Will Covid 19 Affect Our Meds From China? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I take Xanax for 15 years as needed. I am a senior. Not only do 97% of our antibiotics come from China, but other meds mixed into benzodiazepines and other medications are from there as well. Since China has shut down most of their factories, will the USA become short of our meds? I cannot stop taking my Xanax because I’ll have a seizure. We need to rely on our own medications to be made here. I am scared of a shortage more than getting this virus. And I know our President is doing all he can to help us.

36 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: QAGirl (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for that beautiful reply. Unfortunately that Hospital wasn't there to cure my Xanax use, they were out to restore my life. The E.R. Doctor was amazed I was able to speak with him, described as 'Walking Critical'. The first thing I did do was cut my intake by 33% a day on most days, I make the rules always knowing less is best & how Xanax is garbage. Many of us are warned from the very start how Xanax can become addictive, what we are not educated on is the dangers and pain of withdrawal, I could have written a book, it was wild!

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Re: QAGirl (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Addict? I am 65 years old hun. I never did drugs in my life hun. I take them for an illness hun. If you took them for something else then your the addict hun. Seems you’d rather be in my place that you so desperately crave hun. But you’re nasty, name calling, and addicted to drugs shows here. I don’t go around saying anything bad about anyone. If you can’t take it between you and Eddy whose a drug addict then leave. This was all about medications being made overseas and you made it ugly Hun. Take care and I hope you find that doctor you so desperately need. Hun.

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Re: Bella (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

This wasn't about medicine being made overseas. This started with your racist comments and disgusting posts to other forum members. You are very misinformed about whether you're an addict or not, you are in denial. If I was 65 and I didn't have a plan for discontinuing this medicine I would be 100% frightened, even more than the Deadly Trump Virus itself or the 'Oranges' of my medicine

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Re: QAGirl (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

I am truly sorry for the losses you have experienced. Because I have developed new fears after seeing my child suffer from illness, I can no longer leave the house. I have severe anxiety after this death. So I’m going to end by saying I am truly sorry for your loss as this I know, the deepest abyss of pain the human spirit can endure, is the death of a child. You are broken inside forever. Being strong is the only option you have. As for me, my faith in God gets me through. God Bless.

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your comment!!!

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Re: cliffvettej2 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

It came from a Bat that flew in from Mongolia

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Re: cliffvettej2 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

You and Bella are spreading Racist comments about China. Do you truly expect their help with masks & medicines & machines to America with ignorant people like yourself spreading these lies.

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Re: EDDY (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Seems to me that you take all kinds of medications. So I’ll stop at there. Never judge anyone in how they feel especially since chronic anxiety is an illness. I am GOOD with my medication and take AS NEEDED. You seem to not know how to take any medications looking at old meds tells me just about who you are. Too bad if I have NO PROBLEM with my medications. You sound jealous. And too bad I have a great relationship with my doctor. The same doctor at a major hospital I’ve been seeing for 15 years... sounds like a lot but four times a year is not. If he should retire, he simply tells another and it continues. I feel good if not for my loss. Have a great day and maybe you need a good doctor becaysecyou sound very confused and angry.

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Re: QAGirl (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Well we are not in the same situation hun. You’ve been lied to and screwed around with. I’ve been smooth for years. Your doctor if you’re telling me the truth, has a fiduciary responsibility to get you another doctor AND to give you a script with a refill until you do. That’s just what they do if you are a GOOD patient. So don’t say to me he’ll say no more that makes me laugh. I have the best care, the best doctor ever. You must be abusing them or something. If nobody wants to give them to you then your the problem not the doctor. Bye hun.

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Re: EDDY (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Congratulations on freeing yourself from this medically induced illness known as xanax dependence. I m happy for you, proud of you, and I aspire to achieve what you have @EDDIE


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Re: Bella (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

If the Grace of God and your stawlart faith are sufficient for you, why do you care about YOUR xanax?

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Why are you schooling me about my medication?? I’m not that old and if I’ve been taking it just at night for years I’m fine. As for the virus I have Faith over Fear. Some of you need to pray and trust in God. And that’s how I’ll get through. Stay safe now.

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Re: Bella (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Don't get Snippy Bella. When was the last time you took a Chinese Xanax? It sounds like you have some sort of Virus already, short temper, paranoia, bad breath. I'm no Doctor but I think you should get a test

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Also let me put your mind at rest, the President is doing nothing to address your concern with goods and services including medicines coming from China. There is no testing of Cargo, its not being quarantined. The Chinese probably weren't responsible for the origins of this disease despite what Trump says??

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Re: Eddy (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

What meds are you on hater? Too bad my mention of my great president triggered your TDS.

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Re: Bella (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

86% of all the Trump Virus cases come from Wuhan? The Trump Virus is now Worldwide, Bats are worldwide, we have Bats here in Southern California, they carry disease as well. Bella, don't take your Chinese medicine if you feel the products are infused with the Trump Virus

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