Withdrawal After 6 Months.
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I have take Harvoni for 6 months. Along with xanax and sometimes ambein to help sleep. I have been off two days and my fatigue is worse. I can not sleep. My mind is overtime. I was really looking forward to stopping all drugs after 6 months. Now I am in a depression not sure why. I cry for no reason. And I work in Public Relations, Event planning. Can't focus to do job. My mind knows what need to say. But does not come out right. I have taken to my bedroom. For comfort and prayer. Anyone else feel like this? Thanks

3 Replies

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Yes, Harvoni is known to cause side effects while taking it, and some of them tend to linger, for awhile, once your course of treatment is complete.

You can learn more here about Harvoni and its effects.

Some listed side effects may include headache, depression, insomnia, nausea, and dizziness.

How are you all doing, now? Has there been any change?

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Yes,ever since taking harvoni I have had terrible insomnia and anxiety and now depression.
Can even go to work now because to depressed with anxiety.Going to the doctor this week to try something else for anxiety and depression. Hopefully they can get me on an antidepressant that will work this time

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Hi I have similar problems headache wide awake constipation fatigue, good news is viral free,I was told it could be upwards to 6 months to clear drug so a slow detox is in play with exercise a key to this a hard but a must for many reasons being tissue is a storage place & skin is a major organ for toxin removal so sweat sweat sweat and keep electro lights balance hydrate. Safe healing

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