Why Is Chantix Not Working Faster For Me? (Page 2)
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I'm almost finished with my 3rd week of pills and still need a couple of cigs a day. They do not smell or taste bad to me at all. I've read where many people are totally free in just days....am I just a slow learner!!
I'm experiencing something I haven't 'heard' others say, and that is that I'm smoking MORE on Chantix. It's as if I switched to Virginia Slims! I smoke Pall Mall Red non-filters. Back when hubby smoked, if I ran out I would smoke his non-filter camels, and they would make me smoke more, because they were too weak!
As far as side effects go, I'm really not having any on the 5th day on Chantix, not even vivid dreams. My mouth waters like crazy!
Personally, I believe that the pill doesn't really have all of those side effects to begin with, I think it's the withdrawals that causes problems/symptoms. If someone is hardly depressed, well not smoking is going to make them worse, etc. etc.
It's driving me crazy smoking more than normal! At least when one goes cold turkey, there last cigarette is heavenly!
Yes, I'm having the same problems. Actually, I'm going to start my third 3-month session! Although I haven't quit smoking yet, I am smoking way less -- from 1-1/2 packs a day to only 6 per day. And I never finish a whole cigarette. For this reason alone, I don't want to stop taking the medication. I have contacted the pharmaceutical company about this and my understanding is that you can take Chantix for as long as it takes.
I'm on my 5th week of Chantix. I'm not really having any bad side effects, except for not sleeping well. My cardiologist offered me the Chantix. I've smoked for almost 50 years. He suggested while I was smoking on the Chantix, to not use my favorite brand of cigarettes, so I used Salem menthols which I hate. At the end of 2 weeks, I was still smoking and was beginning to wonder if it was even going to work for me. Though, I was down to only 4 cigs a day. I'd been a pack to pack and a half a day. Five days later, I got up, and said,"I don't think I need to smoke anymore." Those Salems were so nasty, they made me sick to even think about smoking. I've had a few slips,(take 5 puffs and put it out), but for the most part I've been quit for 2 1/2 weeks. I do still get the urge, I bought a 0 nicotine e-cig, I'll puff on, but not inhale, that helps. This drug to me is a miracle. I like the energized feeling, I don't feel foggy, but some say I'm a little bit irritable- which I think comes from not sleeping well. I've really been having night sweats as part of my sleeping problem. No weird dreams or thoughts. My appetite seems to have increased. Everything tastes so much better now. I'm having quite some weight gain I'm not happy about, but one problem at a time. I'm so happy to say I'm not a smoker anymore.
I am on my second 12-weeks if treatment and I am STILL SMOKING, although I've cut down enough where I really don't want to stop taking it. Am in the process of finding out if I can continue to take it with no ill effects. I'm still saving a ton of money, and I feel I need to think on the positive side. I'm still waiting for the drug to make me feel that I don't need to smoke, though.
I was able to smoke while taking Chantix and did so for approximately a month and a half but less and less during that month and a half. Along with the Chantix and my desire to quit I did but the urges were there during the times I was on Chantix for six months. I quit it's been 2 years now but the urges or as I say habit is still there mentally I just replaced it with something else. I go for a walk or exercise or work on a project but tell myself NO SMOKING YOU DON"T SMOKE. It is not easy to quit as I tried gum and patches and everything but Chantix was the only thing that actually helped me to quit and I smoked since I was 14 and well over 50 now so I had a life long habit to break and as I said it wasn't easy. Many of my family and friends said they never thought I would quit but again it was a combination of my DESIRE to be a non smoker and the Chantix and I did. I also at first was nauseated but rode that out and I did sleep a bit more and that was alright with me since it meant I wasn't smoking and I drank a lot of water to flush out my body of the toxins of nicotine. Everytime after I no longer smoked and I'd get an urge I would just put it out of my mind and go do something else also remind myself of how I no longer smelled like an ashtray and my house didn't have the nicotine all over my belongings. Keep taking it and as time passes you will stop. Get rid of your ashtrays, and change what you do in the morning when you first wake up; if you reached for a cig then put a lifesaver on your night stand and pop it into your mouth. Take deep cleansing breaths over and over and feel the new lung capacity and enjoy being a non smoker.
Thank you for posting! I'm on my second week and still smoking. Just like you though, it has cut down in half and the urges are less. I'm go glad to hear that it's not only me that didn't have that magic day 8. I did read the medicine can take two weeks to build up in your system. I'm staying with it also. I found it is easier this week to distract myself and do something else without that panic, gotta have a smoke feeling.
My fiancé and I are dealing with the same thing!!! The first time I was very effective. 3 days and we were done! This time I am 3 weeks into it and $180.00 and still smoking!!!! Much less, but I am ready to be done and just need that extra push I was needing from Chantix!!
This is my second time taking chantix and I had to quit the first time years ago because the nausea was so bad I just couldn't tolerate it! This time I had the dr prescribe me zofran (anti-nausea medication). I take this 20 to 30 mins prior to the chantix. It is working great!!! Once and awhile i still get nauseous but not even close to how bad it was before! I actually had a lot of nausea related other meds I take prior to beginning the chantix and this medication has helped greatly. Don't give up because of the nausea. Speak to your dr, they can help you. I just wish I would have done that the first time! At that time I was able too quit for 1 1/2 months!! As soon as I stopped the med I went right back to smoking :-(. Good luck!! And stay positive!!
I have used Chantix for dipping and it worked. I was foolish enough to think that I could start again and control my self dipping and I became addicted again, so I am about to try Chantix again and I hope I get the same results. I had been quit about 10 months before I started again. It does work and I hope it works for you.
Today is the end of week three for me. I am almost completely smoke free. I REALLY wanted this.
I think, and I could be wrong, that sitting around and waiting to completely lose the impulse to smoke is where people are going wrong. I still have cravings though the chantix lessens the strength quite a bit. It's gotten now to where I am only really having cravings in response to higher than usual stresses usually.
I am disabled and don't work so I am at home alot. I have eliminated all cigarettes from my home..not there. If I have a craving it's just too dang bad...can't help. I also made a rule for myself that I must not buy any more packs...no matter what. If I have them, I'll smoke them and keep this thing going. I figure if I smoke it will be a bummed cig from a stranger, they'll go and I"ll go and I'll be pushed back into not having cigs when I finish it. Since I only go out about once a week...it's pretty hard to maintain an addiction on that,
Chantix is not a magic pill....it helps...it takes you halfway but you still have to actively push it the rest of the way yourself. I am having a cig or a part cig maybe once a week. I am going to have to actively fight that next now that I got home figured out.
Also what helped me is I dropped from 2 packs a day to 10 cigs a day in the week before I started Chantix. The Chantix came in just when I was worn out and ready to break. I had a pack of cigs on day 7 and I told myself that I could have those, finish the pack then that was it, no more packs. It wasn't nearly as bad as I've known it to be from attempts before.
Those people that are on a couple a day, for goodness sake, make the no pack rule for yourselves and force it back. You're so dang close.
I am on my 11th day of Chantix. I smoked for 29 years and have never really tried quitting. Even through 4 pregnancies I only cut down. I smoked normal the first day, finished that pack and bought another the next day. That pack lasted 3 days and I haven't smoked since. The smell of cigarettes doesn't bother me, but the smell of people who smoke does. I am on Celexa (daily) and Xanax (as needed and I haven't had a Xanex in a week). I don't drink coffee and haven't been able to exercise since I have a boot on my foot at this time. I don't think I have had any bad side effects as of yet. A few very vivid dreams and upset stomach when I take them. I take sleeping pills now and the dreams haven't come back and I just eat right after I take the pills. I have been coughing a lot of mucus up that is just gross! And have had a stuffy runny sneezing nose. But those are all getting better now too. I don't crave a cigarette but I do think " I should be smoking now" and that has been when I get anxious and have to do something else to occupy myself. Gum and candy and my new "forget me nots". My mom died almost 6 years ago of lung cancer and I have wanted to quit since then, but didn't want to try and not be able to for my fathers sake. I had to have my mind ready.
Kathy, I would call the doctor and ask him if it is ok to take another pill. I personally wouldn't. Give Chantix a try for another week or so.
I would ask your Dr. If it is.
I am on day 9 and still don't have the urge to quit. I just have to be patient. I'm only smoking about 3 a day or I take a couple puffs here and there because of the craving.
You also have to have a lot of will power. I have had dreams and have had a hard time sleeping. Hopefully this will all change soon. My husband got pneumonia last year, so he's been smoke free for a year!! Good luck to everyone, and don't give up!!!
That's what I want to try as well. This is my second try at quitting with Chantix. The first time was last year and I was under a lot of stress. I had bad mood changes and some depression (minimal). So I'm trying again but I'm on week 6 and I still have my AM, drive from work, and evening smoke and one or two more, but significantly down in consumption!! I just want someone to say it is safe to take 1 mg x 3 per day. Or even .50mg and two 1mg.
Going on 4 weeks now. Was nauseated somewhat for a few days and it passed. Can't say the desire to quit has left. Still need to smoke but don't want to. I've tried EVERY product out there to try to quit but to no avail...Chantix is my last option. What am I doing wrong?
I wish i had a good note to write but I dont. I stayed on course for 3 weeks. suffered alot of nausea that only a prescription would help. I reached a point after 2 weeks where cigs tasted bad but not bad enough. On the 4th week, the real problems started. Heart pounding, anxiety attacks, panicky feelings. I had to stop taking Chantix completely. It felt like that ride up the first hill of a roller coaster, i was full of hope, but then i teetered at the top for a few days, then it was a plunge into a bad depression and panic attacks. Now im still smoking and have to see a Pdoc to get anti anxiety and depression meds. With this said, these are all side affects of Chantix for SOME people, and I stress "some". Unfortunately for me i was one of those. I have and I know people who took it, it worked, and they are still smoke free today. I hope for all of you who are trying, that it works. Unless you feel the side affects that I did, stay on it, keep the FAITH!!... You just might be one of the winners!
I'm on day 4 with my pack. I haven't really felt any differently about cigarettes, I can't quit smoking them it seems. I mean, I usually smoke a pack a day..so now I have made one pack last two days. That was me being aware I'm trying to quit, though. Ugh. I hope it starts working soon.
Today is my quit day. First time on Chantix. My only side affect has been nausea. Bad nausea! Dreams were not bad, just silly. However, i am not ready to stop today. I have cut my smoking in half after 43years in this past days, so I am more than proud of myself. i refuse to feel like aloser cause i didnt quit when they say to. My body will do it when it is ready. EAch day I dislike the taste and smell more. Each day i dont have the urge i used to have. Just one less urge each day means one less cigarette! If it takes 2 weeks instead of one. So what!. Im hanging in there and I hope all of you do too. good luck to all of us. DONT GIVE UP!!.......
Thank you for the encouragement!
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