Will Oxycontin Be Changed Back To Original Formula (Page 10)


is Oxycontin going back to their old formula? OC instead of OP.

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I have been on Oxycontin for years for severe nerve pain. The OC formula gave me my life back. I felt well, not tired, I was able to go back to work, and be a productive member of society. And then came Purdue's OP formula, and I feel awful. The nerve pain is back, exhausted all the time, GI distress, and more. My doctor doesn't understand that OC and OP are very different. He thinks I'm crazy for not continuing to do well on the OPs, I no longer work, and my doctor thinks I'm being ridiculous. I am devastated by this. I was so normal with the OC formula. Not so with the OP formula. Will Purdue ever fix this?

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I don't think so. But that's just me. No one believes people can be in serious pain and have lost their ability to function due to pain and the damn drs and drug co arrogance and ignorance.

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Actually, the old OC version was terrible as a 12 hour pill and had a tendency towards "dose-dumping.". I found that the old version lasted only 6 hours and the new OP lasts between 8-10 hours.

Obviously the old one will seem to work better because you got more into your system all at once but it didn't last as long as the new OP.

If you aren't getting the same pain relief then tell your doc and your doc should up it a bit.

Honestly, I think it's best to have IR for breakthrough in severe cases as any ER pill will not perfectly cover BT pain all the time no way.

Get over it people, the reason that the OC seemed to work better was due to the fact it was releasing more oxy at one time than the OP.

The old OC sucked at time release but yeah, they "felt" better due to the dose dumping. The reason you guys feel bad on the new OP is because the formula prevents dose dumping and you guys aren't used to a REAL quality ER pill.

Ever try going through a slight med reduction and then going back to your original dose you WILL see that OPs work. No I am not happy with the preservatives they put in them but they are no different than a damn Hostess Twinkie so unless y'all are vegan health freaks I would shut up about the obvious placebo health effects y'all are getting from what they put in the OPs.

The amount of inactive ingredients are such a small % of the drugs weight it's like smaller than 1% of 1% and just breathing the air these days you will get more toxins than eating these OPs. Give it a rest people, there are more toxins in the water you drink than in the OPs.

The OPs do work and it's a joke that people complain so much cuz I had both OC and OP and even though the OP isn't as "fun" it lasts much longer than the OC just not as effective short term relief so take ya BT IR meds people and stop ya complaining.

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Purdue's patent on the new formula oxycontin is due to expire next month and the old formula oxycontin in generic pills will be available. Purdue is NOT happy about this as we all know most will buy the cheaper and better digested oxycontin.Although the new formula gave some coverage on my pain, they messed my digestive system up and ever since taking them I have suffered intestinal blockages and severe abdominal pain and am looking forward to living my life without that AND have pain diminished.A concern however is congress has gotten wind of the release date on the old oxycontin and is making much noise over it. So..we shall see.

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This is the BEST news i've heard about these OxyContin this new formula is TERRIBLE in all waysdpkay

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I will tell you what is my biggest concern with the new formula that Purdue didn't check for in their 'test studies'. The jell in the new formula 'wicks' all other meds one is taking. So if you are a diabetes and heart patient taking various meds, the new formula may wick these meds and time release them along with the oxycontin. Purdue has never addressed this and it is IRREPSONSIBIL of them to put such patients at risk.I am so tired of the utter corruption from our health industry that is making so many patients SICK.Greed is the name of the game these days and patients are being used only for profit. It takes 3 days for one oxycontin to 'set up' with the new formula. Tell me how in the world that can be good for patients whose immune system has been compromised by various diseases and now must weather so many 'toxic chemicals' just for the sake of pain relief. I firmly believe every oxycontin pill I take is wearing me down physically and would not take them but I can not live with intense pain. So I have already accepted that my life span is shortened by these op's.What a travesty.

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I didn't have the problem with the OC formula not working long enough for me because, my doctor ordered them in split doses of 20 mg four times a day instead of twice a day, and it worked perfectly for me that way. The OP formula doesn't work at all for my pain. I am utterly exhausted all the time, and a bunch of other SEs as well. It's definitely the reformulated pill that's causing it, because I ran tests switching between the OCs & the OPs when I first got them. The first script had half OCs and half OPs, and the difference between the two was glaringly obvious. My doctor won't change anything! He thinks I am crazy, & insists that OCs & OPs work exactly the same. I live in a very small community with few doctors, and they ALL believe that pain patients are delusional drug abusers/ seekers. If I tried to switch doctors, rumors would swirl like Peyton Place that I was doctor shopping. The media has caused a Witch Hunt against legitimate, innocent pain patients. Drug addicts/ abusers don't need doctors to get their fix; they'll manage just fine. It's the innocents like me who will suffer. Annnnd, I just learned yesterday that my insurance will only cover my script every 60 days, and I will be responsible for 1 script in between. It's over 400 dollars. I called my insurance co. They are doing this to prevent drug abuse. Can you believe this? Media caused Witch Hunt! And, that is with prior auth. Without prior auth, the insurance won't cover it at all. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

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This is interesting. And also the people saying it messed with your other meds. Did not know this. I will also be looking forward to and going back to old OC. Hope y'all are for real about it.

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I am on both the extended release 80 mg, and the instant release 30 mg. I have been on them for ten years. I do not fire up or abuse. I am on them for chronic pain cause by cronic disease. I am on a very high dose, 12 of each a day. The new ones do not work like the old ones. I have been in contact with Purdue and they do NOT plan at this time to rerelease the old ones. I have been in contact with them several times via both phone and mail about the new ones not digesting and problems with them. If the old recipe is rereleased, it will not be by Purdue.

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I was just as surprised when learning that old formula generic oxycontin should be available in april. These would be generic's not made by Purdue but most likey Watson or another pharmaceutical company. Thus far I have not heard that congress or the FDA has stepped in to not allow this.(there was some grumbling about the formula being back in April) Purdue is attempting to get another 6 mo. extension on their patent but I don't think they won. So..if all goes well and the FDA doesn't pull something stupid or Purdue the generic's should already be available or if not then April 15th is the date they will be. I am looking forward to stopping the gelly oxycontins and my 'gut' healing'! Am sick of digestive issues from new formula oxycontin.

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I ended up switching to methadone after the OxyContin change along time ago, some people say methadone is too wing down heroine addicts, but its just another pain killer. There's only so many different kinds of schedule 2 painkillers out there. The best thing about switching to methadone was not having to take as much when I started on it. When from OC 80's to 1/2 a wafer ( a 40mg tablet that only methadone clinics give out ) but pharmacies have plenty of 10mg on hand. My dad would be alive today if he hadn't of been scared of taking it. He was bedridden and taking about 4-5 OC 80's 2 times a day... Back when they were the good ones. Whenever he ran out..... Not even the emergency room could get him out of pain... He just gave up and was tired of the addiction and pain, but that was years ago.

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I have spoken with my pharmacist several times about the generic "old oc" formula coming out this month. I go to a small pharmacy, so she didn't know anything about it. She contacted another pharmacist at CVS & they told her that Purdue's patent expires April 16th. They also said what is happening is that Purdue is fighting the companies that want to make the generics because they're saying that it's truly not a generic if the old formula is being made. They also told her that prescriptions written for Oxycontin will not be filled with the generics and that your doctor has to write for Oxycodone ER & they may also have to put a small note on the rx saying "old oc formula". Please check with your individual pharmacies before having your doctor do this as I don't want to misinform anyone. She also contacted the wholesaler where the pharmacy gets all their drugs from and they told her that they do not have the generic version yet- this was about 2 weeks ago.

I am positive that the patent on the original OC version expires on April 16th. What I'm hoping is that the pharmacies are just not giving out any specific information because they're afraid of people that take Oxycontin illegally and they don't want to give out too much information. I do believe that CVS & Walgreens will definitely carry it. I'm praying that the "old OC" generic version is available immediately.

I too have had problems with the OP version. I was having horrible stomach aches & have had withdrawal symptoms many times as they're not releasing the same way the OC version did. I've also seen a GI specialist because my liver enzymes were highly elevated with the OP version (I don't drink alcohol) and because of my stomach pain. I had 4 tests; MRI, Ultrasound & 2 other tests that I don't remember what they were called. I was told that my bile duct ends abruptly. The doctor said I may have been born with it that way. I also noticed that after I had the last test where they ran a dye through my bile duct I was defacating many, many OP "shells" for weeks afterwards. I don't believe in coincidences- I think that those damn "shells" were giving me the pain- I no longer have the pain since I seem to have evacuated the "shells" from my system.

Lets all say a prayer that the generics will be available on April 17th. I can't stand this crappy OP version anymore!

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This is what I have read thus far. The patent for the new formula oxycontin expires this month(April) My understanding was the generics would be available the 15th of this month. Last week was my refill and when I asked for generics, my pharmistist looked at me as if I had grown warts and horns.They had absolutely no knowledge of generics. What I am finding is NO PHARMACY WILL DISCUSS IT.Also I read that Purdue is trying to get an extension of their patent on the new formula for another 6 months.I have heard at least one congressman complain about the generics coming on the market and something must be done to prevent this but yet haven't heard anything else. Lets face it folks, when those in high places wish to demonize something, they will find a way to do so and that is what has happened with oxycontin. Its all about greed and money.Not about what is best for you and me.I have taken the new formula for 2 years and although it does help with pain, it does not last 12 hours, more like 5 hours. The new formula has made mincemeat out of my digestive sytem and while on it I hae lost 30 lbs from nausea,loss of appetite, and severe intestinal blockages.I am paying much more for all these wonderful new side effects and I swear the new formula is NOT oxycontin. Medics have finally discovered that plastics in bottles is toxic to ones body so my worry is I am consuming several plastic pills a day for the last 2 years. At what point will ones body say enough?

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The government needs to worry about keeping ak47's out of the hands of mentally ill patients. Stop trying to screw with my quality of life! I keep looking for FDA updates in regards to their judgment. I'm praying they just say the patent has expired and too bad. They approved generic Opana in January, so I think that's a plus for generic Oxycontin. Does anyone know if there's a petition anywhere for advocates of the generic version coming out?

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Good luck and I really hope the bring back the old formula

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The FDA has yet to make a decision. I have just sent them an email asking them to please not allow politics and greed to sway a simple decision. They need to think about a patient's quality of life and to think about people that do not have health insurance. Please email them at [email protected] and tell them your story. I am not positive that this is the correct email, but if enough people contact them it could help. Good luck.

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Anna- I too have had GI issues. I just sent an email to [email protected] asking them to please keep politics and greed out of the equation. You seem like an intelligent person. Let's all write to them. They need to hear our voices.

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@Robbie Interesting as I too now have elevated liver enzymes, as well as more medical 'issues' than I could list. Almost every problem I have started after the reformulation. I had originally told my Dr that I thought something was wrong with the new formula but was eventually convinced that no one else had problems & it was purely coincidental. I had been on the OCs for complicated problems with my back & neck. I now have pain from head to toe, I've been diagnosed with several autoimmune disorders. I took a shot in the dark the other day & asked my rheumotologist if the OP formula could have caused the autoimmune & his exact words "yes, I absolutely believe that some of the fillers in these meds are causing autoimmune". I had been switched to almost every pain med on the market & after being 'convinced' that OP was safe, I went back on them, I could kick myself for not giving another med more of a chance! If the generic does not get released, I'm really not sure where I will go from here. Besides the autoimmune I also have the problem with my liver enzymes that my team of Drs are trying to figure out, my blood tests are showing problems with my iron (saturation levels too high) as well as clotting problems & hormone problems. Whew, a mouthful, huh!?! So yes, I will write the FDA, thank you for the suggestion. Even if a generic is not made, at this point I feel even the brand (Purdue) should be further tested!

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Right after I replied to you I looked on FDA site, as of today, Purdue's request for extended patent has been approved (through a labeling revision request via Purdue) called sNDA (supplemental new drug application). Purdue has 14 days to reply to FDA with required pre/post market studies... you can bet your butt they have that ready and waiting. Amazing what deep pockets will get you. So staggering that the public has no say against all those millions.

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MoreProblems: I too have had autoimmune problems. I have been diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome. I just read the article where the FDA has rejected generic Oxycontin. Needless to say, I'm furious! Something has to be done. Maybe we can start a FB page and get signatures. Do you have any idea how long this extension is for? I'm praying it's only a few months and not until 2025. OMG! I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good, but I was praying I was wrong. Feel free to inbox me at my personal email address: {edited for privacy}

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