Wisconsin Pain Clinics/oxycodone (Page 3)
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Hi, i live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and i find that it is very difficult to the find a doctor in pain managemnt who will prescribe the right types of narcotics to effectively releave my chronic back pain. Any suggestions would be great. Thanx
Re: T (# 153)
Dr Jeremy Scarlett
Advanced Pain Management (West Bend)
Re: Tribe Of The Lion (# 6)
So you didn't say who your new doctor is?
Re: Tribe Of The Lion (# 147)
Who's ur pain doctor now? You seem to be very happy.
Re: Dorothy (# 150)
LOL yeah, I am the Good Pill Fairy!! I will blow some Pity Dust your way.
There now, your Drama bowl is filled. Try to make it last!!!
Re: Tribe Of The Lion (# 142)
And who are you now the good pill fairy...I don't think anybody needs your confirmation on rules. Nobody asked you!!!
Re: RW (# 148)
I totally understand where you are coming from... And I truly feel for you. And you are Right...Dr. Hasan Is a Liar. She was fine with me as well until 2014. She had even told me previously that she did not have any problem with a patient drinking alcohol, as long as it wasn't in an alcoholic sense. She told me this because I had told her that I drank a couple of drinks to celebrate with my wife.
But in 2014 when she instructed her nurses to lie about my med count, and I saw her then... On the day that she dropped me I mentioned to her about the drinks that I had which she ok'd... And she then said that she never condones anyone to drink any alcohol while taking pain meds...Not even one beer.
I told her she was a liar and that she was kicking me harshly at a time when I was in a bad way... Going through a separation after 10 years of marriage...And that I would Never Ever Forget It!!
But my wife and I remained separated for about 9 months... Until the Lord God Jesus Christ stepped in and Miraculously saved our marriage and brought us back together!! To Him and Only To Him, the credit goes to... For saving my marriage And for getting me away from that nasty, evil, lazy, lying Dr. Hasan...
And for Blessing me with an awesome new doctor on the very same day that I was dropped by her. When I saw my new doctor the first time, he knew right away who Hasan was and just What she was. And he also knew Immediately what had probably happened.
And his reaction towards Hasan was that he Totally Disapproved of the harsh way she was treating her patients. He did not say this... But I could tell... Especially when he accepted me as a new patient right away, and prescribed to me almost the Exact same amount of pain meds plus other meds for the tumor bulges in my neck.
And when I see him or his NP, there are No long 2 and 3 hour waiting periods like there always were with Dr. Hasan and her NP!! And at times even longer. I saw a guy one time who had an 11:00 AM appointment. Then at 4:30 he was still waiting along with me and several others. So he walked up and asked about the long wait. He got a little angry and rightly so. Then Hasan came out and talked with the nurse and desk staff.
They called him to the desk, handed his prescriptions to him, and told him that Hasan was discharging him as her patient. When he asked why, they told him that she had overheard him being loud and talking angrily, and that she was not putting up with it.
I could not believe what I was seeing... And the guy, he never even really yelled. All he said to them was "What is the MF...ing holdup? I've been waiting since 11 AM... So could you check for me and ask the doctor to speed things up a bit?!"
And yet, she just discharged him... She did not even see him!!
Anyway, getting back to my new pain doctor... well... he is not so new anymore...I have been seeing him for over 3 years now. And unlike Hasan, it is sooo nice and refreshing to be treated like a Human Being instead of like a piece of garbage like Hasan and her NP Jenelle did!!
And also, it i s in and out very quick!! My appointment a few days ago was.at 3:50 PM. By 4:15 PM I had seen the doctor, got my knees and legs checked over, discussed an increase in my pain meds, which he agreed with, and I was already out making my next appointment.
And I get seen only every 2 months. And not every visit with him involves a drug panel. They give them but the drug panels are random. And I never have to do blood work.
I had to do both of these every single month with Hasan!! All that witch did was drain my insurance and I had increased copays!! She never once showed any caring whatsoever for me as a patient and as a human being!!
My Dad died back in 2010 and then I lost my only blooded brother in 2012! And shortly after that, I was at my appointment and I began to tear up via talking about them with Hasan. I was not there to get early meds. I hardly ever did that.
It was my regular appointment and I just started talking about them and started tearing up!! Hasan looked at me and said, "Stop it Brian! Don't be crying for either of them... they did it to themselves with smoking and drinking! They deserved what they got!"
I tell you, I Almost Fired her right then! But I didn't! She did apologize the next appointment but still! Anyway, Ive rambled and rambled here. The bottom line is that with Hasan dropping me, it was a true Blessing in Disguise!! And God Almighty sure had a Hand in that.
Because He led me to the most Wonderful, absolute Best pain doctor that anyone could ever have!! He is THE BEST...AS IS HIS AWESOME NP!! And it feels sooo damn good to be treated like a human being who has actual pain and feelings!!
Last thing I want to say is this: AMA rules state that even when a doctor discharges a patient, they are supposed to provide a 30-Day Notice to the patient And they are also supposed to give that patient a referral to another doctor and help the patient Find another doctor... No matter what!!
Hasan violated both of these AMA policies with me as well as several other policies. So when she dropped me in 2014, I launched a Complaint against her with her hospital employer.
I also reported her to the AMA for her violations as well as her and her NP Medical Mistreatment of myself and other patients that I had witnessed being very poorly treated! And I like to think that part of her being put on Probation is the result of my Complaints against her.
Maybe a petition could be started against her which would Force her to resign as a doctor... Or at least it might force the hospital to take actions against her and her NP, and Fire them Both!!
I apologize that this message is so long... I guess this time I just had a lot to say and to cover!!! But I THANK YE FER A READIN'!!!
Re: dustin (# 18)
I agree except for her 0 tolerance that includes mistakes. I was with her for 13 yrs with NO ISSUES of any kind. 3 months ago I somehow tested+ for a slight trace (.07) of coke. The dr. assistant I saw talked with Hasan who said being it was me, a very trusted patient...she gave me 1 more chance. I returned the following month and saw her. She indignantly said I was discharged. I asked why she changed her mind. She claimed the assistant was told no chance I am off. I had another person with me and told Hasan he got up, walked out to her office and returned saying ok but if happened again, immediate discharge. She lied and said he never saw her. We saw him enter her office as she was walking out. She again lied and denied. She plainly, heartlessly dumped me. I was given 2 refills and out. I still haven't found a dr. 1 main issue of course was the 1 DU. She had been great till of course getting in trouble with the CDC & DEA. She's on probation now!
Re: RW (# 143)
Yeah I figured that she was in trouble!! She has been in trouble since 2014 when she had her nurses lie about my med count, and just Dropped me after 8 long years of being a perfect patient...
Her trouble is by Her Own Doing!!! She never showed any caring once for my actual pain problem!! Her or her rude NPs would come in the room, talk for 5 minutes, and write my prescriptions!!
But I needed a doctor who actually cared about me as a patient... And one who treated me like a human being with dignity and respect!! I have a pain doctor that is like that now... And his NP!! But back to Dr. Hasan:
I always passed both blood and drug panels, made my appointments, and was always spot on with my pain meds count!
I put up with her always being super late, sometimes waiting for over 4 hours before finally being seen. I tolerated her nurses' constant rudeness and unprofessionalism as well as hers!!
But little did I know that her dropping me was a true Blessing In Disguise!! Because the same day she dropped me, I went to my car and I prayed to God what to do. And God showed me Exactly who to call and where to go! I got a new pain management doctor on the very same day that I was dropped by pathetic ass Hasan!! She kicked me while I was down and going through a very harsh personal issue... And she knew it...
But the new doctor that I got.... Ohhh man!!! I have Never Ever Been Happier!! And I have said it once and will say it even Today, right after my appointment... That I have The Best Pain Managment Doctor And Nurse Practitioner that I could have ever received!!
And I praise God for getting me clean away from Dr. Hasan and for directing me to the doctor that he chose for me!!! Because my pain doctor of going on 4 years now, is just the Absolute Best Ever!!!
Re: Mallissa (# 124)
Can you please tell me the name of the clinic in Wauwatosa ? My pain Dr passed away last month & I havent had any luck finding a New Dr that accepts my Insurance or Cash pay
Amanecer (# 138) & Kylie (# 136) --
Dr. David Stein on 118th & Silver Spring Drive is a sure bet for Oxy 30s. He doesn't accept Medicare or Medicaid... Only BCBS, Anthem & Cash.
5400 N 118th St Milwaukee, WI 53225.
Does anybody know of a Dr that prescribes #120 30mg Oxycodone that has a pain clinic ran by the Dr & his wife OTHER than Dr David Stein? I have a friend who's getting #120 30mg Oxycodone per month for the past 7 years from her Dr but she won't tell me who she's seeing so I can go there too for my pain meds. But during a conversation she did let out something about the Dr's wife working there as well & that they recently cleaned house & cut off and got rid of a lot of the rift raff patients who were suspected of selling their meds. If anybody knows of this Dr please leave a comment below. Thank you.
Re: dustin (# 18)
Hasan is detoxing and/or reducing patients greatly. She got in trouble and is on probation. She was always great till the past 2 years. Greatly reducing methadone to 20 mg per day and Oxys to the minimum suggested by CDC and DEA. If you need more for pain try a different dr. If the minimum works for you, she's fine...
Re: Amanecer (# 138)
I'm sorry to hear that... But the rules do clearly state that you Cannot drink Any alcohol while taking prescribed narcotic pain medication.
Re: lild (# 7)
It's true and that's no lie, not only did she do it to me but also 3 other people that I know.
Re: Tribe Of The Lion (# 6)
What doctor do you currently see now?
Re: Tribe Of The Lion (# 6)
Who is your doctor now? I was seein Hasan also got dumped no reason.
Re: Sandta (# 37)
Are there any other dr besides APM ( I was discharged fordrinking alcohol while taking meds). Im currently at Bellen Neuro who refuses to give me any narcotics. I live in Green Bay, WI. I am sonover this pain!!!
Re: Soldier (# 135)
This is weird because I just got new refills for mine. Not sure which doctor that you are seeing but I am getting my pain meds.
Re: Informer (# 59)
Can you give me some more dr's names & numbers? I'm an amputee. I have a blemish on my record. I've been like this for 14 years though and I'm on opiate medication. It took years for them to figure out what kind that works. I finally found the kind that works now. I was told that I would have to try to find a pain doctor but I just need to find a doctor that is wanting to keep me on my medication that works for me, which isn't opioid medication. I'm the real deal. It just scares me because there's a blemish for some years ago. I read some stuff up about this doctor stein but it also says that this doctor is in charge of this and that, but things that he didn't even do for you and I can't have anything ran down my spine, but if you insist that I have to get it done, is this the case or how do you feel about him? Do you know of any other doctors? I'm reading about this doctor & now he's moved. I'm just wondering if this doctor is one of those doctors that if he sees the list of medications and that even this last doctor says that I work well on this medication and that I respond well to it. I've been on this medication for years. What's your thoughts on that and can you think of anybody else? I'm in dire need here. But because in the beginning 14 years ago I screwed up. I was walking and a truck hit me and left me there to die. I have multiple things wrong with me. I've been through pain doctors in the past but in the very beginning I did screw up and I've had two bad u/a's and I feel like this is going to be held against me. I would prefer just a family doctor instead of a pain management but if you know of a pain management doctor that would prescribe me narcotics so many doctors are scared nowadays to provide pills, it's sad. And then also I cannot go to advanced pain management universal pain clinic. Everything they needed they said that they would work with me and all of a sudden they said oh no we can't take you. I don't understand. I think they saw something on the record from 14 years ago. It doesn't make sense to me but they held me up for 10 days and I'm out of meds in about 2 days and I'm really worried. So if you can please help me. I would owe my world, my life, my family too. Thank you.
Re: Tribe Of The Lion (# 14)
I am in Sheboygan and today I went for my Advance Pain Management appointment. I have been taking 15mg of Oxycodone up to 4 a day. Been taking them for years. Today I was told "we can no longer prescribe OXYCODONE to you or anyone else", so I got a prescription for something called NUCYNTA. No if-ands-or-buts about it. I never had illegal drugs in my body; always correct amount in U/A's. Always on count with my pills. After all, I don't want to die from an overdose. But this is just wrong. They better hurry up and legalize marijuana. People who take these recreationally are going to go crazy. In fact I am kinda scared. Desperate people do desperate things. Last year they cut everyone down to 90mg a day. Pharmacies were being broken into at night. Now I don't even want to go near a pharmacy. I am afraid things will get out of hand and people will be held up and maybe killed because of this.
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