White Oblong Pill With 911joo Printed On One Side


Found an oblong white pill with 911JOO on one side and the other side is blank. I was wondering what it was?

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Hi Rob,

Based on the description provided, the closest match I'm finding online is a white oblong shaped pill marked with "cor 116" on one side and blank on the other. Holding it upside down would resemble the 911... Is it possible that the imprint could've been misinterpreted? Sometimes that happens when the marking fades or gets smudged off, so I have to wonder as there are no other relevant matches I'm seeing with a similar imprint to that.

At any rate, the pill I found is identified as a 650mg extended release Tylenol (Acetaminophen).

NDC: 63868-089

You can view an image of the pill "here". Notice how the lowercase "r" resembles a "J" when turned upside down and that the "o" after it fits the second part of the imprint, while the third letter "c" is somewhat closed off, resembling another "o" depending on its clarity/condition of the pill.

Does anyone else recognize this tablet as being something different?

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I found the same white oblong tablet marked 911 JOO. Would like to know what it is.

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It is an extended release Acetaminophen in the 650mg. I just picked up a brand new prescription for it yesterday.

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This medication is an over the counter generic formulation for what's better known as TYLENOL (Acetaminophen). Recent guidelines recommend that individuals not exceed a certain dosage in a 24 hour period. Continued use of acetaminophen should be carefully monitored by your medical provider. Follow all dosage directions carefully.

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