Will Neurontin Give False Positive On Drug Testing (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I will be going back to work and will be testing for illegal drug use. I am on Neurontin due to a medical problem. Will I get a FALSE POSITIVE result on a test for illegal drugs?

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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I'm on probation and also at a suboxone doctor so he prescribed me neurontin and I've been taking it for the last months and yesterday my drug test came positive for benzo so he told me that neurontin can cause a false positive for benzos cause I know I haven't taken any

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U just read that if you test pis for nuerontin on a stick test it could be the early onset stages of kidney disease or cardiovascular disease. I too go to the methadone clinic and after I jad my c section my drug screen came back pis for nuerontin and I don't take it at all so I'm like really confused as to why that would be in my urine. I don't know if any drugs they gave me in the hospital metabolize into it or what. Kinda lije how heroin turns into codeine then into morphine6. I'm just dumbfounded as to why gabapentin is in my system... but they changed the way they do drug testing. Its more detailed now and they test for levels of drugs because drugs stay in peoples systems for diff amts of time and this way they can see if the levels are going down. But ya I'm puzzled as to why gabapentin showed up

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Many typos I apologise. It should start off with I not U and pis is supose to be pos (positive)

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I'm on methadone and at the moment im being detoxed due to a positive benzo test. Since im being dropped down on my dose i've been taking neurotin (gagbapentin) to help with withdrawal, will this cause me to test positive for benzos? I see the doc Thursday so i would love to know if i can possibly show dirty for benzos due from taking neurotin. Plz help me, plz.

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Who told you that you would get a false positive. please i need to know.

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my meds have been changed so many times,but the one constant med is neurotin yet my drug screens keep coming back with different things like weed which I don't do I don't know what is going on I was taken off my zanax because five test came back with something different and no Xanax how does that happen

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I am on probation. I do not and have not had anything in my system for 2 years. I haven't failed a drug test in two years. I was told that neurotin did not come bk in a test. And I took one Friday and had a drug test today(Thursday) been 6 days. And I failed for benzos!! So do not take neurotin if u have a drug test!!

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Can gabapintin mes up a oxycoden test and get positive for morphine

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Pls look into the pots there self as being round use of these urine pots on a regular basis a lot give off false readings I have took nothing and used these pots myself as people complaining and I come back positive for benzodiazepines / codine then again on second come back positive for cannabis!!! 3rd time lucky negative it was the pots being used from a certain companies pls look into this

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Rick & anyone else concerned with testing dirty on a urine or mouth swab drug test. If you know you've not taken the drug you're accused of, demand a blood test. Both those methods are notoriously prone to give false positive result. You don't have to accept that kind of bull and you don't want it in your medical record. I was shocked the day my Dr came in and asked if I was taking oxycodone in addition to the morphine he prescribed. He's the one who told me about the false positive which he believed happened in my case. It devastated me nonetheless! I went home and did research, finding out just how common it is!

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No i gave some to my husband and he got drug tested the next day and came back positive for opiates and benzos and he refuses to take pain pills

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Hey just because it didn't happen to you ,doesn't mean it won't happen with someone else.Are you reading the other posts???..it DOESN'T happen..

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I'm so upset I just lost my take homes for neurontin and I've never taken it in my life! What the hell is going on?

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My son was in jail and tested false positive. They took his commissary and put him in clinic for a week. He kept saying he was innocent. When it was sent out it did come back negative. Today his suboxone clinic doc wants to put him back on it but I am petrified that it will be positive again at probation and he will go straight to jail.

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I would tell him not to take it then. It's not worth his freedom. I've read and seen wherethis drug will show false positives. I would not risk it if I was him, especially it being my freedom. Best of luck to you two! Let me know how it went.

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my son and i did. I fought like a dog and he did too but it did not matter because he was in jail and treated like a liar for a whole week. He was made to suffer for something he did not do. I went to our lawyer but geuss what, that all takes time. They refused to give him a blood test. You have no control if you are in there. Too bad for you. Thank God it came back negative when it was sent out but that was a week later for the results. The wardens response: Well you have to understand that was not a normal around here, most inmate aren't honest.

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Steven, I was taking Neurontin for neuropathic pain and I noticed that the higher dosages would cause munchies and other effects like those you get from MJ. At a later point my son was prescribed Neurontin for pain associated to brain surgery and I asked his neurosurgeon (out of Burlington, VT) if he could tell me exactly what the ingredients in the drug were. He went on to check a drug book he has and could not find the ingredients, however he told me that the one thing it said was that a person would TEST POSITIVE for marihuana while taking Neutontin.

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800mg neurontin 6 times a day? Is this prescribed? Yes it can cause false positives. If it's prescribed just let the lab people, or person know you are taking it. If it's illecit then you have a problem

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What's mj stand for I wanted to know what Gabapentin shows up as a false positive for I heard it was for methamphetamines is that true

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I took a drug test while on a prescribed gabapentin/neurontine & it gave me a false/positive on opiates. They sent it away. So I think your boyfriends telling the truth. : )

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