White Oxycodone With 325 10 Rp! They're All The Same
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All the 10 mg Percocets work the same unless they are fake. U shouldn't be messing with pills if u don't know what you're talking about!! If u got an rx from a real dr then u got nothing to worry about. I've had every single 10mg there is and they all work the same so stop crying!
5 Replies
Re: Lisa (# 4)
Yep Aurobindo had to stop making adderall theirs was so bad. I don’t know if it was the filler they were using or what but it gave me terrible headaches and shakiness and it didn’t help my ADHD symptoms. I would rather take nothing than that brand so I’m glad they stopped making it.
Re: Sissy (# 2)
If you read some of the bad stories on where some drugs are made like in India - One of these places have only been in business for less than 2 years and the F.D.A. has found them in violation (sited) 27 times. Yet they are still making these poisonous pills, sending them to a distributor in N.J., and pharmacies are still selling them because they are cheap for these pharmacies (drug stores). If I hadn't figured out what was making me so very sick, I think I would be dead now. I felt like I has been poisoned. You better google what drug companies you can trust. This may be the cause for some of the deaths people are talking about.
Re: Sissy (# 2)
That's easy to say if you haven't walked in their shoes.. i.e. gotten a generic that doesn't relieve your debilitating pain or mind crippling panic/anxiety.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
This is true but you are going to feel very little of a difference with these numbers! I'm sorry but if someone is worried about what brand is stronger than then other that's pretty bad ;/
Unfortunately, this is not true.
According to the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient(s). The FDA considers this to be an acceptable therapeutic window and it was put in place to help bring generics to market faster, to create competition and try to keep prices lower.
They also do not have to measure against each other, only against the name brand. So, while the differences are small, which means many people never notice, some people are sensitive to any slight fluctuation in their medications, so they may end up with generics that are low in the amount of the active ingredient(s) and, as a result, it they don't work for them.
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