. Even 50mg twice a day doesn't motivate me to do much work anymore. Anyway, I decided to quit cold turkey - today being day 2 with no meds, I feel like I've been kicked in the head and had to take 3 or 4 naps today. This stuff isn't a long term solution and I want my life back, drug-free if possible.

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I've read every post on this thread and wish I would've come across it sooner. I'm 28 y/o and have been on Vyvanse 50 mg for almost 2.5 years. The first several months on the drug were amazing! I felt I could get anything done at work and it even seemed to enhance my personality and make me even more outgoing than normal.

Slowly things have become worse to the point were I find myself doing just about anything to avoid "working". I work in a commission-based industry and have many clients and prospects I could call on that would result in almost immediate business. However, I'm been so unproductive and unmotivated the past several months that I've had to dip into my savings and accumulated a decent amount of credit card debt simply to pay my bills and get by. I find myself constantly saying, "Ok, don't worry, you can start being productive tomorrow." Of course I'm not and the cycle almost repeats constantly. I never was a lazy person, but now find it so difficult to accomplish minor things at work.

Like many people, I have difficulty retaining key details from stories or conversations and feel like the majority of my thoughts are primitive and simple-minded that lack any substance.

I find myself unable to sleep and regularly find myself watching tv until 4-5am when I have to be up at 6:30am. In the back of my mind, I know that I will be able to get through the next day because of the Vyvanse, but it always catches up to me at some point.

I've become more and more depressed. It's almost sad to look back at the last two years to see what I accomplished or experienced. Professionally the answer is next to nothing. Outside of time with friends on weekends (alcohol usually involved) or playing sports, I feel like I've completely wasted the last 2 years of my life. I have very little sex drive and make little or no effort to meet new people or even go on regular dates.

I'm having awful vision issues. Before I knew vision was a side effect (I found out today after 2 years - pathetic but glad I know now) I find it very hard to focus when looking at a computer screen. I can no longer where contacts and lately even wearing glasses have not helped much. I easily get eye fatigue and even pain occasionally.

I take no other medication and want to develop a plan to get back to normal and not become dependent on my Vyvanse. Like many people here, I become extremely lethargic and feel almost ill when I skip a day or run out of pills.

Beginning tomorrow, 3/31/12, I'm either going to start weaning myself of my 50mg dosage or skip a couple days and maybe take 25mg on Monday. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but am committed to getting off Vyvanse. I will contact my doc and get his input, but would love to hear from anyone who's had success getting off Vyvanse when it's their sole medication.

To the people in the early stages on Vyvanse or who haven't experienced any side effect to date, I would just like to provide a word of caution. I thrived on Vyvanse for 4-5 months and never had any major side effects besides losing some sleep and having a smaller appetite. Heck even now, I usually have a day every once in a while where I almost feel invincible. Trust me, it DOES NOT LAST. Best of luck to everyone and for those considering whether to start, I can only say DON'T DO IT!

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Dillon, in what ways did Vyvanse make you a person you're embarrassed to be? And if it does do this, I'm most curious why you go back on it periodically.

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I am off the drug for the fifth day now.. you'll realize that vyvanse was changing your life in ways that you won't appreciate. It's a pro drug so you can't abuse it as heavily as some people do with adderall. I sleep heavy for three days whenever I come off of it, then I eat a lot, then you find a balance and you're the same person you were before you started taking the drug. This medicine changed my motivations, my social life, it basically made me a person that I am now embarrassed to be.

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This post is so irresponsible...

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