White Xanax Gg 249 Are They Real (Page 2)
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I have bars with gg249 on them but the other side looks like it's coated or something. Are they real?
Yes you can get off any pill it's all mind over matter don't let the drug do you.you should learn to control the drug also try different activities like baseball games football games going out more learning how to cope with life that invovlve around you buddy also try cutting the zanax in half in only take a half in see do you feel any different it will wound you off slowly but having people with low self esteem about there self in there life around you sorry you would never get off fill your cup up with joy friends who admire your presence in your conversation in want judge you hope I helped you life is great enjoy it while we here. Patrick Phx,Az
Girl or boy you have been on them 3 months and are having issues bless your hear and all that jazz but try 11 years and then see how bad you need to just simply get your ass off them
Since they are fake they are made worldwide by different people, some are hard, some are soft, some are real, some are not, I could go on....
Are these fake xanex hard to crush in a pill crusher?
Clonapin works good but your Dr should start you at a higher dose until the xanax is out of your system, maybe 2mg 2x daily for a month then step down, xanax is the worst but you can get off clonapin or Valium much easier, just don't stop suddenly
I was told that ppl got there hands on presses and they faked them
Thank you, same to you. Also every month I have to go through this at the methadone clinic and every single time I see her she wants to know have I gotten to talk to my doctor and told him that I'm going to the clinic. Finally I told her I'm trying to detox myself and I'm not going to the doctor anymore. She said that that's not the way to do it and to go back to the doctor and try and detox through the doctor because I keep coming up positive for benzos on my monthly urine. I don't know what to do because she keeps pushing the issue and I've told her I have been on xanax for 8 years now and I am not going to stop taking them or detox. I've had seizures and there is no way I'm going through that again. I don't believe they can force me to sign a consent form. If she keeps asking I'm just going to tell her that I'm still not going to the doctor and I'm not able to do it because my insurance was cancelled for nonpayment and I don't have the money to get it back right now. So that's the only thing I can think of to do. God bless you. I hope you have better luck than I'm having. I definitely think the clinic is better for getting methadone than suboxone. I have been on both. Suboxone I did not like at all and went straight back to methadone. And I have yet to find a doctor that will give me methadone and xanax regardless of how long I've been on both of them. I don't take my xanax for recreational enjoyment, I take them because I have to because of ptsd and I take them responsibly and I take them at the time I'm supposed to. I don't run out any month. I don't sell any. I don't do any of that stuff. So I wish they would just leave me alone and let me take my medication the way I'm supposed to. It's ridiculous the s*** they make you go through!!
I'm not sure who you were referring to but if it was beesarah you are probably wrong. She gets them legitimately with a Rx, there are real GG249s, yes there are plenty of any type fake "bars" with any and all imprints. Some are exactly what you say. People mail order them from India. Others are pill pressed usually with any combo of talc, trazadone even cofentanyl. Crazy what people will do for money.
Suboxone is STRICTLY for OPIATE WITHDRAWAL. You could possibly kill this person if they listened to your dumba** advice. And trust me, I WOULD KNOW. Anyone would know. Do some simple research, you were on suboxone and they stopped your withdrawal because you were on oxy and morphine - opiates.
I'm having the exact same problem they also keep threatening me if I don't sign a consent forum but I don't believe they can force you to sign it can they??
God bless you hun God was deffentley with you I also have sieziers bad ones and been in a pain Dr for over 18 yrs I'm 51 yrs old was on methadone over 18 yrs my pain Dr put me on suboxone I don't like it n they keep threating me to take me off meds cause of taken XanAx just wanted to say God bless you
After reading these post I'm still confused. I took one 30 min to an hour and still don't feel anything ... are they real or fake ??
I think if you have a plan for how long you want to be on it and how many mgs you want to be on and stick to that you'll be fine. I got on it when I got off opiates but I never went past 80mgs and was off in a yr.
Personally methadone saved my life. I've been on a lower dose of 75mgs for the past 5 years almost. I'm a recovering addict, with opiates being my biggest demon while dabbling in Benzos. It's helped tremendously with cravings, getting my sleep cycle back to normal, not to mention helped a lot with night terrors & insomnia, any muscle/joint pain, depression, anxiety. Only downfall is weight gain which I don't think many would be too happy about. But I am at a much healthier weight than before I had got on methadone maintenance. Just be careful if you do go to a clinic because I've noticed over my 5yrs of going there's a good handful that continue to take benzos with it because of increasing the euphoria. So there's also a downfall of getting sucked into it. But I was strong willed & knew that's not the road I wanted to return down.
You mean klonopin? Are you subscripted to these? Just wondering since you didn't spell your own medication correctly.
Yes, I've never personally heard of anyone's doctor unless it being a shady doctor raise someone's xanax/benzo dose that high in such a short period.. not good. That's a sure way to cause addiction which is no joke. Especially with Xanax. I know the day after I would take them I'd remember little to nothing.
Yes hunny if you are on that many a day everyday then yes your a druggy 100%
Counterfeit xanax GG249 (4 is open) is mixed with a sedative like drug that starts with a p and induces drowsiness and other effects that are manufactured in India for 10 cents a pill to 38 cents.
I take Xanax two milligram and I get the white ones. Mine says g3722 and four scores on the other side. These are real aren't they? There are so many counterfeit ones going around that have Xanax written on them and I do mine so I know when they're counterfeit. I don't know why people do that. I know they do it for the money obviously but they could really hurt someone. I've been on them for years and without them I have seizures.
street guy is right though this is a great way to check and c your not ripped off
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