Will Oxycontin Be Changed Back To Original Formula (Page 31)
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is Oxycontin going back to their old formula? OC instead of OP.

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Just call purdy. i did and get a strate an. the you will know the real truth. the new one,s are not the same.

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I am right there with you, word for word. Got Adhesive Arachnoiditis from an epidural. Tis' a hell that nobody understands because you don't look sick. I am on the Oxycontin too. I mentioned to my old pain doc that it doesn't react the same. He said to me in a very mean voice...It is EXACTLY the same thing! No, it is not. My new doc said he didn't think it was either and upped my dose. It still wears out at the same time as the old one. So, he split my scripts in two. One 40mg in the morning, a 20mg at 4:00 p.m. and a 20mg at night, along with my other meds. Course, with my darn insurance, that doubled my cost.

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Thanks alot purdue! My Sister just died from a bad reaction to the new op formula. She was on the old oxycontin formula for 5 years with no problem, never higher doses, and as soon as she tries these new shiitty ops, she thinks she should take 4 or 5 because the 1st couple werent working. Turns out she was allergic to whatever ingredient the new formula has in it that the original did not.

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What I don't understand is that the instant release haven't been altered (the OxyCodone). If I'm not mistaken, you can still chew them up/crush them and they're not rendered inert. So, where "abuse" is concerned, who care about the extended release tablets? The junkies can still just use the IR's! Since that's the case, why put us through this agony? Could it be to sell more of the IR's - which I now find myself using more than before (to get me through, between "long-acting" OxyContin doses)? What I get are generic . . . . Does Purdue own stock in generic companies? :-/

Oh! SO I went to some super-specialists last week (withholding who/where) and you know what they did for me? They prescribed a super-dangerous anti-depressant! Gee . . . thanks a lot! :-( (I'll pass on that.)

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what pharmacys IN SONOMA COUNTY still carries 30milagram oxicontins

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Got my refill last week and it appears to me like most (not all) of these pills are formulated much more like the old OC's, much more like a regular pill... ,ost of the gumminess is gone, except for the shell surrounding the medicine. A few of them seem more gummy than the rest, but nowhere near as much as before. Now these are the 80's and they still say OP on the side. Maybe it's just my imagination, but they also appear to be more powerful than the first OP's, more like the old OC's. I have never crushed one of these, so I don't know how it compares to the old OC's, but the consistency of the new ones seems closer to an aspirin, more chaulky than solid.

The pharmacist I trust wasn't in the day I picked up my refill, so I haven't had the chance to ask him if he knew anything about re-reformulating. One would think that Purdue would put out a notice to pharmacists about it for customers who ask, unless they assume that no one will bite or chew them. Hopefully my pharmacist will be there next time, so I'll ask and keep you all posted.

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You're right! You don't see Budweiser removing the alcohol content from their products because of alcoholics!!

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i had hip replacement surgery and have been taking 20mg oc for pain. when the new formula came out, i knew right away they were not as effective, and caused a lot of problems. mr dr. recommended oxycodone, and i have survived so far. the only real difference is that the new oxys are not time released, and wear off after about 3-4 hrs. they cost $1.32 each, and, have severe side effects, including bowel problems. i have heard purdue will not go back to the original formula due to abuse by the easy crushing and injection or sniffing of the tablet form. the new formula contains cellulose, which cannot be crushed, and instead, expands in your stomach, causing the problems. i feel this is a travesty of justice to the non-abusers and the gov't and purdue should not deprive honest pain relief to non-abusers by changing to a harmful product for those in real need. if the stupid addicts wish to snort it, then let them. don't make us pay for their stupidity. the new formula really sucks, and should not be allowed . the pain relief and effects of the original oxycontin should not have been compromised due the behavior of a few useless addicts.

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I agree with frustrated in PA, after about 4 hours they start wearing off and I get hot flashes too and it's not due to my age, it's these slimy pills they are giving us. My last batch wasn't as gummy, then when I got my new script this week, they are worse than ever! I thought they were trying to improve upon them but obviously not. They do not work!!!

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I'm going on eight years use for chronic back pain and I too am suffering from the formula change. I've also noticed the pills themselves vary in strength throughout the same bottle! Side effects have appeared I never had too (tearing eyes, fatigue, jumpy legs, tenseness . . . And now; hot flashes!). I've not felt this bad since I was hurt, originally.

Maybe a class action suit would get everyone's attention, huh? I know this much: I'm at my wits' end! Heaven help us. It sure seems no one else will!

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I noticed that too, wipster. It seems as though they reduced the amount of "gummy" material they use in the pill. They still aren't as good as the old oc's but I think they're trying to make them like they were before.
I think that the FDA caught Purdue adding something to the old oc's that wasn't supposed to be there (illegal maybe). I know that when I was taking them I had NO PAIN and plenty of energy. Something's been eliminated from the new version. Telling the public that they had to reformulate because of drug abusers is just a facade.

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I've been taking the new formulation for several months now in 80mg form. Last month I noticed that the pills were different. Even though they still said OP on the side, the consistency seemed to be like the old OCs... They have lost all of their gumminess. Im due for a refill next week so I will ask the pharmacist if he knows if they have switched back.

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Roxicodone as of June,26 2011 FDA,DEA said to be changing the formula in it as same as Oxycodone op.We the people need to stand together some place and sue to get the oc back on the market.Heck I never had to snort,smoke or shoot up Oxys in an hour they worked just fine I was able to move again,mow my yard,paint my house,build a house,dig a hole to china lol you get the idea (I felt good again for a change) took away depression, i started talking to people again if i had pain it didn't matter anymore.Yes people they changed it all If I take it (op) i sleep and sleep and sleep not getting anything done as much and i do feel more pain then with (oc)

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Well..i am now frightened over the side effects of the new op's. And angry! I didn't have any side effects other than my op were much milder and i needed more breakthrough med's.I really felt a little 'smug' that i didn't have adverse effects like all the other's.Three month's later ALL the med's i take have STOPPED WORKING'. And i am a having for 24 hr's..headaches ..am waking up with severe abdomal discomfort.feel like i'm going through wd..heart shuddering/palpitation's for hours at a time..and of all thing's my scalp feel's like electricity is shooting through it(anyone else with this?) severe itching in feet and legs..None of these occurred when i first started the new formula.

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Also..the new formula even disolved completely still retain's time release properties(according to purdue) tHEN THAT MEANS OUR BODIES WILL NOT BREAK IT DOWN. This is so absurd i would laugh if not so tragic.

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I noticed it does take longer for the op to work, maybe 30-45 minutes longer, and the pain relief has decreased, but I still get some relief. (It's like a lower dose.) My question is, if I was to go up to a higher dose (not sure of the dose amounts, I'm on 3 40's a day now), could that help make it work more like the oc's?

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I can't beleive those who really beleive Purdue changed their oxycontin formula out of concern for 'death's from patient's overdosing' The fact's are purdue was going to lose their patent on their oxycontin..thus the new op's. The trial's conducted on this atrocity are laughable. One pill to a opiate innocent one week and another the following week. No trial's done in ccp and no study of side effect's. I smell lawsuit's galore. Even purdue's sale rep's state op's are a joke. Not only are op's ineffective but purdue blocked other compnaies from making generic and with these new oxycontin the price has risen substantially! All about money..greed and power. And it's about to go tumbling down upon them. Sales have tumbled..patient's making their exoduse from this shameful company.All trust has been violated! Meanwhile patient's are NOT taking the same drug oc as purdue claim's..The fda had a report they took down from internet saying in essence additional med's(heart.diabetes.) are leeched into the op's gel. Pretty much making them ineffective.

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I too am a patient who uses the medication only as directed and notice that the new formulation is not as effective. I hope they will go back to the original formula, because it is the only medication that works for me.

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Tell the MANUFACTURER after years of extensive clinical testing they don't know what they are talking about.

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There is no shell!!! Did you even read my post??? Please explain how a wax coating with no supporting structure keeping it together can pass through your digestive system intact!? The point is people are not getting the drug completely dissolved or they wouldn't be complaining about it not working. I understand a capsule made of cellulose can pass undissolved. OPs ARE NOT CAPSULES. You work for a drug company don't you?

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