Will Oxycontin Be Changed Back To Original Formula (Page 31)
Updatedis Oxycontin going back to their old formula? OC instead of OP.
I am so sorry to hear this. All I can say to you is that I completely understand where u are coming from in regards to lack of efficacy with the reformulated OxyContin. I know this as I had a very similar problem when the reformulation came out (in regards to it not working nearly as well with awful side effects) luckily I am in Australia and there is a generic . I assume u are in America . Don't listen to the so called specialist and pharmacy reps - there is a marked difference in the way this reformulated stuff works on certain individuals . I myself was one of them. I feel for you , I would have been in a similar situation if the generic had not come out , and was also being told I was making it up and that of course it still worked the same -absolute bs! It's so sad our quality of life and medication that worked for us has been effected by drug addicts (although Purdue pharm is also to blame as they marketed it as non addictive when they knew it was)
Have u tried other meds? Perhaps fentanyl patch ? My mother is highly sensitive to all opioids other than that. Before u do something as drastic as taking your own life (tho I understand why) please look jnto other opioids such as fentanyl or oxymorphone...
I'm sorry if these have been suggested before or if u have tried them. The other option which I had to use due to side effects from the reformulated OxyContin is taking multiple doses of short acting oxycodone . These need to be taken every four to six hours. I'm not sure of the brand name in America but worldwide there is always a short acting oxycodone formulation available -often used for break through pain. Obviously it's not ideal, but surely it must be better than acquiescing to this insane war on prescription drugs that is going on and which u through no fault of your own have been caught in the crossfire . I'm so sorry to hear what u are going through and my thoughts are with you. Please ask your dr if This can be done . U are in a very extreme situation and oftentimes when Drs titrate your oxycodone dose they begin with short acting drugs and then switch over to extended release . Obviously u would want to stay on the short acting dose as the reformulated junk doesn't work for you (like many others) please let me know how u go.
Sincere condolences and empathy being sent your way .
Bobby L
Caggor, it makes me sad & angry to read your post esp as there was one similiar a few months back.... I dont understand what doctors in the US are thinking!! why are they not listening to their patients, esp ones that are at this point because they cant endure the pain any longer..,..btw, i do understand...the disease i have has no cure or treatment beyond pain relief & before i decided to go onto this medication the pain was so bad i was contemplating my choices. It took a while to get the doseage to the point it was effective also but ive beennstable for about 4yrs now. All i can suggest is try the ideas Bobby mentioned (if you havent already) & i wish so badly someone will help you. Take care
Targin still has oxycodone in it a d yes it mess your stomach up.I took it for 2 months..
I just got some 40my oxys stamped on what does this mean. Not oc or op but on. Help ty
Michael, are they immediate release or slow release oxycontin? If immediate release the ON could stand for OxyNorm, which is one of the brand names for this....... Cant think what else it could be...... Who is it made by?
Well, people in my area aren't going to have to worry about the difference between OCs & OPs or the difference between any long acting pain med for that matter. All the doctors in my area have made a pact to take all long acting pain meds away from all patients. They claim that research has proven that after taking them for many yrs they don't work anyway, so there is no point in taking them. Every chronic pain patient around here has had their dose cut in half over a 2 month period, with the goal of being pain med free in the next 2 months. There is no concern for the patient's diagnosis or their pain levels. All chronic pain patients must and will be medication free in the next 2 months. None of the doctors care about pain; obviously they are viewing it as a drug problem. Who wants to live in pain? I know I don't.
Thats horrific Jeanie, id be going to my nearest MP & & discussing it with them.....if that gets you nowhere go higher up the political scale..... Also id be moving away from the area you live in, i know for a fact i could't cope with the pain i have without strong analgesia.....i dont understand how doctors can be so callous they are supposed to help not hurt their patients.
That stuff with the targin upset my stomach all the time.
Hello Jeannie,
I'm so sorry to hear that . I'm having anxiety just contemplating myself in this position . What area do U live in, just so I can put my mind at rest... Do U see a pain management dr ? Oftentimes they will help u. It doesn't make sense to have a blanket rule for all patients . As a long term pain medication user i know it sure works for me ... Hope this remedies itself .
I live in the U.S., a western MA, rural area. There is only one pain management clinic nearby, and they are the ones who recently held the conference with all local doctors to decide on this horrific plan. About 9 months ago, I attended a chronic pain management conference that was given by an out of state group. It was an excellent conference and stressed that doctors should really listen to their chronic pain patients because they know what works for them. It also taught doctors how to recognize red flag patients who may be seeking more pain meds for reasons other than pain, and that part of the conference was excellent too. I also noticed that my PC was there so I was very happy, thinking that he would be more open to managing his chronic pain patients in a more appropriate way. But....when I went to see my PC, I very quickly realized that he ONLY concentrated on the red flag warnings, and suddenly all of his chronic pain patients were suspect, including me. I felt as though we had attended completely different conferences. I have never given ANY red flag warnings. I have never taken more pain meds than I should, I have always tolerated some pain, rather than ask for more meds, I have passed all of his drug panels with flying colors, my counts have always been accurate, I have never gone doctor shopping. I never did anything on the red flag list, and when I told my PC this, he said, "Well, we have to be very careful nowadays because most drug seekers are very tricky and good at fooling their doctors." I have been seeing this guy for 40 yrs, so I don't get where he is coming from. And shortly after that conference, he cut my long acting pain med from 80 mg to 60 mg, and increased my short acting med, which made no sense to me. But then came this new conference, and now long acting pain meds are being decreased then stopped for all chronic pain patients. In 2 months, I was down to 40mg (with no increase on the short acting), and the next stop is 0 mg. I have barely gotten out of bed ever since; it hurts just to roll over. Is this quality of life? Isn't "quality of life" supposed to be the goal for those living with chronic pain? And, I don't know what they're talking about, saying that after many yrs the pain meds don't work anyway, so just stop taking them. They always worked for me. Pain is subjective, so how can they say something like that regarding all chronic pain patients? How do they know? They don't live in our bodies. So, I'm at a complete loss...now living in severe pain with more to come. I can't just up and move. We own a house, our whole family lives close by, including my 99 yr old mother. My husband is approaching retirement & would lose out if he left now. Terrible situation for me and everyone like me. As I see it....hopeless!
Michelle, ONR is the printing on OxyNorm. OP do not exist outside the US and those countries it is distributed by Purdue.
Everywhere else in the world, OC are as they have always been, but watch for overpricing in Romania especially. UK and NL are the best countries. I thought most OC patients now got them from Europe... oh and there is no such thing as IR OxyContin - 'Contin' is short for CONTINUOUS, meaning continuous release!
Zaborav OP is distributed in Australia by Mundipharma, it's the reformulation.....we do however have a generic Oxycontin. I know that Oxycontin is the brand name for controlled release. Someone was asking about a tablet with ON stamped on it, only thing i could think of was OxyNorm.
You mam or Sir do not for the love of God know what you are talking about. I am sitting here in utter shock in the manner in which you are speaking to these "human beings" I dont know which planet you came from or which rock you crawled out of but after 15 + year as taking this medication I have to agree the op's are just terrible !!!! No where near the pain relief that the Oc's had!!! So before you state your opinion like it's " The law" remember that yours is just that...." an opinion" as is mine but with so many in aggreance how could we all be wrong!
ONs are a tamper proof Oxycontin, also produced by Purdue. They were released on the market in 2012 as OxyNeo.
Deanne...who are you referring to when you posted your comment..?
I find it crazy that anyone who comes onto this page has a go at people that are stating their opinion....
The people on here have done nothing but help me with imfortation and support..I think we have to keep in mind that most of them are suffering with pain and a lot are frustrated that they cannot receive the pain medication that they need...
Thank you so much for your kind words .maybe I will write more another day ,too sad to write today ,but thank you again
I am on Oxymorphone ,but it does not help the pain like Original oxycontin,some days it does not help at all .I have also tried fentanyl patches .methadone . I am lucky my doctor has tried to help me .I have no idea why OC worked the best and did not make me tired.I have tried almost everything ,and that's why I feel so hopeless.
Yesterday I had to take the s***ty plastic formula manufactured by Mundingpharma (not sure of the spelling) because they had run out of the Sandoz brand at my chemist.. Half an hour later I was vomiting and had a really horrible headache...I didnt get any pain relief until I was able to get my Sandoz ones in the afternoon... I am astounded that doctors believe that there is nothing wrong with the plastic wrapped Mundingpharma product.. What I want to know is who trialed those tablets? Who from that pharmaceutical company said that there are no side effects? Who said that the pain relief was the same as the Sandoz? Who is lying because the Mundingpharma formulation is so horrible yet the doctors that I see say that it was trialed and I'm the one lying....? So who does the testing for these companies? Who are the guinea pigs?
Her post was detailed and indeed indicated she is currently a patient at the only pain clinic in her area.
Sandie, You are full of it. The only reason OP from mundipharma are not working for you and you claim to be throwing up is because you take the Sandoz ones which are generic and you suck the coating off them and then chew them up so you get immediate release of 80mg. The OP from mudipharma can not be done like this and must be taken properly meaning you get 40mg instant and then 40mg over 9-12 hours. If you were not abusing your pain meds and were actually taking them correctly then OP would work for you. The problem and the reason why OP is in australia is because the patent was coming to an end for australia with mundipharma and the generics were coming out and mundipharma said to australian government that they would change their formula so that they can ban all generics and mundipharma would retain the monopoly in australia. The government did not do that after mundipharma changed to OP because they cant but what they did do was PBS offered chemists alot more money back for each pack they sell of the OP from mundipharma. meaning you pay $6 or $39 to your chemist and the PBD pays the chemist an extra $70 per packet that they sell of mundipharma but if they sell the generic or sandoz generic then they only get $30 per packet. So the chemists do not stock any other brand or sell any other brand than mundipharma so that way they get the higher prices and the government are happy because there is no tablets than can be tampered and doctors are happy, the only person who isn't happy is the person who breaks them up. Now there are some chemists that sell sandoz generic mainly chemist warehouse and night and day and the mega savings chemist, but they are crap versus the munidpharma OP ones if you compare by taking both properly.
Now mundipharma knew everyone was complaining because it turns out more people on oxycontin are abusing than they thought which means more complaints and most people dont know about sandoz or where to get them, but now mundipharma has made a new one called ONs that release much better but are still tamper proof, though you can always bite them into 4's if you have to. I am on 160mg 3 times a day plus up to 4 20mg oxynorm a day plus 1 200mg palexia twice a day. Palexia is something that doctors love giving out because it keep your dose moderated. Also if your doctor is giving you targin and you are on a higher dose than 40mg then you are being done by a dumb doctor. They give you targin because of the naloxone which is what ambos carry with them to get you out of instant overdose. Every oxy addict should have a syringe of naloxone. You can not take more than 40mg of naoxone, so if you are on 60mg oxy and taking a 40mg and a 20mg targin then you need to tell your doctor to speak to their rep as that is the wrong thing to be taking due to the overdose of the naloxone every day, twice a day.
Those in america who want to know what australia has, we have mundipharma with OP but now they have newer smaller packets which are OC and are better. You can see they are better than OP just by looking at them, they are darker and less wax. We then have sandoz which are old formula regarded as OC but they are shyt compared to OC mundipharma. We then have 100mg and 200mg of palexia. Which is an add-on to your oxy. Now mundipharma is OC.
Those who break their meds are doing themselves a bad thing as it puts their dose up super fast and they screwed it already for the rest of us. Those who are on oxy and are not on higher enough dose you need to google the best pain specialists in your city and go see them. They will write a letter so your doctor can get you authority for a full months worth every month on a single script, so for me its 6 packs of 80s a month for $6. You only have to see that specialist once every three months and they only cost $180 and medicare give half back so who cares if you have to go to the next major city to get the review every 3 to 6 months. Your pain specialist has authority to give you what you need and they are pain specialists because they believe in pain meds and they will give you what you need. Then your GP can phone up each month and get your authority.
Seriously those on this stuff for pain need to seriously find something else to take with it. Gabapentin in small doses is really good like 50mg instead of 300mg. This stuff you wont notice anything at all and then a couple of months later if you took it every day you will suddenly feel a lot better and your dose will stop going up. it is how the chemicals work with your CNS. The stuff makes you feel normal. oxy makes you feel normal but after a while you come down from it after a major sleep and you realize you were high, so gabapentin makes you feel normal like you use to. the oxy takes care fo the pain meds and the other stuff takes care of your attitude and your view on life and your ability to get through the day. Instead of being in bed till 10am you are up at 7am wanting stuff to do.
Those of you who feel major pain when the oxy wears off, this is pretty much pain that is from withdrawals. It will always magnify your pain and gabapentin with oxcy will take care of nerve pain so when you withdraw a bit the pain will be half what it usually is when your tablet stops working because the gab takes care of nerve pain and signals meaning you wont quickly have 2 tablets. Many people have one tablet and then half hour later take another and all the sudden they are up higher doses. You need to wait three hours for the tablet to peak. So set alarm clock and halve table a few hours before you wake up so you wake up feeling better. Rather than in pain like a train hit you and you needing to take extra tablets because your pain is worse. You still need to wait 3 hours.
Anyway you guys that are addicts, you know who you are. Start helping yourself by giving them more time and taking something like gabapentin to help. Obviously i take alot of oxy and i am too addicted but i take it for pain and i take it right but if i take it wrong for a few months then i also am able to get my dose back down by stopping and giving it time to work and taking the gaba. The gaba is amazing. You wont know about it because it doesnt do anything until one day it does. If you take too much you will feel speedy but if you take too litle you will feel speedy but if you take just right you will be so happy. This stuff kills people. I have seen so many people wake up to their partner being next tot hem dead all because they took a single extra tablet. I cant take 10 80s a day if i needed to but one day I will think i can do that and i cant and die. Be careful.
The reason I called Sandie out for being an addict is because i have known her most of her life and she is an addict. All the time moaning about their meds, always a problem. Back in the OC days was moaning about it not being enough. Always something with Sandie. You see Sandie's friends hate hearing her always complaining. I have known Sandie many many years and the thing is Sandie doesn't know I take Oxy too. Because it is not the only thing i ever talk about. Stop taking all your meds at once and breaking them up and running out and you wont always be in pain. if you double up without giving it three hours and then you are going to be in more pain the next day because it wears off. You may not even know you are feeling high but you could be. If you aren't sleeping then you are certainly high. If you are drowsy you are overdosing the stuff. Give it three hours and take your dose and see if it works in three hours. Rather than waiting an hour and taking more.
Yes my spelling is terrible but that's cause im writing 100 words a minute cause i had a lot to say and i wanted to say something after spending another saturday listening to Sandie and her household. BTW, The best GP for this stuff is Dr as he has a thing with the pain clinic who gets kickbacks sending patients there and they both look after their patients so they both keep making money. Phone your local pain clinic up and ask them if you can come and see them and that you do not want to be flagged for doctor shopping so can they tell you a GP who is understandable to pain. In melbourne where I am from it is cake. As it was when i was in perth. You need oxy then you need to go to a GP who believes in pain clinics and providing opiates and the only way to find them is by asking the person that is the person who gets lots of referrals from a GP. They know who is more open to opiates than you and your mates.
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