White Xanax Gg 249 (Page 12)
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How can you tell if gg 249 are a good brand?

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There is no way that I know of to determine if the 2 mg. white bar (which should divide into four parts) is actually the real thing ... especially Brand-Name ... NOT generic. The brand-name medication is about 10 times stronger than the generic. The only place outside of the USA where I get Brand-Name Xanax (only) is a trip down to Tijuana, Mexico. I live in San Diego, CA.

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Are you sure the real ones have a closed 4 like this 4?? Cause that's what I have.

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Wow this is crazy...As long as I have been prescribed this medication I've never received a fake pill until I got these Xanax. I didn't notice it at first because they look so much like the real ones! Sure enough I look on the computer and these fake ass Xanax are all over the computer! How do the make them and who is doing it? Are they coming from real pharmacys or online ones? I am blown!!!!!!!!

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The fake gg249's have an open 4 on them the real ones have a closed for like the one on your computer e.g. 4

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Xanax (alprazolam) especially the 2mg bars have been bogus, fake and sold online for years. I even had a shipment of this come to a Walmart Pharmacy once without the active ingredient (alprazolam) in it. Diverted my guess. Manufactured illegally...substituted whatever. Hand-pressed into a fake tablet. You name it ... its happened to this med.

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i have a prescription for them and i get them from an online pharmacy whose name should be widely known as a rip off, not only did they short me by two pills but they didn't even provide me with sleep aid or anxiety relief.

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Top Answer
Based on the description and imprint, according to the U.S. FDA, this is a 2mgs Alprazolam tablet, the active ingredient in Xanax. (NDC 0781-1089).

GG 249 white tablet

Inactive Ingredients:

- Microcrystalline Cellulose
- Docusate Sodium
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Magnesium Stearate
- Sodium Benzoate
- Corn Starch

I've not heard of any counterfeit tablets being on the market with this marking. It is more common to get tablets that you are told are one thing and then find out you've been given something else.

Where were they obtained?
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