White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 7)


I just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?

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I'm sorry too....but ya got admit it was too easy. :P LOL!

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christal,I couldn't have said it better myself.Thank you.These insults and name calling needs to stop.We are adults here and we are here for the same reasons.I hope the complaint I filed with the FDA helps.There needs to be an investigation.No one can make me believe it's all in our heads.

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Just a thought, but has anyone thought of possibly going on Vicodin?? I realize it is still hydrocodone, and has more acetiminiphine in it, but it is possible the doctor may switch you if your pain is not being controlled by this new Norco. Like I said, just a thought. Good luck.

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I researched the ingredients claimed in both the yellow & white watson on the govt website. The difference I can find between the the two is the Yellow dye & Aluminum oxide. I don't believe the addition or subtraction of these two ingredients would so fundamentally alter the medication, which leads to my conclusion. The pharm. company is telling the pharmacists to relay to patients that all they did was take out the yellow dye, its what they are not saying that is likely key. They never addressed the fact that the quality or various quantity of the respective ingredients that make up the medication has been changed. We dont know of they have put in inferior active or inactive ingredients or at what measurement of each. I have blind tested the medication between the "old" yellow ones and the "new " white ones, Lets just say I picked which is which 100%

I am looking to change my refills to a new manufacturer, this is what I need help with, what are peoples thoughts of any of the generic alternatives offered by other companies?

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Supposedly Qualitest (sp) is the preferred generic from what I have read. Watson was in close running, but now with the yellow going white, they are not. Milikraut (sp) is by far the most awful IMO as when I took Norco I was given Milikraut at one time and they were very weak compared to Watson. I am shocked that Watson would lower their standards as they are or were the preferred generic. You can google preferred generic Norco and get some info. Good luck.

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I just want to add in another voice. I was given the whites for my refill after being on the yellow for almost a year. There is absolutely a huge difference with the whites. I have been feverish, nauseated, fatigued and in so much more pain with these. I thought I had caught a bug from my kids until this evening when I took a yellow I had from last month. I typically don't take more than 3 yellow in a day, but am allowed up to 6. I have taken 6 whites today with NO RELIEF. I finally switched to the old bottle and whatdyaknow... Relief. This is absolutely criminal if true.
A note about the feud on this forum: I, too, was a graduate with a degree in psychology. Julie - I believe you have some ulterior motives on this forum. Being in the medical profession, you believed you could come on here and be seen as knowledgable... That people would be just dying to hear the latest news from your professional research... That you would get the validation you so desperately crave. "I spoke to a colleague.." And "I'll let you know what I can find out" are signs that you want to be THE expert on here. This is likely a childhood issue.. You need to examine it if you are to remain in a helping profession. If you are looking for validation or respect, look elsewhere. You are not a chemist working at Watson, you are not a doctor, and you are not behaving as an adult. Munchausen syndrome by Proxy is coming to mind... Your husband might be taking too much attention, so you come on here to have people listen and give you attention. Please get help and do not ever belittle another person to gain credibility. It does not work.

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Look, that feud is over and I did not even read your entire post. We have ended that and you have no right no start it up....so don't. I am in agreement about the whites as I have spoken with patients. Please don't reply to me and don't start up a feud that is over. You are wrong and must like drama. As for the rest of you, I am enjoying conversing with you. Julie

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By the way, Rosey Rose. I have reported your post as inappropriate. This drama has been over for some time and you started it up. Why? If your read ALL the posts you would have seen we are all fine now. I think you need to get help and analyze why you would start chaos on a forum that was resolved.

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Thank you,RoseyRose.Very well said.I knew something wasn't right with her.She struck me as a very unhappy person and one seeking attention.I thought she was having a temper tantrum when she posted she was not coming back again,then turned around and came right back.I sincerely hope she does get the help she needs and can become a happier person.
I'm sorry you were still in pain after taking those white one's.It's been an absolute nightmare for me as well,I thought at first that I was coming down with something,too.I tried to explain this to my doctor and my pharmacist and the reactions were the same.It's all in my head because of the change in color.If they could feel the pain I've been in just for one hour while on the whites compared to the blue's,I'm sure they would change their minds.Something has got to be done about this.It is criminal what is happening for so many people.I live in a small town and my choices are to either keep taking the white's or pay a hefty price for the pink's,which I cannot afford.I'm struggling every day with the simplest tasks now.I don't know what to do anymore.

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Amanda, Re: PM. I thought that was going to be my only choice next! I have since, last Thursday, seen my surgeon and low & behold, I need another surgery! So, chronic pain my a$$! Some docs just don't listen so I took it upon myself and made the appt w my surgeon. So glad I did!

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Tracy,I'm so glad you can avoid pm! I actually feel relieved.I'm sorry your facing another surgery,but Bless your heart, this may make all the difference for you.I'm keeping you in my prayers and my thoughts.I hope you'll keep me updated as well as the other's here who care and understand.I have to applaud you for taking matters into your own hands because sometimes doctor's won't listen.I did that with my previous doctor.In fact,I fired him because he had one mindset and it was doing more harm than good.His nasty temper didn't help his cause either.I also googled him and it wasn't very good.Have you done that with your doctor? The AMA can reveal a lot.Thank you for letting me know you do not have to go to pm.You go girl! I'm proud of you.

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Hi Tracy,I'm so happy you don't have to go to pm! Good for you.I sent an earlier message to you but I guess it didn't go through.I'm sorry your facing surgery again,but if this makes a difference in your pain level then it will be so worth it.Please keep me informed as well as the rest of us who understand and care.I'm so proud of you! You go girl! Thank you for letting me know about this.

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You strike me as a b****. Tom upset me and it is over; You two must be about 12. Anyway, best of luck Tracey....And I chose to come back because I want to research different aspects of pain management, etc. You wouldn't understand. And as for being happy! I have a wonderful husband, three beautiful grown daughters, a great career and I am so very blessed. But we all get outside ourselves at times. Please don't keep this going because no one cares anymore but you two children....

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I am happy for you also Tracy and I do care as well. Good luck to you........:)

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You must be about 18. Quit egging this on, it is over and I am here and not going anywhere....I am happier and more blessed than you will ever know....when someone keeps a situation going, it is them that is unhappy and a chaos starter... Good bye to you little girl. Get help.

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Has anyone had any experience with Amneal IP 110, a generic Norco?

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Hi WebHead: It seems Watson was preferred over Amneal at one time, but now who knows. I do not have experience taking it, but am aware of this brand of Norco. One of my clients told me he became very sick from the white Watson pills now in production, so with that being said, it is apparently inferior to its predecessor. The hype was there was no difference, and I see that is untrue. Even my colleagues have come to agreement on this after much controversy. We counsel everyone from the mentally ill to substance abuse, to those in depression from chronic pain, etc. As I said this is becoming huge and the more complaints filed, the better. I hope you find answers. Take care and good luck to you.

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It would seem that generic yellow Watson was preferred over all other manufacturers.

The new white norco's are considerably less effective for any pain relief and any relief it does provide is short lived, coupled with the side effects, at least for me are, drowsiness, head feels foggy, (best way I can describe it) some irritability, and heartburn

The old yellow norco's, excellent pain effectiveness, increased energy, clear minded & focused, contributed to providing better quality of life under terrible circumstances.

Pain is insidious! It can be so bad, that you can't think straight, and are unable to focus on anything, I suppose that goes to my point in some way about being clear minded and focused, as the medication was so effective

To say that Watson, became Actavis, in January of 2913, could not have altered this medication to make it inferior either by accident or intentionally, I call your attention to news today regarding Ranbaxy, a maker of Generic drugs who pled guilty on Monday to drug safety violations and will pay $500 million in fines! thus anything is possible. Do a Google search, you will find it

I am going to switch manufacturers soon, I will not get Mallinkrodt, so I am considering Qualitest or Amneal.

It is frustrating and a shame, that I finally found something that worked, at a reasonable cost, and helped provide me the ability to have some quality of life, only to be back at square one, as after having taken other generic norcos, Watson was superior, however that has now passed.....

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Webhead - I was given the Amneal 10/325 back in December. I called the pharmacist after 3 days of pretty rough pain. I wasn't in withdrawal, but the pain was dramatic enough that I knew something had changed. The pharmacists never seem to verify concerns for patients. Grumble. I was told he had been getting them for a long time with no complaints. I find that very hard to believe, but I didn't think to call the Mfr at that point.
As for the Watson whites, I am going to lodge a complaint tomorrow. I have been in hell this last week because I also rec'd Mylan fentanyl patches that are not sticking this month, which has never happened with Mylan. I thought I had the flu, but didn't put it together that my patches falling off and separating from my skin might be putting me into WD. Sheesh. Not my month. With two toddlers running around, it takes every ounce of my energy to change a diaper right now.
For those who have actually called Watson: what has their response been? I have to say I get anxious calling about bad medication after my experiences with pharmacists making me feel like an idiot for questioning the quality of a medication. You'd think they would at least rec that I call the Mfr. Think it's an ego thing?
As for Julie's little feud and whatnot - I am not a dramatic person at all. I dislike that anyone on a forum like this would bring stress and negativity (saying something is psychological, for example) when people like myself are already dealing with enough of that day-to-day as our bodies are failing us.

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I agree with you they feel less effective. I think they changed more than the color and are just saying that it was the color.
They were still not as bad as the mallinkrodt brand

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